Fortunately, I’ve never had problems with my children getting out of their beds after they were tucked in for the night.
Until now.
My youngest, who just turned 5, has started having “bad dreams”. Unfortunately, this nighttime angst of his always seems to occur a mere 30 MINUTES before my alarm is set to go off. Still half asleep, I usually mumble to him to go back to bed and “think of good things. Please.”
He wanders back to his bed. And then returns. Again and again and again.
Until it’s just easier to let his little body slip into bed with us. And by this time? I’m due to be up in 10 minutes anyway.
I’m not sure if it’s just a phase, or it’s becoming a new habit, but I know I need to make it stop. He’s coming up with more and more creative “bad dreams” that cause him to wake me at 4:30am.
Just this morning, it was, “Momma? I hadda bad dream. Can the big bad wolf really come and blow our house down?”
Perhaps I should stop reading The Three Little Pigs before bedtime.
Are your children night wakers? What do you do?
My son has ALWAYS had sleep issues but my daughter has been a dream…until now! She is suddenly having nightmares, screaming out and needing cuddles to settle. I know it is just a phase but, man, is it exhausting.