Last Thursday night, I saw George Michael in concert at the Air Canada Center in Toronto. It was amazing! Older, wiser and greyer, George is still gorgeous with a pristine voice like velvet. He still has awesome dance moves and was all over the stage with boundless energy. The show was unbelievable – really a one-man performance with the band very much in the background.
George was front and center singing his heart out. He sang almost all his hits, and came out for 3 encores. The stadium was full, and people, including me, were oscillating between tears and exhuberant joy brought on by the powerful music. It was a strong dose of nostalgia – "Careless Whisper" carried me back to being a pre-teen in my peach bedroom listening to music in bed (it was love at first sight for me when I first glimpsed George in the white knee socks in the video), "Too Funky" reminded me of dancing at Gert’s Pub in my first year at McGill University; and "Fast Love" is the anthem for my first year of law school, where I was not only inculcated into the world of legal scholarship, but also the world of Toronto dance clubs!
Within moments of the concert’s beginning, I was transported away from the world of diapers, play dates and midnight feeds. For over three hours, my husband and I didn’t stop grooving and were dripping in sweat! I was screaming "George, I love you!" and didn’t care who heard me!
Here’s a YouTube clip from his current tour!
George (as i now call him!) was reminiscing about that very same concert in Toronto 20 years ago – can you believe it’s been that long since he toured? Unfortunately, 20 years ago, i was in hign school in rural new Brunswick where the only band that ever played was some metal group named Pantera – ick.
Yup, I remember that 20 years ago concert, Jen, and then a girls’ weekend at the cottage playing “Faith” over and over (and over) again!
I was there & feel exactly the same – was one of THE BEST NIGHTS I had in a while. I went with my sister’s & a couple of friends & it felt so good to dance all night long! I was still pumped up when I got home & couldn’t fall asleep at 2am.
I too am insanely jealous!! I just said to the hubby last night how much I would have loved to see George in his last hoorah. Let’s just hope it truly isn’t his last hoorah. But kudos to him if it is for doing it on his terms.
My memory of George was one (exceedingly) long car ride down to Florida one Christmas with my yellow “sport” walkman playing the Faith album the entire time. I think I could still recite all of the words to every song on that album.
So glad you got out for some grown up time. And what a fun time it looks like it was!!!
OMG Amreen!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE GM!! I am SO very jealous right now!!
I saw him in concert…ummmm…20 years ago {gulp} and it was amazing!