A couple months ago Sean took Cuyler for a haircut and it didn’t go very well.
I chalked it up to Sean’s not telling the girl about Cuyler having autism.
A few days ago I took Cuyler for a haircut. It went like this:
Me: Hi. Can he get his haircut? Just a number 2 all over?
Girl: Sure. No problem.
Me: Hi. Can he get his haircut? Just a number 2 all over?
Girl: Sure. No problem.
Me: Great. Just FYI – he has autism, so he might be fidgety or jumpy and might not respond the way you expect him to.
Girl: No problem! We’ll just take our time.
Me: What’s your name?
Girl: Nicole.
Girl: Nicole.
Me: Cuy? This is Nicole. She’s going to cut your hair.
She walked us over to the chair. Showed Cuyler the clippers, turned them on and went to work. And the haircut went something like this:
Notice Cuyler even helping by folding his ear over. Atta boy! I’m positive that his cooperation had nothing to do with the promise of a new dvd and bag of skittles afterwards. Positive.
Now in fairness to Sean, this was not the same girl who cut his hair the last time.
But this girl knew going in what to expect from him.
The other girl did not know why he fidgeted, pulled away, pushed her hand or shouted “No!”
But this girl knew going in what to expect from him.
The other girl did not know why he fidgeted, pulled away, pushed her hand or shouted “No!”
It was not a good experience for either of them.
This girl knew that he might do all of that and was patient and took her time. And it turned out to be a good experience for both of them.
This is the face he makes throughout the entire haircut – while he’s not looking in the mirror exclaiming “I’m so brave!!”
Yes baby, you are so brave!
Wow, great job Cuyler!! And I agree. I’ve learned that all my son, Andrew, needs is a heads up on things. He just needs me to explain what will be happening and then, even though it may still be hard to deal with sensory wise, he can tolerate it and get through it. Whatever that may be. As for hair cuts, I’ve given going to the barber a break for a while and have been cutting his hair myself for the past few years. He’s getting so much better about it and it will soon be time to give the barber another try I think. But good for you and Cuyler on a successful hair cut, Christine.
I like that attitude! Whatever motivates a kid is what I go with…within reason of course!
I am not above bribery.
“Whatever works” is a good adage to live by. Well in our family anyways 😀
love and miss you guys!
Oh, that is soooooooo great, Christine! Smooth and easy. Love it!!
It must be spring time! Auntie Kelly says, “Hello and I love you!”
oh is he cute. You are handling it all so beautifully. The little and big things.
Love the promise of Skittles & a DVD!!
Great job Cuyler AND Nicole!
Go Cuy!!!! Love it!!
Fabulous! I can imagine that part of the anxiety for you in anticipation of these situations is the unpredictability of how Cuyler will react. Looks like he was a real trooper!