I was never a fan of reading when I was younger (I’m making myself sound old now !) but over the last couple of years I have found joy in reading and now look forward to quiet time with a good book.
Now I have to admit that I’ve always had a thing for Horror stories. I’ve read my fair share of these types of books and have enjoyed them. I guess I’ve always found it interesting how twisted a persons mind can be but on my most recent visit to my local book store I found myself opening up to other possibilities. I decided to take a walk through the once forbidden romance section. On my visit prior to this one, I had walked through the romance section and one book in particular caught my eye. Maybe it was because I had heard the movie was great or maybe because of the reviews about the author but this time I decided I would purchase “The Notebook” by Nicholas Sparks. Now I know some of you are thinking I’m way behind the times here but be patient with me, I’m new to this romance thing!
So off I went with my new book, hot water and lemon tea in hand, and sat down to read. Now I have to say I found the beginning of the book a bit of a struggle since the first couple of chapters are so long and well I have this “thing” about having to finish the chapter before I stop reading. Regardless I pushed through and I’m so glad I did. This is a great story about love in it’s purest form and I cried. I’m not sure if it’s because of how much Noah truly loves Allie or because of how he always manages to find beauty in her but I cried. Just thought I would share that with you in case you’re in need of a good love story and a good cry.
Maybe these romance are not so bad after all!