When I began my adoption adventure to Russia I started my blog “Searching for my Bird in the Nest”. I wrote it to share my journey to mamahood through international adoption. My parents have always called my sister and and I their birdies so I have kept the family tradition with the quest to find our newest addition to the family. Now, a few years later the blog title I created from my imagination is a reality and this Halloween the baby bird I dreamed of literally appeared.
I have read and reflected, journalled and discussed for years the concept of bringing dreams into reality. I have made vision boards, read the books, drummed and danced it out. I sought the guidance of Mediums and Astrologers and the support of my family and friends. I took courses, hired professionals to guide me and travelled twice to a foreign country. I have drank a lot of wine and cried on a lot of shoulders in the process.
I also met a lot of new friends along the way and am closer than ever to my old ones. I recieved the kindness and generiousity of family, friends and strangers, learned to love my own company in a foreign land and had the opportunity to take the trip of a lifetime with my sister. I experienced how one door may have to close, sometimes against my will, before the right one opens. This process renewed my belief that the power of Love can heal everything when you open up to it.
I remember reading that the formula to manifesting your heart’s desires was this:
Ask for it
You must clearly ask for it, put it out there in the Universe in a meaningful, genuine way then let it go and trust that it will come to reality.
For me it meant fully committing to my plans to adopt which meant surrendering to the experience, no matter what. The “what” for me meant the end of a relationship, changing countries and adoption agencies, renting out my house, moving in with my parents to save money and then moving in with my sister to share a household. I changed cities twice, and went into serious debt while saving up two years worth of vacation in order to travel to the orphanage. That was challenging but it was the next step that was harder.
Let it go and trust.
Oh man that’s the toughie. The only way for your heart’s desires to show up is if you truly believe at your core that it will. That means battling fear, anxiety, self doubt and my inner critic on a daily basis. It meant holding onto the belief that love conquers all.
Greet it when it arrives
The moment I met my son, it was done. Not the journey of course but the completion of the quest to find him. He was so easy to recognize and as promised by the Universe, better than I had dared to dream.
Welcome Heather and Roman! I loved this post, and look forward to reading all about your journey together.
So happy you’re on board Heather – people can learn so much by what you’ve gone through! Can’t wait to read more!!!
Aww! Welcome! He’s a sweetheart! Your journey together will be amazing and I’m looking forward to reading more!
Congrats, what a great story! Please bring your little bird (Ducky) to Just Ducky for a play on us! He’s very cute.
Well said….I’m so proud of you – CatPRrrrr (a.k.a. sister / auntie to baby bird 🙂
Welcome Heather. I also can’t wait to read more. What a cutie pie!
How exciting! I can’t wait to read more about it all, Heather. Welcome!!
Well said Heather and inspiring to all of us. No matter the quest. Your son is beautiful and your determination and faith have brought such joy, not just for you but for him and all of your family. We are all reminded that in caring for our own happiness, we make the world a better place for others too.
Welcome Heather! I am so, so excited to read more about your journey.
And could that little bird be any cuter?!