So Mike Huckabee, former presidential candidate, former Governor of Arkansas had this gem of a comment about us single mothers…
“People see a Natalie Portman who boasts, ‘We’re not married but we’re having these children and they’re doing just fine.’ I think it gives a distorted image. It’s unfortunate that we glorify and glamorize the idea of out-of- wedlock children. Most single moms are very poor, uneducated, can’t get a job, and if it weren’t for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death and never have health care. And that’s the story that we’re not seeing.”
I guess tonight while I’m scouring through my rich neighbours garbage pails looking for something to feed by poor, doomed child….Mike Huckabee and his likely BFF Ann Coulter can sit around and try and find a happy couple to raise my child. Because of course if a couple is married, they MUST be more stable than me. They MUST be better educated. They MUST make more money. They MUST not be dysfunctional at all.
When will these frustrating, ridiculous stereotypes end?
Hey Mike….does this look like a doomed child? Yeah…poor kid, he’s miserable.
Nancy – you are the greatest commenter ever…:)
of all the parents who deserve the absolute privilege of having and raising a child it is those that go through the enormous work of getting one-
IVF-the pain, the expense, the roller coaster
Adoption-and all the scrutiny around that, the long wait
single by choice- my favourite group of all, Sara, for their self knowledge and self love that they are ‘enough’
lucky boy
lucky you
thanks Desi…so sweet – I hope one day Will calls me ‘accomplished’ what an awesome compliment…I love it.
i am so glad i don’t live in his delusional world. even tho’ we are his perfect dream (married, two kids) we are not in a constant state of bliss as he, apparently, is.
what a twit.
Sara – that Will of your is so bloody cute… I would love to meet him for a minute just to give him a pinch and so he can meet my crazy clan too!! Don’t let things like this bother you. You’re a great mother!!!
I can’t weigh in on the immeasurable stupidity of Mike Huckabee and Anne Coulter ’cause I’m really working hard on not using those F-bombs, and, well….
Anywhoo, my mom has been a single mom for almost all of my 33 years. And she’s one of the most beautiful, accomplished, hard working, whole-heart loving, ROCK STARs of a mother that any kid could want. Just like you.
Eff off Mikey! And Annie too! I crush your head…I crush it!
I was always told that the road less traveled was a good thing by my mother, but
that whole right wing crowd in the States can’t handle that philosophy…Imagine
if we all adhered to the belief that we need to be married, own a home, have
2.5 kids, make over a certain amount of money and have a lexus in the driveway…
That would eliminate a good number of people in the world who are doing
‘road less traveled’ kinds of things and helping a lot of people in the process…I’ve
never been able to understand why everybody has to crowd onto the same island
when there are so many islands in sight!! I’d rather be on a different island
than risk falling off the one that everyone is hunkered down on…Too many
chances to fall off if you pin all your hopes on that one…and then how would
one feel…It’s good to break new territory!! Thank God there are more people
in Canada who understand “the different islands” philosophy!! Not all, but
I think a few more!!
Mike Huckabee makes me want to stab things.
This pic of your kid? I’m smothering my screen with little kisses right now. Muuuuuaaaah!!
Holy Crap! I hate Mike Huckabee! You rock Sara and of course so does Will! That douche-bag can suck it! Am I allowed to write that on here?