methinks a certain celebrity is going to regret getting this:
anyone want to take a stab who got herself this lame tat?? I will give a prize to the first person to get it right…(a custom made cd, made, of course, by me. just for you)
today i’m giving out awards! that was the bad tattoo award.
now, we’ve got…worst outfit of the week…and it goes to Kate Hudson:
and worst hair color of the week goes to Charlotte Church:
and worst resemblance of Lisa Rinna lip work:
and finally…the worst misuse of a brassiere award goes to Kim Kardashian:
big congrats to Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony for giving birth to Jher and Jhim just after midnight last night!
The girl was born at 12:12am and weighed 5lbs 7oz, with the boy following at
12.23am, weighing 6lbs.
Lopez’s manager Simon Fields told People: "Jennifer and Marc are
delighted, thrilled and over the moon."
who watched:
Kate’s son is Aaron. Kate’s son is Aaron! can i say it again…holy shit, Kate’s son is Aaron. so…are we thinking that Claire dies and it’s Jack’s fault and that’s why he can’t see the baby? or did Kate steal him and is trying to pass him off as her own? and is Aaron one of the six? i really could use some Dharma boxed wine right about now..
interesting exchange: Sun: I want to raise my baby at home. in Korea. Jin: Don’t you mean our baby? Sun: Uh….
Sawyer! in boxes! and nothing else! *swoon* (but why can’t they find any razors in the barracks???) anyone else hoping that Kate’s cabdriver was someone other that just a cab driver?? haha. also..what’s wrong with Daniel, exactly? i. heart. hurley. "you totally just scooby-doo’ed me"
oh, i love me some Yau…but if it means that Ozzy stays in the game longer…i’m all for a Yau-boot. oh, ozzy. i love Cirie, okay? she needed to do something to make her stand out…and she did it..she may have gone too far, but Jonathan (oh, excuse me..Penner) is kind of an ass. Ami…who? is she even on this show? also…Cirie and Kathy have the idol. no question.
also? i care about exactly NO ONE on the other tribe.
i know i’m in the minority…but i kind of *liked* Parker. at the end, on the couch, with Julie? that was fantastic. How badly does Allison want Ryan??? i HATE Joshuah. also maybe Chelsia ("get a noose"? WTF?). there is FAR too much drama in this house this season (i love it!)
best exchange by far? Julie: "Any final words to your boyfriend, Jen?" Jen: "You’re a racist. Love ya, sweetie."
okay…seriously? who chooses hot food over hot water??
Amy – check!
Garrett – check!
Joanne – slightly surprised…thought she’d stay longer
Colton – color me shocked! i didn’t think he’d go THIS early. but, seriously, his hair??
can anyone else remember the episode of LOST when Desmond had the vision of Claire and Asron getting off the island leaving in a helicopter and thats why Charlie sacrificed himself and went to the underwater satelite station at the end of last season? and kates house is mighty big for just 2 i’m sure Claire is around somewhere.for obvious reasons if Kate is pretending to be Aarons mum than Claire has to be hidden…and for sure someone we know is driving the cab..but who Sayid?…ben? dharma people? claire? wow each episode just leaves us with more questions…and Hurley is great isn’t he.
damn, i totally guessed right on the tattoo, but i’m too slow. 🙁
I picked Garrett and Amy, too. But the other two surprised me, though I wasn’t all that impressed with Colton, just thought there were worse ones. Three pop right to mind – Luke, Jason Y., and however you spell his name Chickese. Speaking of name spelling, I really like Asia’h, but what’s with the apostrophe H?
Okay, I am officially a loser & went over to the Lost site & listened to the podcast from last weeks epi & they said that Libby will definitely be in an epi this season. So, it MUST be a flashback epi, because as far as we know she is dead. They wouldn’t answer the question as to whether or not we find out why she was in the loony-bin with Hurley. All they said was “that’s a question for another day”.
Lost totally blew my mind last night!! Although, I have to say that during the scene when Kate & Claire were hanging up laundry & Kate was hesitant to pick up Aaron, I said “oh no, claire dies & Aaron is Kate’s son!” But then I was thinking, what if Claire is still alive & on the island & “gave” Aaron to Kate because she knew she couldn’t leave? But when was Kate supposed to have had this child? Everyone knows she wasn’t preggers when she got on the plane. And Aaron is now between 2-3. Also, is Aaron the “he” Kate talked about in last season’s finale, when she said “I have to go, he’ll be waiting for me”???
Also the thing with Jack not wanting to see Aaron, I think that it may have something to do with the fact that it is theorized that Jack & Claire are brother & sister (same father). Does he feel guilty because she died? Or does he feel guilty because she was left on the island?
I also got the feeling that Kate wanted some sort of relationship with Jack, but wasn’t willing as long as he wouldn’t acknowledge Aaron as her “son”.
I too got the feeling that that wasn’t just a cabbie in the cab, but I don’t think it is Sawyer. I really don’t think he makes it off the island (by his choice, or because he dies).
Totally agree with you that it is lame if Aaron is 1 of the Oceanic 6.
Speaking of the Oceanic 6. Jack definitely did say that 8 people survived. So who are the 2 people who survived the crash who apparently died on the island? Also, how did they apparently crash near an island, when the fake Oceanic 815 was found under thousands of feet of water at the bottom of the ocean? How do the Oceanic 6 explain that?
Even though I am a Jack fan, I could definitely appreciate Sawyer in boxers! Loved the backhand that Kate gave him after she said she was leaving!
LOVVVVEEEDD, Hurley’s Scooby-Doo comment! Classic!
Oh, soooo many questions!!
man, usually I’m first on here (okay, sometimes)… congrats Janna!
I big heart LOST. Mayjah! LOL…. I need me some of the boxed wine AND old beer. Oh Sawyer, oh boy!
Scrolled past the survivor recap – have it on PVR!
I love the scooby do Hurley line, best one of the night for sure! And I’m thinking that Jack feels he’s somehow responsible for Claire’s demise (if that is what happens!!) and that is why he can’t see the baby! How crazy is all of this? And was it just me or when Jack was on the stand did he mention 8 people got off the island but said they (he and Kate) were a part of the Oceanic 6? If he did say that are we to assume that 2 other people got off the island? Like Desmond and Juliet? And I hope they are’t going to include Aaron as part of the 6, that would annoy me!
I’m usually freaked out by Nicole Kidman’s face issues so this pic doesn’t surprise me at all. She just weird looking, nothing ever moves on that face.
congrats Janna! if you email me your address…i’ll get your cd to you asap 😉
oh congrats to j-lo.and kates outfit was not right but what about the person with one pant leg down and the other rolled up.sorry Ali but i love charlottes hair colour…
Tattoo is Scarlett Johansson. There’s still speculation as to whether it’s real or not though. But yes. Lame. Sigh.