quotes of the week:
Sharon should leave the house this week, because she’s not playing this game. She’s the girl that’s hiding in the corner reading the Bible and talking to the gerbils. — Chelsia, Big Brother
I know drag queens that walk better than Dominique. — Whitney, America’s Next Top Model
most unintentionally hilarious photo of the day:
is it just me…or does Katherine Heigl need to be channeling Izzy Stevens a little more these days?? she’s starting to look a little meth-addict-y to me…
look who is finally looking pregnant??!?!?
Steve-O, oh, Steve-O…who would have thought you’d be on suicide watch? i mean, a guy who sticks leeches on his eye-ball surely has to be a happy and normal person, no? According to Star Magazine:
The situation escalated over the weekend when Steve-O, 33, e-mailed suicide notes to several friends, blaming a broken romance. “Steve started flipping out. He told doctors he wanted to hurt himself badly. He wanted to break every bone in his body one by one.”
A close family member told Star that Steve-O suffers from untreated bipolar disorder.
who watched:
ah…guess who caught the dude in the store with Jin who said it was the year of the dragon (and guess who, sadly, googled it to find that it was 2000)…so Jin = flashback and Sun = flashforward. how freakin’ amazing is LOST??
um..hello..Kevin Johnson? While most of us already called that Michael was the man on the boat…seeing him?? a-freakin-mazing. also…sould i love the Desmons/Sayid duo any more? love!
i’m so glad they didn’t vote off Ozzy…because after the Mikey B and Joel vote-off moves, that, by far, would have put the nail in their coffin. they would NEVER win another challenge. ever. much love for Jonathan, who wanted to compete in the challenge even though he was almost dead. and then he ROCKED it. and then the crying? the crying! oh, i am so sad to see him go. Tracy’s nipples = scariest thing i’ve ever seen on SUrvivor. why the votes for Erik? anyone?
my biggest question…um, Parker…the hair? the hair! yay for James coming back..but i would have loved to have seen someone else come back, just for drama’s sake. Natalie = so pathetic. she’s like women in abusive relationships that keep coming back. does she not realize that Matty cares NOT AT ALL about her? convincing Ryan to keep Matty was a dumb-ass move on her part AND on Ryan’s part. Sheila. effing Sheila. and why do i want to give Adam a giant hug. that was SO ridiculously out of character of him to give Sheila the money. also, strategic, likely.
America gets it right with the bottom 3. Syesha. Kristy Lee. David. in that order. major suckage. more lennon/mccartney next week? i guess it’s WAY better than Bee Gees night. also? i hope someone sings Happiness is a Warm Gun (since it’s my FAVE) i like Brooke even though she’s a little crunchy for me…but she needs to give up the "aw shucks" routine. it’s wearing thin.
why are the models this season SO ugly. i mean, i understand the concept that a tan, lanky woman can be a model, even if she’s not conventionally pretty…but come on!!! this season is SO fug. Dominique? why do they keep saying she’s pretty? she’s a total pig-dog. poor Katarzyna…no one will EVER get her name right. "So I have to wear beef panties"…officially, i HEART Whitney. buh-bye Amis. and your Axel Rose head-band. i assure you, you won’t be missed.
I still haven’t seen last week’s Lost *pout*
ANTM – I agree it’s an ugly season. How did Dominique get in at all? She seems a little dirty, or something. I was so glad to see Fatima in the bottom two – brought her down a notch. At this point, I like Claire and Aimee.
That is sooooo not a pretty picture of KH.
Who is Steve-o? Who is looking pregnant? I didn’t recognize her…
i just watched my pvr’d episode of last week’s Lost. could this show be ANY BETTER? unbelievable. I am sobbing over the outcome – too much.
Glad I wasn’t the only one mezmerized by the Survivor Nipp-age. I think THEY will be the sole survivor(s).
LOST – no words other than – ROCK ON!
I totally cried at Lost last night. Even though I don’t think that Jin is actually dead. Sun & Jin are so sweet. And what was with Hurley saying “good” to Sun saying no-one else was coming? Where does Sun’s flashforward fit in with the other flashforwards we’ve seen?
What is the deal with Michael? Is he helping Ben or is he helping our Losties? Who’s side are our Losties on anyway? And do we “trust” the captain? Totally agree with you that Desmond/Sayid team is awesome. Honestly, they should be called the “best hair” team or something because I’ve never seen 2 men with more beautiful hair.
More questions than answers though, as usual. Enjoyable episode nontheless. Lost really has its game back.
so yeah we all knew it was michael onboard…i love LOST what a great show…don’t even care about writers strike…and you are right about this seasons wannabe models…
now that the strike is over…we should see some good shows coming back in April (yay!)
the leech shot? definitely REAL. i’ve seen the video of it. steve-o is CRAZY.
Ewww that leach shot is gross – is that for real? Ali I don’t know half of the actors above. I have to tell you that I miss having a really rich selection of drama and comedy programs. These reality shows are promoting people that have no business being on TV…snooze. My 2 cents!
Ewww that leach shot is gross – is that for real? Ali I don’t know half of the actors above. I have to tell you that I miss having a really rich selection of drama and comedy programs. These reality shows are promoting people that have no business being on TV…snooze. My 2 cents!