Strike beards!! Who wore his better??? I’m going to go with Conan..i think. they are both pretty, erm, unfortunate…
Still think Nicole isn’t pregnant?? Actually…i still think she’s not…but i think now she’s just messing with the paparazzi. they want to see a pregnant Nicole…so, she’ll wear a billowy shirt and give them a pregnant Nicole. But, i hope i’m not right. Being pregnant would be wonderful for her!!
Also doing her very best to mess with the public is Miss Jennifer Love Hewitt. Certainly doing herself NO favors, is she??
Josh Duhamel and Fergie are in Mexico. On the beach. With a dining room chair, an easel, and a gypsy outfit. WTF?
Shiloh’s missing. again. poor, poor Shiloh.
Who watched:
Oh my heavenly days…Kynt and Vyxsin completely sealed their fates when they didn’t u-turn the team that was behind them. the ONLY team that was behind them. i loved them, but for that? they deserved to get philiminated. How badly do you want to stab Ronald in the throat? almost as bad as you want to stab Jen? best part about the entire episode?? Jen not knowing what a bridegroom was and trying to give the flowers to the elephant. bwah! i want to hug tk and rachel. too cute!
bring on the cheese! i LOVE Big Pussy. Fired for not calling Hugh Hefner? that’s ridiculous. Omarosa’s ass should have been fired. if nothing else than for the monstrosity she was wearing in the boardroom. all Baldwins are hilarious, especially Stephen. what a goof. i hope every week doesn’t just become a ‘who has the richest friend’ because that will get real old, real fast. Carol Alt is not just big-haired; she’s totally bad-ass. love her!
Vanessa = total stalker, but i’m so glad her smug little ass got beaten by Blair. Blair always wins. Okay, i get why Lily broke it off with Rufus (BOO) but why does she have to marry Bart Bass? i don’t get it. can’t she still say no to bass? Is is just me or are Serena and Dan becoming a little…um…boring?? i found the whole episode a little meh. boo.
gossip girl is quickly becoming my fave show to watch on sundays not counting amazing race….and ron is so horrible to his daughter…love tk and rachel….oh asnd phils not so bad either….
Ok. Here’s a link to a very pregnant looking Nicole.
Sorry, don’t know how to make it clicky! I def think she’s prego!
Oh, and I sooo think Conan pulled his beard off better!
The link in my last comment (that tells of Shiloh’s importance) didn’t work, so here it is:
Where IS Shiloh? I ask, because I have recently discovered just how important she is to the future of mankind.
I’m not even sure what to do with those beards. I’m an anti-facial hair kind of gal.