I’m the first to admit that I’m a bit of a bra snob. I was turned on to the French designers years ago back when I had disposable income, and I’ve found it very difficult to forget them now that all my income goes to things like goalie pads and baseball sliding pants.
This is my favourite bra in the whole wide world. It’s the Chantelle Senso T-shirt bra and I’ve collected a few in various colours over the years. It’s my go-to bra (what? doesn’t everyone have one?). It’s wonderful, comfortable, well-made and about $75.

(don’t ask me what the model is wearing with her bra in this photo. That’s not me, and I’m going to choose not to question why this model is accessorizing her bra with a collar and leash)
This Fall Wonderbra partnered with Walmart to introduce a new line of bras sold on hangers rather than in boxes. These are not your grandmother’s Wonderbras. These bras feature the latest styles, colours and fabrics and are sold on hangers so that consumers can see, touch and feel the product. They sent me their version of the t-shirt bra and I’ve been wearing it for a couple of weeks. I can easily recommend it; it’s comfortable, well-made and washes nicely.

If these products were close in price, I’d probably stick with my Chantelle for the details of french lace, little bows and all around pretty extras. Wonderbra’s product is a little more straightforward and less luxurious. But these products are not close in price. All Wonderbras in this line are priced at $23 at Walmart stores across Canada. There’s plenty of choice when it comes to style and colours, so get out there and pick up a few!
In the interest of full disclosure, Trend Watch is written by me; all opinions are my own. It is not sponsored. Sometimes I am given free product to review and sometimes I purchase the products all on my own. WonderBra sent me this bra to review, but I was not compensated for my review.