Summer is over and our kids are back to school. Summer went by in a flash…where did the time go? Every summer seems to go by faster and faster. I guess that’s a sign of old age!
I love this time of year because it brings a tremendous sense of renewal. This is the time for new beginnings. September has always represented the start of a new year for me, even more than Jan 1st.
Gone are the lazy days of summer. Those countless days of little or no routine. Summer is a magical time. Summer is also the most difficult time of the year to adhere to a regular exercise program. Once you get into a groove, it’s interrupted by trips to the cottage and family holidays.
September is the ideal time to make some promises to ourselves, to make some changes and to begin again. Once the kids are back at school, everything falls into place. We get our rhythm back and we are able to carve out some consistent exercise time for ourselves.
Now is the time to do something different…to shake things up. Why not sign up for that spinning class you’ve always wanted to try (but were afraid to). Perhaps signing up for the neighbourhood bootcamp with a friend? How about getting into the pool and joining a masters swim club? Or throwing on your shoes to try rock climbing?
Get outside your comfort zone. Try something you’ve never done before. Challenge the perception you have of yourself. Do one thing every day that scares you. You just may be surprised how capable you really are. It’s amazing how we let the fear of failure hold us back from branching out and having new experiences.
Consistent exercise is just one component to a well-balanced life. Good nutrition, laughter and good friends all play a role in making us happy and healthy. Instead of getting depressed about the few extra pounds you packed on over the summer (we all did), just jump back in with both feet. Get your body moving, re-charge your batteries and re-connect with old friends over some power walking, hot yoga or pilates. Go outside, get some fresh air and renew your spirit. Especially before the kids’ activities and homework starts!!! You’ll need to be strong and ready for that…it’s a workout in itself. Good luck and here’s to the new refreshed vibrant you for 2009.
Happy trails!
The way to optimal health is to combine good sensible nutrition with consistent strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Consult with a physician before embarking on a new exercise plan. Stop immediately if you feel any pain while doing these exercises.
Great advice, Susan and sooo true!