There’s nothing like a day spent outdoors in springtime to make you feel totally and deliciously alive. Yesterday we took the family up to Sunshine Village for a gorgeous day of spring skiing and an early-season picnic.
Of course little gimp (as we affectionately refer to her) wasn’t able to ski, still being impeded by the cast on her broken little leg and all. But she did have a dandy of a good day in the daycare, where everyone doted on her and gave her “jobs” to do. She was there for 10 weeks of mornings this winter, and forged some lovely relationships with her caregivers. It was nice for her to be able to go back for a visit. When I picked her up she was as happy as the proverbial pig, having been promoted to being “in charge” of the whole daycare. What a coup!
The remainder of the family enjoyed the sunny warm weather and the lovely soft snow. The big girl got a real treat in the form of cool sunglasses, as her old goggles weren’t fitting so well anymore. And anyway, spring skiing is all about wearing sunglasses instead of goggles:
We skied, and talked, and ate outdoors, enjoying our trail mix and apple slices and our Mini Babybel Swiss:
oh yes…little gimp is VERY affectionate…:)
Wow! Looks like a great ski day. That is the amazing thing about Sunshine Village – it can be sunny and 20o in Calgary but wonderful ski conditions just a short drive away because of the elevation.
Mmmmmmm…Mini Babybel Swiss! Who knew?!!