Four years ago today my life changed in the most profound way.
I became a mother of 3.
I became a mother to a daughter.
We had no idea what the next year had in store for us but the day she came was one of the happiest days of my life.
I woke up still pregnant, 5 days after my due date. A little crampy. With a little bit of “show” and figured it was the day. Finally. The child was living in my chest cavity. I was looking forward to full lung capacity once again.
I had a scheduled OB appointment for 11am. By that time I was having some really minor contractions. The dr checked me and told me I was 4cm. I was shocked. Almost halfway there. Sweet.
She told me to go home, eat something I was willing to throw up (I chose pudding) and to meet her at the hospital. She also told me she had a dinner function at 6:30 and could we “get a move on?!” I told her not to worry. Cam had hockey at 5:30 and Sean coaches so we needed to make it quick.
I was stunned I had a girl. We did not find out the gender of any of our babies. Sean was the one who announced the sex at each birth. So when he exclaimed “It’s a girl!” I just couldn’t believe it.
I had a great labour and delivery (except for the part when she took a dump whilst still inside my uterus…). She was my biggest baby at 8lbs 3oz.
As she was the third baby and we’d “been there, done that” a couple times before, Sean left a little while after she was born to take Cam to hockey. And the dr made it to her dinner. I’m good like that.
It was actually an amazing thing. I was left alone to quietly admire this truly beautiful baby. We stared at each other. I smothered her with gentle kisses. Put her to my breast and nursed her and took in every single quiet second. I knew it wasn’t going to be quiet for long.
It was actually an amazing thing. I was left alone to quietly admire this truly beautiful baby. We stared at each other. I smothered her with gentle kisses. Put her to my breast and nursed her and took in every single quiet second. I knew it wasn’t going to be quiet for long.
And there our life began as a family of 5.
And that is how our family became completely complete.
Happy Birthday gorgeous girl.
You have changed me in more ways that I can ever articulate.
You bring light to our home and you are the best sister these boys could have.
You have your Daddy wrapped around your little finger, which is just where he should be.
You are strong and confident and have been through more than any 4 year old should have to go through.
You make me proud every day.
So sweet! Happy Birthday, Eva!!
Happy birthday Eva (a day late). What a birth story Christine! I love that the boys went to hockey and the Dr. made her dinner! You are “good like that”. You rock!
She is the most beautiful little (big?) thing!! Happy birthday Eva!
Happy 4 yrs!!! Look at those beautiful chubby cheeks she had — gorgeous! Have a wonderful day celebrating!
what I can’t believe is how as a minute old newborn she looks exactly the same!!! Happy Birthday Eva! What’s the party??
sniff, sniff … yeah Geneva! 🙂
lovely gorgeous-thank heaven for little girls!!!
Oh my soul, Christine… that gorgeous child is YOU!! Happy Birthday Eva! I wish you you happiest year yet!!
Time sure does fly by in a hurry, huh? Wowza.