As a chef, I love food, as a nutritionist I spend my days helping myself and others enjoy it appropriately. I ran in my teens and 20s but stopped for a good long time. When I started running again at 40 I rediscovered the joy of a good pounding hour.
I also rediscovered how hungry such vigorous activity can make me! The hunger seems to come from a deeper place with darker demands. This makes sense, the body is rebuilding muscle from within. The trick is to feed that muscle well. A fine balance of food is crucial to be sure that you are losing fat pounds and not muscle weight. Anyone else feel that hunger?
Yup. After a big work out I am either really hungry or not hungry at all.
I understand it’s important to eat a mix of protein and carbs after a work out, but sometimes I just want a bowl of veggie soup. Other times, a bowl of cereal with some fruit.
The trick is not to have my stomach grumble when I go to sleep.