Why do we sabotage our hard work and efforts of eating well and working out, by chowing down a box of Jelly Bellies? Or how about that one chocolate chip cookie that turned into eight? Or maybe those couple salt and vinegar chips that turned into the whole bag? You get what I’m saying… and I’m sure you’ve felt that loss of control that dropped your confidence level, made you feel shameful, remorseful and guilty. And after, using the rationalization of, “I’ve blown it now, might as well go full binge and chow down on everything and anything, and start again tomorrow… or maybe Monday”.
How each of us react and recover after letting our guard down, and the ‘Shock and Awe’ of observing all those candy wrappers in the garbage is over, is remarkably similar. Is this learned behaviour, or on the X chromosome? Anger, tears, bitchy to all those nearby, transference of blame back to the, oh let’s say 16 yr old daughter who snapped and argued with her mother that she, who never makes a mess should not have to help tidy, put away laundry, not share in any of the responsibilities of the household or pets, as she has made it perfectly known that she HATES the animals and all their loose hair that is shed all over her black, overpriced, LuLu Lemon Clam Diggers, even though it was THAT SAME MOTHER WHO BOUGHT THOSE CLOTHES REQUESTING THE Assistance, TWO DAYS POST SHOULDER SURGERY!!!! Phew….yes, her name was all over THAT box.
I won’t even mention the damage done on PMS week….
So now, it is at least so good to know, that not only do we have our girlfriends and families, many Fitness Centers, Trainers and various Diet and Fitness Web sites to reach out to for support, motivation and education, but also some restaurants are now joining the nutrition band wagon. By displaying nutritional info in their menus, online and in brochures, it is a lot easier to be accountable to stick to our goals, be able to make healthier choices, and feel great about what we are feeding our families and self. The more we demand those choices, the healthier society can be.
Take McDonald’s (uhumm), for example. As a McDonald’s Moms’ Quality Correspondent we have seen many Production lines, observed and sampled McDonald’s products before the packing stages, and been informed of all the different and much needed quality control standards within the company, that I believe once again McDonald’s will be part of helping folks achieve healthy lifestyle changes for good.
The Entree Salads, all four are great, although in Winnipeg I can’t seem to find any low fat dressings.
Smoothies, great to have post work out, to replenish glucose to the muscles for repair, and for energy- and hopefully they are on their way
So now I’m thinkin’…how ’bout some whole wheat buns and tortillas as an option to really make it come together for us keeners? Any other suggestions I can pass along?
Keep smiling and remember; only ask your child what he wants for dinner if he’s buying. Kath
whole wheat buns are, by far, the number one thing my friends suggest!! They also would like to see more vegetarian options on the menu. 🙂
Oh for sure. They can just look at my fat face in my profile pick and see, “help this one out, no more white buns for her!” Like WTH? I definitely need a new pic to at least look like I follow my own words! hahahah. One day, we’ll get our whole grains I think, you’ll see. You and I always stood our ground on those discussions, didn’t we.
I agree Kath, they should totally have whole wheat buns, made with whole grains and I would LOVE having my Breakfast Burrito in a whole wheat tortilla. I choose HEALTHY and when I do the kids follow. I think we need the Smoothies here in Canada, NOW! I think that today’s parents are looking for good food, fast, and choosing healthier than even my parents did 30 years ago.