The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of entertaining chez Will and Mommy. We are loving our new digs and want to show them off and it’s been awesome. Last week our friends Jeff and Laura were over for a big steak and too many bottles of wine.
They started telling me about this viral video that they love…it’s perfect. Check it out.
It’s funny but it makes you think. For the last week, I find myself bitching about something and then realize how inane it sounds, say ‘first world problems’, roll my eyes and move on.
The morning after I cut my hand on the orange juice jar, and sent Laura a message about it saying ‘yup first world problem – cut my hand on my icy cold, fresh orange juice lid.’. She replied – ‘for sure – some people don’t have fridges or orange juice OR hands.’
Tonight, I drove home from my full-time job, in my car (which was full of gas), heading to my son’s clean and safe daycare to pick him up and drive to the beautiful home that I own to eat a delicious dinner. But traffic wasn’t working with me. I started to panic because I realized I was going to be late. I used my cell phone, with the windows up and the air conditioning on…because it was hot, and called everyone I knew to try and get them to get Will. No dice. No one was home – no one could help. And I LOST IT. I was yelling in the car. I was crying.
Ridiculous. Nothing that a $15 late charge and a big glass of wine couldn’t solve.
Think about it – already today – what first world problems have you been bitching about???
Makes you think…doesn’t it. Yeah life is really hard right.
yup…had to call to complain cuz they changed our appt. again! for the installation of faster internet…the nerve 🙂 that’s a great song!
My best friend’s mom was a nurse and she used to tell us horror stories about the sick and injured people she saw daily. Always put into perspective our zits and bad hair days. Bitching can be a great stress reliever but perspective is always good too.
GOLD!!!!!! That site is awesome!!!
Sara, if you haven’t seen it already you will love!
I like that philosophy Sara…The next time I bitch I will think ‘First world problem’…how lucky am I?
I love it! Thanks for sharing that I have never heard of FIRST WORD PROBLEMS before this. I am guilty though of freaking out over everything lately, and I think it might have something to do with the fact that the hubby is gone again (has been for almost a month now) or maybe just the lack of sex LOL! Seriously though I do stop myself and re-direct as I know there are so many more people out there who have worse problems than I do and children who have more serious issue than mine;)
I have a habit of hashtagging tweets (and even fb updates) with #firstworldproblems
if I bitch about something that I know sounds ridic but still bothers me.
I have perspective on life. I have a son with a neurological disorder. I watched my infant daughter bleed out more than once. I lost my best friend to cancer. I know what’s important and what isn’t. But I’m human and sometimes the littlest of things do bug me. And I’m ok with it. I don’t feel bad.
Perspective is good and all but I can’t live my life thinking how much worse everybody else has it as I go about my daily life. I just make sure I appreciate all the good in my life and don’t dwell on the things that bug me.
Sometimes things suck and I wanna bitch about it without feeling guilty.
I hadn’t seen that video before – I thought it was great!