as a kid, i always loved the first day of school.
oh, yes, i was one of those kids.
the new clothing. the school supplies. pens. planners. pencils. there is nothing like turning to the first page of a brand spanking new notebook. it’s all about starting something new. something fresh. on the first day of school, the world is your oyster. you have the chance to make your mark. to make the most of the year.
now that i no longer get to enjoy the first day of school, i must live in vicariously through my bunnies. Emily is starting senior kindergarten (yes, folks, she is only in kindergarten. this surprises most people), and even though Joshie is a full 20 months younger than Emily, he’s only one grade behind, putting him in junior kindergarten.
Because the girl is EXACTLY like me (yes, i’ll admit it. she IS me), she loves the first day of school too. and she’s a ham for the camera. i snapped this shot right before she started vogue-ing for the camera. (okay…well in some ways, she’s nothing like me. i don’t vogue. ever.)
and the boy, doing his very best George W. Bush impression.
for those who are wondering, that is a spiderman-themed yarmulka on my son’s head. my children go to two schools. they go to Jewish Day school in the morning (Hebrew immersion) and public school in the afternoon. i was a little hesitant at first to do this. it’s a big old pain in the arse for me (carpool! i hate carpool!), but, in the end, it works out great for the kids.
best of both worlds, for them
and i save a full grand by not sending them full day to the Jewish Day School. granted, i PAY a full grand to send them to school for 3 hours each day. and now you understand why i’m living without a sink in my kitchen and showering in my kids’ bathroom….but this, my friends, is a story for another day…
now for your regularly scheduled public service announcements:
if you get a chance, check out my other blog here. and please leave comments. here and there. i love to know who is reading!
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song that’s rocking my socks today: October, First Account by Be Your Own Pet. check it out. you won’t be sorry.
I just had to agree that “In Her Shoes” sucked. The cast impressed me…Shirley MacLain, Toni Collette, I can even handle Carmen Diaz in small amounts. I was SO disappointed! That movie dragged on for ever, and ever, and ever.
Glad to know I’m not the only one…
Your kids are stunning!
My son started senior kindergarten too this week. He was all, “I’m a big boy now” and loving the new school stuff feeling.
Your kids are GORGEOUS! I love your son’s Dubya impression. 😉
Speaking of Herbrew Immersion, my little irish-boy is learning.
This is his fave song at the moment (you should hear him sing it – I swear it’s THE cutest thing!)
Hevenu shalom aleichem,
hevenu shalom aleichem,
hevenu shalom aleichem,
hevenu shalom, shalom
shalom aleichem
I did not know they make such fabulous things as Spiderman yarmulkas. Love it. And, yes, your children are adorable, even though one (who shall remain nameless) looks a bit Texas-ish in that Bush sort of way. Only, your little one is way cuter.
Your children are beautiful! Hope they had a fantastic first day of school!
Ali, you’re right…your daughter IS you! What an amazing resemblance. And LOL about your son looking like dubyah – although I can’t imagine HIM wearing a spiderman yarmulka! Lovely kids, great blog! Looking forward to more 🙂
You don’t have a sink? What? Please explain. You truly ARE fabulous if you can get by without a kitchen sink. I share a shower with the monkey, too….This house is definitely too small.
This post looks like a fall catalogue! The kids look awesome. Too cute. Every time you say Joshie looks like George W, I crack up! Emily’s sooo YOU! She so wants to be you, too, even if she makes fun of you…. 😉
You don’t vogue? I do…. 😉
So cute, Ali! How is your son with the full day? My kids transitioned so easily that I can tell they were ready. Btw, do tell about the no-sink…you better have a damn good dishwasher!
You mean you aren’t listening to Tobey’s original Rockstar tune? (oh-oh-oh-oh,oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!)