February 1, 2010 February 1, 2010 by Unknown Ali wears: sweater and shirt: Anthropologie Jeggings: AG View image
Ali says February 1, 2010 at 8:34 pm they are jeans, with pockets and everything and then the top where theres usually a button is elastic.: http://www.shoplastyle.com/tier/index.asp?SKU=AGJ81R&ref=fr-AGJ81R
oooh anthropologie how I love thee but can’t afford you…
they are jeans, with pockets and everything and then the top where theres usually a button is elastic.: http://www.shoplastyle.com/tier/index.asp?SKU=AGJ81R&ref=fr-AGJ81R
Jeggings are jean leggings right! BootsÉ