This week, the folks at the Marketplace are pleased to bring you the story of Dianne, mom of a busy two year-old and founder of LIVFIT.
Personal Online Training that is finally personalized!
Personalized training just took a leap forward and this jump is utilizing technology that most of us use with ease already. Online personal training has existed in many forms but many programs were just missing key things clients needed. Words sometimes can’t deliver all the keys to a great workout. Ever heard that a picture says 1000 words? How about a video clip to show you how to perform an exercise? Clients need to see how to do it rather than just reading about it. Studies show most people are visual learners. How are you to know how to properly perform a dumbbell shoulder press exercise by words alone? The answer is, difficult at best. How about where and when you want to do your workouts? What if you don’t have access to exercise equipment and just want to do it at home on your own time? Online training can give you those options of doing what and when you want.
The big advantage “Liv Fit” Online Personal training has is that workouts are portable and go with you wherever you are. Instructional video clips are downloadable to an IPod or mp3 player. You don’t need to scribble down the workout from your computer and then do it later with only your piece of paper to guide you. These video clips are with you every step of the way.
But don’t count on doing endless sets of traditional push-ups and sit-ups. With some of the body weight exercises provided by these trainers you may be wishing you were back pressing a barbell or contorting oneself on a machine! “Liv Fit” Online Personal Training is an innovative training tool that provides one-on-one training wherever, whenever, and whatever you wish. Clients are given a secure login and password access to their own personalized training forum. The forum is complete with flexible and progressive weekly workouts, video clips detailing how each exercise is to be performed, personalized training blogs, a chat room with your trainer, as well as a multitude of other nutritional and fitness hints to satisfy anyone’s thirst for fitness and health knowledge.
Still unconvinced? Try a free trial and see for yourself at