Fall is my favourite and my best, as Lola would say. This season has been gloriously long and stretched out over sunny days and golden evenings and I have been doing my best to enjoy every minute of it, knowing I will soon be cursing the snow and the cold.
Here are some of the things that have made this fall extra great:
1. Gel polish on my nails. Finally a natural looking manicure that is indestructible and stays put for weeks.
2. Salted caramel anything.

3. Homemade tomato sauce from the garden.
4. 18% coffee cream in my Starbucks Via coffee every morning.
5. Junior Kindergarten.
6. Planning Halloween costumes for the kids.
7. Thanksgiving dinners with family and loved ones.
8. Impromptu coffee dates with friends.
9. All my favourite TV programs back on air (except I still have a Big Love-shaped hole in my heart. I miss you, Hendricksons!).
10. Brown sugar and cinnamon candle making my house smell delicious.
11. A career that challenges and excites me.
12. Upcoming visit from my Momma.
13. Finally tackling Mt. St. Laundry.
14. My housecoat. So un-hip, yet so cozy. It’s basically my uniform.
15. Birthday money to spend on a house cleaner.
16. Watching documentaries in bed with my husband.
It’s so easy to get lost in the blur of these crazy days, but really, I am so thankful for all of it.
What are some of your favourite things right now? TELL ME.
These are a few of my favorite things:
1. Enjoying the joy my children get out of fall walks and collecting bags of leaves.
2. Taking photos of all the fall Beaty around me. .
3.Drinking a cup of my favorite tea.
4. Discovering the love of theater with my daughters.
5. Rainy weekends when my family can stay in our pj’s all day and just enjoy each others company.
6. Wearing my favorite house shoes.
7. When my son says that I am his favorite mommy.
8. When my husband tells me that if he hadn’t have meet me he would have never gotten married.
9. Reading.
10. Seeing people achieve their dreams 🙂
11. Spending time with family and friends
12. massages
13. Alone time
14. Time alone with my husband
I just joined urban mom today and this is my first post. Actually this is my first time posting anything a site. I usually drive by and never leave comments.
This is a great exercise.
Things I am enjoying this autumn:
1. Stepping on crunchy & colourful leaves
2. Hot drinks from Starbucks (current fave = pumpkin spice/chai spice mixed together latte YUM!)
3. Pumpkin Pies
4. Homemade Cinnamon Buns
5. My growing belly (from my baby-to-be, not from the above mentioned foods)
6. Warm Pajamas & extra cozy blankets
7. Heated seats in my car
First of all, you don’t know anything about winter since you left Saskatchewan. 🙂 You live in one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to! I am thankful for my family of course but more than that, that they are all healthy too! And I am especially thankful that we live in this great country of Canada. We are very rich by all standards and we don’t have to worry about war, medicare or oppressive regimes. It is a great place to live, wouldn’t you agree?
1. Snuggling in bed and watching I Love Lucy.
2. Our new puppy!
3. Via coffee with 18% cream (yep… same person).
4. Cozy sweaters.
5. Family drives out into “the deep dark forest” (as my kids call it) because it is just so pretty in the fall.
6. Coffee dates.
7. Having all of my family home for Thanksgiving.
You know, I am still actively missing Big Love, too! I might even have to re-watch the old episodes to get a fix.