So last night I’m at a hen party, right, and we play this game kinda like truth or dare. The question for me is:
"Would you rather have a million dollars or be at your goal weight for life?"
What do you think I answered?
What would you answer?
…tell the truth!
LoriD says
The money!! I’ve never really had a weight problem, but I could always use more money.
Jen L says
I agree with Renee, goal weight for sure. It would be fabulous to not have to think about it every day, every hour, every minute.
haley-o says
I’d say a million dollars. Because I could always be slightly BELOW my goal weight for life! 😉
Anonymous says
I’d say a million dollars. Because I could always be slightly BELOW my goal weight for life! 😉
Jillian says
I think I’d go with the million. Having a personal trainer would be lots of fun!
allison says
so clear…i’d rather have the million dollars!
Renee says
goal weight!!!!! cause then i would feel like a million dollars and my focus in life could finally be on something else. wouldn’t that be nice?!
Amreen says
goal weight FOR SURE!! I mean, I’ll probably spend more than a million dollars in this lifetime trying to get to goal, and never quite making it.
Elizabeth says
Ooops, did’nt read Jen’s comment first. Oh well, sticking to my answer!
Elizabeth says
Easy, million dollars first, then hire someone to get me to goal weight, after huge world-wide trip cmplete with culinary and gastronomique delights. Plus lots and lots of champagne!
Jen says
Hmmmm…tough one. I would say you said your goal weight for life. I guess if you had a million dollars you could have a personal trainer but I think this was meant to mean that you couldn’t have both so I’m going to stick with that.