Happy 2008! The start of the New Year is a great time to review your personal style needs. I know, I know – you’re up to the eye balls with resolutions and must do’s/do not’s. I promise you, the following is not a fashion revolution, but a shortlist of easy ideas that add no more than a minute or two to your daily routine, can save you time in the long run, cost very little or nothing at all, and, most importantly, will enhance how you look and feel this year.
At the Style File, we normally focus on clothes and accessories. But there’s no point puchasing the latest and greatest unless you have the foundations in place. And YOU are the foundations. So, once the kids are settled back at school and you’re used to your daily routine once again, resolve to take stock of your style starting with you. Here we go from the top:
1. Hair – do you love your style? Is it up-to-date? Does it work for your hair type, face and features and lifestyle? If you answer yes to all these – that’s great, move on! If you’ve answered no to any of these, it’s time to review your crowning glory with your hair stylist (or even, take the plunge and move to a new hair professional.)
2. Skin is in – our skin changes over time and with the seasons, and often after we become moms. Next time you’re at the drugstore, take a few minutes to review your needs with the instore beauty expert (most large drugstore chains have these specialists at their locations these days.) Great new products are on the shelves, such as those with built in double duty advantages, for example, tinted moisturizers for face and body.
3. Smile – it might sound corny, but a great smile is the best accessory. Multiple recent reports reinforce not only the cosmetic, but health benefits of flossing, so if you’ve fallen off the flossing wagon, do try to get back on (it also sets a great example to your kids.) And, if you want to try getting those pearly whites even whiter, check out the new at home teeth whitening products. Enhancements in this line mean that results can be achieved in as few as three days.
4. Make-up – as with your hair, when was the last time you updated your look? If you think you’re out of step with current looks and products, or for non make-up wearers, feel that it’s all too scary or too much effort, simply pick-up a magazine (when you’re at the hairstylist – see #1 above), review the beauty pages and give something new a try. So many applications are natural-looking and designed for our fast paced lives. Once you get the hang of it, a couple of minutes in the morning can leave you feeling and looking more refreshed all day.
5. Posture – Yes, posture! I don’t mean to sound like your grade 5 dance teacher, but do make a conscious effort to think about how you sit and stand. I would argue that good posture is one of the simplest ways for anyone (no matter their height/weight) to look better and for free! So, ladies – no slouching, chests out, tummies in, shoulders back (ooops, I think I just sounded like Miss Prim.) Of course, it goes without saying that overall healthy eating and staying fit go hand in hand with looking and feeling your best. Check out Susan’s Mom Fitness posts for expert advice.
6. Underwear – I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – no piece of clothing will look it’s best unless you’re wearing the right undergarments. So take a look at yours and be honest. If you’re not getting smooth lines, good support and comfort, you have to invest.
7. The basics – it’s tough to put any outfit together without enough of the basics – camis and T’s for layering and to wear under jackets, shirts and sweaters, and for this time of year, turtle necks that dress up or down with office wear and jeans. If you find you’re often rummaging through the laundry to find the few you have, save yourself the hassle and purchase a few extra – you know you’ll be wearing them.
8. Closet cleanup – O.K. I confess, this one can require the investment of a chunk of time , but once done, will save precious minutes each morning. So, if you’re up for it, take a look back at our Wardrobe Workout segment as part of the Schick Intuition video series from last summer, take in the tips and get your wardrobe working for you this year.
With the above in place you’ll be ready for the new trends 2008 is about to send our way. Get ready for the three P’s this year – patterns, preppy and primary colours. More in our next Style File post, but in the meantime, here’s a preview of what’s in store or about to be in store/online this Spring from The Gap, J. Crew and Old Navy.
CONTEST! With saving time as a recurring theme above, share your time saving style tips in the comments section below, and you could win a Timex Mary Jane timepiece, complete with up-to-the minute mesh band and the useful Indiglo night light. We’ll announce the winner in two weeks (on January 23). Remember! If you submit your entry in the comments, you MUST include your email address (when composing the comment) or we will not be able to get in touch with you if you are the winner! Or send an email to email@urbanmoms.ca.
THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED – We’re thrilled to announce the winner:
We asked you for your time saving style tips and, boy, did you ever share your ideas and tricks. Thanks to everyone who provided a mom-approved idea to save time towards getting great style, and in all other aspects of their lives.
All the entries were reviewed by Katie from the urbanmoms.ca Style File and we are pleased to announce that the winner of the Timex Mary-Jane timepiece is Jennifer, mom of 3, fromToronto. Heres her fabulous style tip:
I always keep a "go-to" outfit in my closet; a forgiving black outfit that manages to look right for anything. It’s usually once I’m dressed and I’m running around like crazy in the morning, making sure my sons have homework, swimming stuff, lunches, and that my husband’s shirt is ironed and my daughter’s eaten her breakfast, that I discover the oatmeal on my shoulder/button missing from my blouse/hole in my tights. Having my "go-to" outfit clean and ready saves me from the millions of outfit changes I’d have to undergo (or from the embarrassment of whatever I’d expose with that missing button!)
Great idea Jennifer!
Katie is host of the urbanmoms.ca Style File. As a public relations professional and a student of style and design, she has helped many retail and fashion clients promote their brands. She is mom to two boys (the best anti-shopping devices on the market) and now indulges her love of fashion by conducting wardrobe consultations, personal shopping expeditions and by participating in media interviews, providing advice on everything from wardrobe must-haves to accessories and footwear. Katie firmly believes that high style does not have come with a high price tag and her shopping philosophy is based on saving both time and money.
For more style musings, visit Katie at Real Canadian Style www.realcanadianstyle.blogspot.com
My time saving tip is have Lysol wipes in every room of your home! With a cute and drooly eight month old boy, I am forever cleaning toys, exersaucers and his highchair. Lysol wipes are quick and convenient! Pop the lid, grab a wipe and within seconds you have a clean and sanitized surface without having to hunt for a spray bottle and paper towel. Also great for wiping down those germy change tables when you’re out shopping!
I park my car in the garage so it is not snow covered and cold in the morning, I just need a few minutes to warm it up, instead of cleaning it and warming it for several minutes.
I find during my day I have 5 minutes here and there while I am waiting for the pasta water to boil, or waiting for my ride, or waiting for my turn in the shower. Instead of wasting the time I have a list of 5 minute jobs like cleaning the bathroom mirror, disinfecting the door knobs and phones, etc. I try to do these little jobs when I have a few minutes. I get a lot done in a day this way without thinking about it.
I use a tinted moisterizer with spf. moisture, sunscreen and coverage all in one step. It literally takes me seconds to put it on!
I save time styling my hair by using the mirror in my car for last minute hair spray.
I always keep a “go-to” outfit in my closet; a forgiving black outfit that manages to look right for anything. It’s usually once I’m dressed and I’m running around like crazy in the morning, making sure my sons have homework, swimming stuff, lunches, and that my husband’s shirt is ironed and my daughter’s eaten her breakfast, that discover the oatmeal on my shoulder/button missing from my blouse/hole in my tights. Having my “go-to” outfit clean and ready saves me from the millions of outfit changes I’d have to undergot (or from the embarassment of whatever I’d expose with that missing button!)
In the morning I blowdry my bangs and just put my hair up in a simple twist, then mid-morning, I take it down and voila, wavy hair without the time and effort of blowdrying and curling
I always hang my clothes right from the hot dryer so no ironing needs to be done. I organize my work outfits in one area and casual clothes in another area so it is quick to get ready in the morning!
I organize my closet by clothing type and colour. I also added extra shelves to hold jeans and sweaters. I go through the closet and remove and clothing that doesn’t fit to add space for new items. I also change the clothing around when the seasons change to remove clothes that aren’t needed.
On a limited budget, I only buy items that will match with basic pieces I have in my closet.I arrange them according to color and then it’s easy to grab a matching outfit in the morning and still be on time for class or work.
Find a good hair stylist that can give you a great no fuss cut.
I spend very little time on hair in the morning now and it looks great – just wash and blow dry.
I dump everything on top of my desk in my library during the week. On Saturday, I sort through everything, tidy up, file or discard.
I try to organize a few basic outfits that all work with a black jacket and pants. Then I just have to choose sweaters or blouses and basic accessories to complete the look.
I get my outfits together for the week on hangers in my closet. That way I just grab and go. I do this for the kids clothes too in one of those hanging closet organizers with shelves. Big time saver and relieves the stress of choosing at 6:30 am.
Style tips:
We just had our daughter complete two years of braces and now she had “movie star” teeth. So a styling suggestion – get your child’s teeth straightened both for looks and for health – straighter teeth have fewer caveties! She had a million dollar smile – the best style accessory! This is time saving ultimately because it will lessen trips to the dentist eventually.
Hey – These are all great tips! Remember, we are looking specifically for time saving STYLE tips to enter the contest. Keep them coming.
Daily routines, save time and sanity.
I also try to keep things simple, cut down on the clutter, because the more things you have, the more time it takes you to take care of the things.
I ditched alot of stuff in my closet last year, now I wear the classic pieces that suit as I ‘mature’…Also the socks from everybody reside in a laundry basket in the laundry room so that people can match their own & it works 🙂
time savers for me cleaning are spray bathroom shower with cleaner, while that is working I clena the toilet, then the sink , finish with the tub and rinse, wash my hands and Im out of there in 5 quick minutes
I make large dinners on the weekends so that I have leftovers to serve during the busy weekdays. You can serve a Sat. leftover on Tues. and Sunday on Wed. so that it isn’t too boring (ie. not the same thing two nights in a row).
My biggest time saving tip for the mornings is I have my shower the night before. They say that your hair styles better when its not perfectly clean, so washing it the night before allows time for the oil to redistribute and it curls much better and faster. I keep my make-up routine simple – less than 5 minutes. My work bag is ready the night before, clothes chosen and laid out and my must have morning to-go tea is already set up. Just boil the water and go!
Tips? Keep your wardrobe to a minimum. No one really notices if you are wearing some of the same pieces over a week as long as they are classic, well made and well put together. Accessories are the tip to keeping a look fresh and fashionable. Add a new necklace or scarf in a colour of the season and it can change how you feel. You’ll find with less in your closet and drawers putting an outfit together is a snap!
I like sports clothes specielly adidas and get some awesome deals on ebay and at the thrift stores. When I get bored with the clothes
I donate or find a friend that wants the item. Also am really liking the new organic cloths but ouch they are costly yet. Just add a simple accessory for a new look
I fill my coffee pot with water and coffee the night before.
Take clothes directly from the hot dryer and hang on hangers immediately to save time ironing!
I set my work clothes and pack my lunch,the night before right after dinner.
Plan my meals for the upcoming week and plan my shopping list according to the meals.
Buy in bulk.
Pay my bills electronically.
I try to shop in the evenings when there are less people in the store!
I watch my grandbabies every day while their parents work. I try to do my housework before they arrive in the morning….but I save some for them:
*I shortened a “Swiffer” duster for the little ones…when I do the floors … so do they, and they love it!
*The four year old checks the toilet paper drawer in the vanity, and keeps it stocked….it saves me precious moments and he is so proud of his job..
*I use a microfibre cloth on the mirrors and glass surfaces…no need to get out spray cleaners!
*I let the answering machine take my calls…that way I not interrupted when I am working on a project or reading a story to the children.
*While the boys are having fun in the bathtub, I will use that time to clean the sink or the toilet and generally just tidy the bathroom.
Life is too short to get bogged down with housework. As much as possible, I try to include the little ones in daily chores. It is definitely a “time-saver” because we have fun together and they are learning valuable work ethics.
My time saving tip is organization,,in all aspects…I plan everything,,it is also my way of stay sane. Not much pops up on me. While making dinner I clean up and do dishes as I go. When I go to town, I have a list of everything I need to do right from the first stop to the last stop. I always phone ahead to movie rental store to make sure they have the movie/movies I want to rent. Planning and organization takes all the hassle out of a day and allows me to have a stress free day and save lots of time, so that I am able to have some ME TIME,,during the day before everyone else gets home from school or work.
My time-saving tip is to have my eyelashes tinted every 3 months. Even if I don’t have time to apply makeup, at least I’ve got ‘mascara’ on! I can run out the door, drop my toddler and preschooler off at day care and arrive at the office looking presentable.
not shoes
I save time by putting on my Crest White Strips before I leave the house as I have a long commute to work and if I am wasting time driving I may as well be productive.
Keeping up with what is in style and affordable is a full time job. I will be cleaning out my closet on a monthly basis and will be shopping around more
I have 3 consignment stores that I frequent and I’ve got some really incredible bargains over the years.
Find a clothing line or store that you really love and stick to it! Their styles, colours and fabrics will be designed to work together, eliminating guesswork and regrettable purchases. Your wardrobe will be more cohesive and it will be super-easy to go to your closet and pick out a great outfit.
As a Mom of two girls, the struggles are when my daughter who is 3 1/2 has her own opinions of what to wear…so we (my daughter and I) choose both hers and her sister’s outfits before they go to bed.All I have to do is get myself ready in the morning before they wake up…then the day moves along so much smoother.
I check my next day activities then set out everything I will need, right down to underwear and socks. I check for stains, buttons missing etc. So in the morning I am good to go!
A couple of super simple time savers –
1. If you can, keep your summer and winter wardbrobes in two different closets, so when you’re getting dressed, you don’t have to look through clothes that you can’t wear right now.
2. Plan your outfit the night before. I know this sounds basic, but I’m pretty useless in the morning, and if I already know what I’m going to wear, my morning routine is so much faster.
Here are some things I do.
Avoid a huge wardrobe! Choosing your work wear becomes very tough and time consuming. Once I year I go through everything. If I haven’t worn something or am tired of something I have worn, it is time to donate it to the local thrift store.
I use accessories to change the look of an outfit.
I like to keep my wardrobe organized in like items. Shirts together, dresses, purses and so on.
I set out my work clothes and pack my lunch the night before.
My time saving tip is to buy eyeshadows in those little kits of three or four colors. The colors all work together so you don’t have to guess or look through a bunch of individual pots of eyeshadow to figure out the highlighting, contouring, etc – it’s all in one place.
Another time saver is to use an eye makeup brush instead of those worthless sponge-tipped applicators that come in the eyeshadows. They never get the color on in a nice even way so you spend more time blending and fixing. A proper brush will spread the color evenly in the exact place you want it.
TIP 1) A few years ago I really cleaned out my closet. They say you really only wear 20% of what you own. I got rid of so much, I was able to fit my entire wardrobe, summer and winter, into one closet. It makes getting ready a breeze because I can see everything and I really like and wear everything in there.
TIP 2) I also put little hooks into the wood holding up one of the shelves in the closet and hung up every necklace I own. 1) They don’t get tangled and 2) I see what I have and can pick out the perfect jewellery in seconds.
Katie, you’ve just added 8 more things to my list of resolutions. I am horribly behind in all of the points, but since my motto is “It’s never too late in 2008”, I will take care of me from my hair to my closet, but perhaps one month at a time.