The title of this post says it all. I am once again inflicted with a lovely nugget of pregnancy that I have coined EVIL CROTCH PAIN (ECP for short).
For me, ECP begins around 28 weeks. Just when your pregnant belly is starting to be heavy and large enough to be a nuisance. It actually starts slowly. A little twinge here, a sharp pain there. Sometimes enough to make me sit down or draw in a sharp breath, but nothing that I can’t handle.
Then I hit 30 weeks. I’m a few days away from that now. And ECP joins me on a regular basis until the day I give birth. Let me give you a quick run-down of what ECP is.
Evil Crotch Pain is defined (by me and other scientific research, I’m sure) as sharp, shooting, burning pain that runs through your groin and “lady parts” during pregnancy. The larger you get, the worse it gets. There is no known cure for ECP, other then giving birth. Pregnant women must just suffer through some of the most uncomfortable pain, outside of childbirth, that they will ever feel. Walking hurts the most, yet standing, sitting and lying down are all equally uncomfortable and painful.
In my case, ECP forces me to sit down immediately, usually with teary eyes, and take a few huge breaths. I would equate it to the pain you feel during a bladder infection and/or being kicked really hard in the groin with soccer shoes. Except it doesn’t really go away- the pain can be dulled for a few minutes by sitting on an ice pack or soaking in a tub, neither of which are feasible during the work day (as a teacher, at least).
Occasionally, ECP is joined by it’s equally comfortable cousin, hemorrhoids. And that is a joy, let me tell you.
I am sure I’m not the only pregnant woman suffering the effects of Evil Crotch Pain. I am glad to put a name to this affliction.
I am sorry you are going through that. I had that with my second child and the pain was nearly unbearable. I found heat worked – lying on my side with a small pop bottle filled with warm water between my legs dulled the pain enough for me to sleep a bit. Big hugs to you. It is excruciating.
Kicked the box….I’m dying. Guys – I get the ECP all the time now….not all the time – I call it the hot poker…..cause it feels like someone is ramming one from one side of me to the other. I’m not sure I had it when I was pregnant….I think it’s ovulation pain for me…hmmm
ha! That was good info. Yes, I’d like to keep my anus & liver as strangers for as long as possible…
Is it wrong that I just laughed my…off? I used to lead a moms group and this was one fo the most common complaints. Glad to finally have a word for it, but sorry you have to endure it!!
I had named “Fire-Crotch” (long before LiLo wrecked the term by taking that one fateful limo ride).
I know it doesn’t lessen the pain any, but what causes it is your round ligaments stretching. They’re the ligaments that keep our innards IN, essentially, and keeps our innards where they belong rather than bouncing around all over in the abdomen. It’s like netting throughout your abdomen, and they’re anchored in the pelvic floor. It gets worse as you go along becasue of course, baby gets bigger, so the ligaments have to stretch further to keep your vagina, intestines, ovaries, tubes, etc all where they belong.
The pain is worth it, though, not just for the end result of having a baby, but because without those round ligaments, your anus would be getting introduced to your liver up-close-and-personal-like, and then you’d be begging for the return of your ECP.
OMG! I thought I was the only one. I call it “kicked in the box”. When I brought it up to my doctor in my first pregnancy she explained it away as “general aches and pains”, so I haven’t mentioned it these last 3 times and I’m having it again right now! I will bring it up with my midwife…hoping for some kind of explanation/relief.
My sister and I both had that! Ours was a separated pubic bone (who knew it could even do THAT?!) and it was excruciating. Sending you major empathy and some huge sympathy. I so hear you.
Oh my goodness, I thought I was the only one! Thank you so much for putting a name to it… I’m only 25 weeks along and oooof, it’s like my vagina bones are caving in. Not so encouraged to hear that it lasts until labour but I like Nancy’s friend’s comment about the loot bags! Good point!
Oh, so painful! Does putting your feet up with an ice pack on your nethers help at all? It’s no fun, poor girl. 🙁
once again you have illustrated why men could never get pregnant. they wouldn’t be able to handle something as innocuous as sore breasts! could you imagine ECP????
ECP- love it
sorry you are having it though- good for you for the all important sense of humour
As my friend said to me once “let’s remember girls, at the end we get a baby”
Thank god this “party” has great loot bags
does it help – I am a little jealous?
I had a friend who suffered from ECP too – she’d say, “I just want to walk around cupping my vagina all day. OW!!”
Hers was varicose veins wreaking havoc… compression bandage around one leg seemed to help, but oy. OY!!
I’m so happy not to have had such an affliction. And I’m happy not to be pregnant too. Le sads for you, lady… but it’s almost over! I’m so stoked for you!!