I was thinking the cleanse days were going to get to me but they have been a breeze compared to my daughter’s pneumonia scare and, then yesterday, my car "incident". Let me elaborate. Our car is relatively new and still under warranty so that’s all good. A few days ago it started making a funny sound like I had driven over something but when I looked underneath there was nothing to be seen. We decided that it was bad enough that it needed to be checked so I bundled up my daughter and set off for the dealership.
However, things began to deteriorate enroute – the rattle got louder and the car started shaking. Then, within a few blocks of the shop, lights started flashing warnings about my brakes and the car started beeping. Just about a block away the brakes failed. I was literally standing on the brake as I pulled into the dealership. Phew. WHY ME?! Is that my 3 bad things yet ’cause I just wanna be done.
And now a snow day. When does that ever happen? My little one is still not well enough for school but I am off to pick up the eight year old. Nothing like a bored kid all afternoon. Let’s hope we can scoop a pal to play with. Thank god my nanny returns on Monday!
Now for the latest on my Isagenix cleansing. I am half way through day 2 of the cleanse and doing surprisingly well. The hardest part has been resisting picking at things. It is not that I am overly hungry at all but that I have bad habits. I pick. A pizza crust here. A few fishy crackers there. I am so shocked at how much I must actually do this during the course of a day!
The good news is that I am finding the cleanse not only straight forward and, so far, not too hard to bear but I actually feel really good – positive and refreshed. Unlike Kath who feels better with a few veggie snacks I have not eaten anything except the optional almonds and am surprised at how OK I am. Don’t get me wrong, there have been times when I have been hungry but it is almost easier to resist
when food is not an option. I found the temptation stronger on the pre-cleanse days when we were eating. Maybe it’s just me but I do better with hard and fast rules.
I was also thrilled yesterday to meet with Steve Bentley. Steve has been a health/wellness/fitness coach for over 17 years and is a total wealth of knowledge. I asked him endless questions, some of my own and some sent to me from you guys, about the benefits of cleansing, Isagenix, exercise, etc. Steve obviously has a passion for this because he was totally keen to share his knowledge. He will be coming back to visit me in a few weeks and take me for a run (yikes!) to help lessen the impact on my knees and improve my form to make me a more efficient runner (and maybe I’ll actually be able to run with my son). Can’t wait! One of the biggest benefits to doing Isagenix through Steve is…well, Steve himself. His holistic approach to health is exactly what I want. No fad diets but someone to help me put my body in a position to extend my healthy years into old age.
So here are a few answers to your questions. I’ll answer a few with each new post so keep them coming. Oh yah…and tomorrow I have a shake day again. I get to eat!
- Aren’t cleansing and Isagenix just another diet fad?
Steve says: Cleansing is not new. It is practiced around the world and has been throughout history. I have used cleansing systems for 20 years but nothing has been as effective as Isagenix. Isagenix is not a diet but rather a nutritious cleansing system designed to flood your entire body with nutrients. All the products are natural and very gentle on your system. The makeup of digestive enzymes, minerals and nutrients is just what the body needs to be supported and replenished. The wave of nutrients that your body receives while on an Isagenix cleanse awakens your body, which assists in kick-starting your natural metabolism and gives you energy. Weight loss while on the Isagenix system (if you have fat to lose) is just a wonderful side benefit. Although I work with many people who are using the Isagenix system for weight loss (women I get on the plan often lose 6 to 14 pounds in the 9 day cleanse period and guys lose 8 to 20), the majority of my performance athlete clients are using the cleanse purely for the health and performance improvement benefits. People I coach have had some incredible results after using the Isagenix system. - Isn’t Isagenix really expensive?
Steve says: When it comes right down to it the Isagenix System actually costs you LESS money to do than not to do. The 30 Day system replaces 68 meals and is actually cheaper to do the cleanse than to eat normally. You are simply redirecting your grocery money to the nutritious and effective cleansing system that is also giving you better and more consistent energy, helping you to release unwanted body fat quickly and safely, providing better mental focus, cleansing your body of toxins and helping to improve your overall health. If you were to actually assign a value to those benefits the cleanse would be priceless.
I recently found your blog on Bing
A snow day??!? We didn’t even have those when I was little. Fun for the kids, though. Keep going on Day 2 of the cleanse. So far I’ve been “pure” with nothing but the Isagenix products and the almonds. Let’s see if I can make it a whole day…
good for you Jen. I find I need the hardboiled egg options. I’m jsut happy to be done my two cleanse days and allowed to have shakes for 5 days before the next two killers come along. My favourite part about the cleanse is how great my skin looks. I’m not sure if its the Ionix, the shakes, or all the mandatory hydrating, but my skin always looks so much better when I’m cleansing.
I am happy to hear your little Super Hero is on the mend. I hope the same is true of your car.