I went to a cookie exchange party Saturday night.
Now I have ELEVEN DOZEN cookies in my pantry. Argh.
Sorry, no pictures of the cookies, oddly enough; just the guests getting silly. That’s me on the right showing off my pot belly. UGH.
And they’re all good. And one woman even gave us just the dough, so we could bake our cookies freshly at our convenience. She didn’t know about my weakness for cookie dough. *help me*
So, I need a cookie avoidance strategy. Here are my preliminary thoughts:
- Hide the cookies. Preferably in a place where I can’t hear them calling my name anymore.
- Freeze the cookies, so they can be taken out when appropriate (i.e. a holiday party, or such).
- Give away the cookies.
- Toss
mythe cookies. (Sorry, couldn’t possibly resist.)
And here’s why none of them will work.
Duh! I will know where I hid the cookies. The only way to make this one work is to hide the cookies and then suffer a self-inflicted closed head injury that permanently damages my memory. Or else bring in a third-party contractor (read: mercenary) cookie-hider. Either way, this one is unworkable because the cookies will eventually go bad and smell, then I’ll find them and have to clean the mess. And I hate cleaning. Plus, if I do have a closed head injury, I likely won’t remember that rotten moldy cookies can make you sick, so I might eat them. Better cross this one off the list just for my future memory-less health & safety. - FREEZE THE COOKIES:
Well, duh again! Freezing anything sweet only makes it more appealing to me (to wit: frozen smarties, yum!). So scratch that on the grounds that it is even more dangerous than keeping the cookies in an open canister on the kitchen table with a fresh pot of coffee and a dessert plate beside it! - GIVE AWAY THE COOKIES:
This is the only strategy that is even remotely possible. Except I hate to give people home-made things that I didn’t make. (I am not a very good craft show shopper, as you might guess! I wander the tables and say, "I could make that…"). Anyway, call me shallow, but I don’t want to give Karri’s ginger spice cookies (as delicious as they are) to Laura and pass them off as my own. And what’s the point in saying, "Merry Christmas Laura! Here are some cookies that Karri baked!" No thanks. - TOSS THE COOKIES:
This would be painful. Not only are they all (yes, each and every one of them) delicious, but the other women in the exchange went to a lot of trouble to make them. And I went to a lot of trouble to make my 12 dozen exchange items. It would be such a waste to toss it all.
So, I turn to you, my faithful readers. Join in on the conversation in the comments below and let me know what you think I should do with the cookies – new and creative suggestions are very welcome!
And, if you just can’t get enough, go read my post at Girls’ Night (how big is your Holiday to-do list?) and my personal blog, This Is Kat.
You are so brave Kath! I bowed out of the cookie exchange because not only could I not cope with having the cookies in my house, I was overwhelmed with the idea of all the sampling I would do making my own.
obviously, i suffer from the consequences of this strategy, but my philosophy is to EAT THE COOKIES!! – the 10 out of 10 ones that is in true adherence to WW policy – and think about it january!
Tossing your the cookies also doesn’t work because if/when you’re really desperate, what’s really stopping you from going into the garbage to get them! YOu’d have to soak them with dishwasher detergent or dump cat litter on them too if you’re going to toss them! 😉
Tossing your the cookies also doesn’t work because if/when you’re really desperate, what’s really stopping you from going into the garbage to get them! YOu’d have to soak them with dishwasher detergent or dump cat litter on them too if you’re going to toss them! 😉
you can give them to me. i’ll gladly take them and you don’t have to feel badly that you didn’t make ’em 🙂
I love the idea of sending them to the staff room at the school. Now that schools are so restrictive with what you can bring in for the kids, it seems only logical to treat the teachers. I mean, who cares about their diets/weigh loss goals anyway!! Or you could take them to your local hospital & drop a few off at each nurses station.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with packaging them up as hostess/teacher gifts. Who cares if you didn’t make them? You tested them and you know they’re delicious! Think of all the events you’ll be going to, make up a platter or tin for each, label them with the event and throw them in the freezer until you need them. Then you can pat yourself on the back for being so organized and prepared!
I think sending them with your husband is a good idea. You could also seperate them equally into mixed groups and put them into the freezer in pretty holiday tins. That way they are ready for any get togethers you may have planned (or not planned!).
I think it’s o.k to give them away, even if you didn’t make them, agree with Jen, send a bunch to husband’s work, some to the neighbours. Way too tempting having them around! This is the reason I haven’t started baking yet this year. I cannot resist temptation either!
Also, been to WW for 3 weeks now & lost just over 6 lbs – yeh! Would like to lose 10 before I start baking…
You HAVE to get rid of them. Like, now. If you’re anything like me, you will think about them constantly until they’re gone. For me, I rationalize eating this way: “Mmmmm, we have that bag of oreos in the cupboard. Here, I’ll just have a couple. Oh, those are really tasty. Now I’ll go do something else”. So, I go about my business, but can’t really concentrate on anything because I’m still thinking about how good those oreos tasted. So, I say to myself..”If I’m going to be productive and able to stop obsessing over them, I must simply eat them all and be done with it”.
Oh you make me laugh! I wish I could give myself a head injury that would make me forget that I love sweets/candy/chips/popcorn/deepfriedthings/indianfoodinlargequantities and of course any kind of BAKED GOODS especially those that come from a fun night out with the girls.
I think you should eat a few, send some to work with hubster, freeze a few, eat a few more, have a friend over for coffee and have another one, and then bring the rest to the staff room at your kids’ school.
The last option would be to send them to me in St Albert and I will be sure to put them to good use!
Hey, LG, that was my very first thought! And then I saw the “silly pic” and realized it was likely more about getting out of the house and hanging with the girls which I totally get.
As for the cookies, give them to your hubby to take to work. Although this will likely hinder his own weight loss goals but only on the drive in to work before he puts them out for everyone. They’ll be gone in no time!
No one else has commented on this post yet, but maybe we’re all thinking the same thing: why did you participate in this cookie exchange if you knew you were going to get so many tempting goodies that you didn’t want to eat???
(I know, I know – it’s always a love/hate thing with the cookies.)