I firmly believe in an early bedtime. Yes, it means that The Boy and I don’t get to hang out for as long as I would like when I’m working full time. Yes, it means that I don’t have much of a life in the evenings because there is a law against leaving a sleeping baby alone. Yes, it means a lot of sacrifices. However, through much trial and error, I have discovered that early bedtimes (and by early I mean by 8pm at the latest- we aim for sometime between 7pm and 7:30pm) means a much happier, less grumpy, more alert toddler.
However, the flack I’ve received for this has been surprising to me. I am constantly meeting other parents who think I’m crazy for enforcing such an early bedtime. They firmly believe that playing with their baby is more important then sleep time.
Now, if you’ve ever read my blog, you’ll know that I believe in doing WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU AS A PARENT. And I mean that. But I’ve been researching earlier bedtimes and want to share with you some of the biggest reasons I think establishing an early bedtime is beneficial to both parent and baby:
- it is natural for young children to need more sleep at earlier times (source)
- a consistent, earlier bedtime provides routine that babies/toddlers crave (source)
- a regular, early bedtime can improve future academic performance (source)
- less grumpy, more alert child (source)
- later bedtime often does not equal later wake up (source)
- reduces bedtime stress (source)
- allows for some “me time” for parents (source)
So, ya, I’m a fan of the early bedtime!
We’re not perfect at maintaining the 7pm bedtime but we’ve made a real effort to establish a bedtime routine and stick to it. I’ve noticed some huge improvements in The Boy’s willingness to go to sleep without a fight, a less grumpy morning wake up, and some time to “relax” (ahem, clean and cook) once The Boy has gone to bed. For us, early bedtimes have made all the difference.
ABSOLUTELY. Mommy and Daddy need ‘us’ time, so in our home Adult time starts at 19:30 – babies are in bed!!! I do feel guilty every now and then because I’m not spending copious amounts of quality time with the Bunny, but I’d rather she was a happy Bunny. If they don’t get enough sleep they don’t develop correctly – babies grow, mentally and physically, when they sleep (PS… so do teenagers!! – and you want them to sleep!). My Bunny is a happy well-adjusted 2 year old (do you get those?) and I’m convinced it’s because she’s got routine. We bath, eat, teeth, potty, story and sleep!
Love your blog.
A bedtime routine is not only good for your baby but for the parents also. It gives a special time for bonding at the end of a long day. Here are some ideas for bedtime routines you may want to try.
Bedtime is at 8 in our house, always has been. It is a completely arbitrary time that I just happened to pull out of the air when DD was a babe, but it seems to work. I figure whatever works for your family is the right choice, my only MUST is that you have to be consistent!
Toddler sleep problems stand in the way of consistent quality sleep and this can lead to health issues such as a lower immunity, temper tantrums, a slower brain function, and a poor diet, to name a few.
Sarah I love this post!! Why? Because I too often get flack about my early bedtimes rules for my kids.
I like you have always been a firm believer that kids need to go to bed early. To get a restful sleep and be alert in the morning. My kids are 7 and 5 and their bedtime is still 7pm. They are extremely active kids. By the time 6pm rolls around they are usually zonked.
The school year presents with having to get up around 6/6:30 so it makes sense to have an early bedtime. My son who is 7 gets particularly grumpy if he is lacking in the sleep area…and none of us want that.
The rules at bedtime are simple…we kiss them goodnight, they are allowed to read books but they are not allowed out of their rooms unless it is to go to the bathroom. So Miyah my 5 year old lies in her bed and tells stories to herself and Chase my 7 year old is out like a light.
They never fuss about it they just know when its bedtime its bedtime.
I agree however that what fits one kids does not fit all…each family has to do what works for them!
Eva is 3 and I like her in bed by 8 every night.
The boys – I’m less structured with, especially now it’s summer but I do like to maintain a “before 10pm” bedtime (my 9yr old is usually in bed before 9 during school)
Your 5th bullet point is so true for my oldest. He can stay up til 1am and still be wide awake at 7am…so if he’s going to be up at 7am – he’s gonna get at least 8-9 hrs of sleep beforehand.