I’ve gotten a few emails asking similar questions about my Booty Camp Fitness experience (if you’ve missed some of my previous posts, check them out HERE and HERE ) and I totally understand why people want to know. I’m naturally really curious, so I’m more then happy to answer!
Just as a reminder, this isn’t a weight-loss blog, however I think new moms (maybe most moms in general?) struggle with self-image- I’m just sharing that struggle with all of you!
What is your starting point? How tall are you?
I should be clear that I am not overweight. I’m probably considered quite average right now- I’m 5′ 5.5″ and about a size 6 or 8, depending on the store. I am, however, much bigger then I was pre-pregnancy (I was a size 4 or 6, depending on the store). I am never going to drop “The Biggest Loser” type of weight, because I just don’t have that much to lose. I am, however, trying to get back to feeling like “me”- healthy, strong, and fit. That’s how I felt pre-pregnancy and I just want that feeling back, not a magic size or weight.
Have you had any positive results?
Absolutely! In fact, I am drinking the Booty Camp Kool-aid, because I am really seeing a difference. I am benefiting both emotionally and physically.
Physically (let’s face it, that’s what people really want to know about!!), I have lost almost 6 pounds, lost 9 inches (3 inches just in my waist!), and am down approx. 4% body fat. That’s from 4 weeks of working out with Booty Camp Fitness. I am really happy with those results!
Emotionally, I am starting to feel stronger, less tired (shocking, because I’m busier then ever), and happier overall.
What do you like about this style of workout?
I like that it’s by women, for women. In my class, there are so many ages, body sizes and athletic abilities- but we’re all able to get a really good workout for one hour, twice a week.
I’ve said it before, but I’m lazy. I would never, ever push myself this hard in the gym, so I really benefit from having an awesome instructor, Ashley, and other women to force me to do it. I’m also naturally competitive and want to be the best, so the group dynamic brings that out in me, making me work harder. Lastly, I *gulp* like squatting and lunging and even push-ups. I lifted weights a lot before I had The Boy and I didn’t mind it, but using my body weight to strengthen and tone (think push-ups, squats, lunges, dips) has actually worked just as well for me and I enjoy it more.
When do you find the time to work out?
This was the toughest for me. Especially now, as a working mom, I am struggling to fit everything into my already busy days. However, my Booty Camp class is at 8pm- my baby is in bed (this is huge because I don’t want to miss time with him), I’ve had my dinner, my husband is home from work, and I’ve usually thrown in some laundry. It’s a reasonable time for me to work out and still get everything done that I need to. I also find that, unlike the gym, being expected at a class is motivating to me. I don’t like to let people down so I am motivated to show up. It’s a struggle though and there are days I don’t want to go because I’m so stinkin’ tired, but I’ve never once regretted dragging my behind there!
I thoroughly enjoy doing my hiit workout in the morning . It gives me energy throughout the day. If my workouts were highly intense, I feel great all day long. Supplements are not really necessary with the proper fitness training program , really good nutrition program and the proper rest.
In this day an age we need to look beyond the service that is being provided by a company when making a decision on whether or not to patronize a company. Does the company have ethical values and practices and do they operate with integrity. How do they contribute (or detract) to society and/ or impact our environment.
BootyCamp may or may not provide a good service but their advertising tactics show little regard to the environment and our community as a whole. Their use of numerous large, bright pink posters crosses that fine line between effective marketing and branding and annoying the target audience and negatively impacting our environment. Bootycamp crosses the line in my neighborhood to the point where their brand will be negatively impacted in the community. There are sections of street where large pink signs are placed on multiple sides of every pole, mail box and parking ticket dispenser. This company is significantly contributing to the visual pollution in the area. There are several places within the community where you can see that people have attempted to removed the signs or have written on them. Given the nature of the glue that they used these remnants will remain for years to come as an eye sore in the neighborhood. Bootycamp came through and replaced damaged signs ever after receiving complaints. Head office committed to having the sign that was put up in front of my house removed but they did not follow through.
My wife had planned to sign up for a course but I have strongly encouraged her not to patronize a company that pays so little regard to the environment and our community as a whole. I would encourage all of you to do the same.
Wow you have done really great. I just started my classes this week. I was sore yesterday but still pushed myself last night to do the dvd. Im paying for it today lol. I have another class tonight that Im really looking forward too. Thank you for sharing your story it really helps me to push myself hearing your story. Im trying to get back to the weight I was before my 2 boys. Now what is this booty camp kool-aid?
Wow you have done so well. I just started on Tuesday and I was feeling the pain yesterday, but still pushed myself to do the dvd. Im paying for it today lol. After my kids my weight has gone up trying to get back to my old weight so im hoping this well help and seeing how well you and others have done really helps me to push myself. What is this booty camp kool-aid?
Thanks guys! I’m having an awesome time working out and any inches lost really is just a bonus. I spent way too much of my teens and early twenties obsessing on one special number on the scale- health, energy and happiness is now WAY more important to me as a mom. Perspective, right?
Go Sarah Go!!! Fantastic Blog Entry…
Sarah, Booty Camp sounds great! My friends and I take a Zumba class (Latin style aerobic dancing) every Friday and love it! Finding a workout program that I enjoy has been key. When working out is fun, I stick with the program. Thanks for reminding us that there are more benefits to working out than just weight loss, feeling stronger and happier are just as important!