My Beastly Book of Silly Things
(978 1 897349 85 4)
My Beastly Book of Twisted Tales
(978 1 926973 00 5)
My Beastly Book of Hilarious Heroes
(978 1 926973 01 2)
Audience: grade schoolers
Kids often love to draw – mine could draw for a whole morning. I’m all for blank paper and letting imaginations run wild, rather than prescriptive colouring books – but there are those kids who start out unsure and need a starter, or those times when even the most creative kid enjoys being given a little push in the right direction.
These fun activity books from OwlKids are the perfect answer for those situations, giving kids a partial picture and a cue, and leaving them to take it from there. The black white pages and black doodles leave it up to the doodler who follows to decide if they will simply add a few touches, or go all out and make it a full-colour, full-page masterpiece.
These books are also substantial enough, at some 120 pages, to keep your kiddos busy for a while – perfect for a road trip, cottage, or rainy weekend.
Even better? I am giving away a copy of each!
Do your children love to draw? Describe your child’s best art work and you will be entered to win a copy of one of these great activity books: My Beastly Book of Silly Things My Beastly Book of Twisted Tales, My Beastly Book of Hilarious Heroes .
Click here for Contest Rules and Regulations. members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in. Not a member yet? Click here to join.
I love to paint and draw…so it seemed natural my children would follow in my footsteps. My oldest child, a boy, from an early age would amaze anyone who saw his artwork – unfortunately as he grew older he lost interest. My daughter from day one is the most enthusatic little artist I have ever seen – in fact she is so enthusatic that she tends to draw so fast…she forgets parts or draws over them, often making it kinda of confusing what she may be drawing. My favorite picture, is a family picture she drew – it was then I realised the colors and vibrance of the picture was amazing and not to worry about the details (who cares if I have hair or not) – it’s her own type of art which very well may be famous some day 🙂
My 9yr old daughter is all about the art. She loves to draw, especially dragons. She also loves to draw animals, usually a story in pictures. I love her drawings and I really love her explanations as to what is happening in the picture. Her imagination knows no limits. I have purchased sketchbooks and sketching pencils for her and told her to draw whatever comes into her mind, or to go outside and draw things that appeal to her eyes. My favourite drawing that she did was when I was really sick with the flu and she drew a picture for me…she drew me laying in bed and her bringing me things to make me feel better. I still have it hanging on my wall by my bed two years later!
I think the best artwork my youngest child ever did is a reverse painting on glass of a cartoon cat. He was only 5 years old when he did it, and I still have it hanging in my bedroom!
Pictures of family always have something to teach.
My favourite is my young granddaughters purple and orange 13 legged Merry Christmas Cat!
My twin sons painted watercolor pictures last year in grade 2 of a home with an amazing sunset. My friends all commented and said I should have those framed. I followed their advice and now they grace our rec room walls.
My daughter is very creative when drawing or crafting. The first picture that she drew was called it ‘Dancing Dog’! Very funny and cute 🙂
I love the picture My oldest drew of her and her dad wrestling…it’s so cute!
I like the collage art my daughter creates out of magazine pictures and objects such as leaves, rocks, glitter. Her most recent picture was an underwater collage. She added magazine pictures of dogs and drew diving helmets over the dogs’ heads.
Best photo was a picture of our weekend camping trip.
He choose it to draw at school for best trip ever.
My youngest son who is only five years old loves to draw. He went to SuperHero camp this year and drew this great drawing of SuperMan and it was over 4 feet tall! He loves to draw pictures of people, houses and his favorite characters on television. He is very creative!
Anything by my little artists is a masterpiece, but my favorite is a ceramic mug that I drink my tea from. So perfect in it’s imperfection.
My daughter drew a Christmas picture and it ended up on the front of our community newspaper…talk about a proud mama!!! :D:D:D
Homemade cards always mean so much! I’ve saved them and there displayed in the kids school books for each year.
My 11 year old drew my husband and I as panda bears holding hands and skipping through a rainbow. With little hearts all around and papa panda bear is wearing a spiffy striped tie. She has also includes a sun and clouds at the top of her crayon rendition of love. Mr. Sunsunshine has shades on and is actually holding back the rain clouds with his rays. It is just precious!
Both my girls love to draw, my oldest is all about Manga right now, and spends a few hours a day at that! My youngest draws people, allot of people. She loves to draw it is perhaps her favorite passtime right now and spends many happy hours doing it.
I had a computer printout of my two daughters that I posted on the fridge (in black and white, on regular paper) and my two just had to add their own touch. With colourful markers they added a halo above one and devil’s horns with tail on the other. What makes it so hilarious is that it matches their facial expressions completely. I haven’t framed any of my childrens’ art before now, but this one is a keeper.
Honestly, I could never pick. We have a couple very talented artists in our home. One is a cartoonist, the other chooses animals. We alternate pictures weekly on the fridge and file them in away chronologically for later enjoyment.
It always better the drawing on the walls and floor.
I love any time my kids use their handprints in their artwork…so cute!
my niece drew a picture of me riding my bike, she said it’s ’cause you’re healthy’
My son has recently started using every body part possible to finger paint in the tub-can’t complain-it washes right out. So what if he is green from hair to tootsies?
Their homemade cards are the best!
Both our kids have drawn pictures of our family. I have them framed and hung up at home. Every time I see their pictures I smile, they are both a little older now and better at drawing- but I really love our stick family pictures. Thanks
my oldest was drawing spirals at 1 1/2 years and she’s kept it up with these tiny, intricate doodles that pop up every so often. but my favorite so far is her collage of ducks eating doughnuts?!?
My kids homemade cards have always been my favourites!
the homemade birhday cards always mean so much!
My youngest daughters first painting that she brought home from Kindergarten is wildly imaginative & shows off her creative side to the max. It’s a mish-mash of colourful creations including a pink turtle, a slide, a green monster and of course, a bright yellow sunshine looking down from the top of the page. I loved it so much that I got it laminated & hung it up in my office at work. It makes me smile every time I look at it!