There are days when I’m just a boring ol’ mum doing the school runs, folding laundry, making lunches, wiping…um…everything. But sometimes, I end up in sort of surreal situations.
Last night I was watching the 25th Anniversary of Les Miz and this morning I was face to face with Colm Wilkinson, the man who created Jean Valjean. Sort of puts the dusting into perspective.
(At this point, my husband leans over my shoulder and says “When was the last time you dusted?” I quickly point to the laundry pile and shoo him off.)
I was at a press launch for Dancap Productions, taking publicity stills, and along with Colm was Donny Osmond.
Yes, the Donny Osmond. I mean, he’s the Bieber before Bieber. But I digress…
(Hubby buds in again. “Bieber before Bieber? You had a crush on him, didn’t you?” “No,” I say blushing. “I was 4.” )
I had taken my photos and suddenly Donny opened the forum to questions. No one knew this was going to happen, so no one had anything prepped. And I felt badly because no one was asking anything, so I raised my hand.
(I should preface this by telling you I sometimes say stupid things. Occasionally I say them in front of the media. Or celebs. Or both.)
Rae: I have a quick question.
Donny: I have a quick answer.
Rae: Great! I grew up obviously loving you and your sister, the show, you guys were actually my first Barbies…
I’m Interrupted by here by a HUGE laugh from all the other journalists.
Donny: You didn’t put needles in it?
Rae: NO! And I didn’t even try to cut Marie’s hair! But, I lost the socks.
Donny: You lost the socks?
Rae (sadly): I lost the socks and it broke my heart.
Donny (chuckling): They’re probably worth about, oh, 2 bucks now…
Another laugh from the peanut gallery.
Rae: You should check out eBay. Anyway, for those of us who did grow up with you, a lot of us are moms now, and is the show something I can bring my daughter to or is this something I should leave for a date night with my husband?
Donny (cheekily): It’s Donny & Marie, it won’t be children friendly.
Yet another guffaw from the crowd.
Donny (earnestly): That’s the thing, the whole family can come to this show and have a great time. You know, I look out into the audience and it’s just dumbfounding how the demographics vary. From 16 to 102, we’ve got it covered. But I’m not happy till I get the kindergarteners. Then I’ll be happy.
Rae (enthusiastically): I can cover that for you!
Donny: Can you really?
Rae: Absolutely!
I was much calmer by the time I had a one-on-one with Colm. I’d never had a Barbie of him after all. But I’ll tell you about that tomorrow…
I had the dolls too, and I loved their feathery outfits, remember them? Purple and green and pink.
I did cut their hair though. All the barbies got the cut I’m afraid.
Love Colm….such a Canadian.
Great post Racheal. I’m sorry Ali, Donny does nothing for me, Jean Valjean on the other hand…Les Miz is one of my all-time faves. I’ll be watching for tomorrow’s post.
Wow….The Osmond Family was my very first concert. I remember going to Exhibition Place, I remember having a thing for Donny and his purple socks. I remember being a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll. Sigh.
Donny Osmond.
Be still my heart.
I can’t get past the picture of Colm. Love him so much. I have my Les Miz cds ready for my drive to Chicago. I plan on singing it word for word along with Colm…looooove
wow! a normal sounding guy. sounds like a hoot of an interview! very classy 🙂
Wow, that’s awesome, lady… : )
I had those barbies too and the socks were purple!