I sometimes joke that my house runs on organized chaos when, in fact, it is usually complete disorganized chaos.
Take a look at my kitchen calendar – keeping in mind that hockey season is over so there is no regular season hockey on there:
Throw in a rep hockey schedule and I can pretty much fill up everyday and probably overbook a bunch as well. Last October, November and December Cam was on the ice an average of 24 days out of the month.
In the past 6 months I have forgotten to take Cam to 1 dentist appointment and forgot to go to 2 of my own. I have had to reschedule my physical twice (thank you, erratic cycle) and this month had to work everyone’s schedule around Sick Kids changing Eva’s surgery twice.
As far as day to day stuff – I do my best to get as much ready the night before. I lay out their clothes and get as much of their lunches ready as I can or at least make sure all of the snack containers are clean.
But some mornings I still find myself scrambling formatching clean socks and having to clean the snack containers from lunch the day before.
But some mornings I still find myself scrambling for
Too often we are living out of the laundry baskets – the clothes are clean but they don’t always get put away.
I do take comfort in the fact that they get to school on time, wearing clean clothes with a nice lunch in their bag (almost) everyday.
As much as I try to stay on top of things there always seems to be something left out, forgotten, late for or rescheduled.
I’ve recently been looking toward using new technology to help me organize this chaos.
And you can too – I have a Palm Pre smartphone to giveaway to a lucky reader!
Wanna get more done – more quickly? Want multitasking made easy? Wanna integrate all your information and pull all your schedules into one view?
Well you can with the Palm Pre smartphone.
Leave me a comment telling me your strategies for staying organized and you could win this amazing smartphone!
only urbanmoms.ca members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign
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Click here for
contest Rules and Regulations.
I’d LOVE this – I still have a flip phone π
I have ‘To Do’ lists, done lists, more ‘To Do’ lists, ‘To Do’ cause it didn’t get done lists, ‘still not done’ lists, ‘maybe some day, it’ll get done ‘lists’ and ‘it will never get done’ lists. I guess that’s as organized as I get, I could really use some help here!
everything on a calendar, with post it notes stuck here and there on the calendar as well…and then the calendar is in on the fridge for all to see!!
I use my kitchen calendar and write in different colours for different reasons – like doctor, dentist, meetings etc.
I use post it notes to make sure I don’t forget time-sensitive tasks – and I keep a written list and use a yellow highlighter to identify urgent items
I keep on top of things by using my trusty calendars, facebook, memory, happy Mother’s Day to all MOMs out there : )
Life with 2 boys is crazy and I fly by the seat of my pants.
Christine, I use an adgenda. I keep it in my purse, and I write everything down in it’s pages.. With five kids to keep track of, appointments, where and when I’ve got volunteer duties, birthday parties.. work.. I couldn’t do with out it. I do also put things on the calendar at the computer desk.. but I seriously depend on the adgenda. π
The best organizational tools I have are my calendars. I have a big one with lots of large spaces on it for everyday appointments, meetings, and get-to-gethers, and I have a purse-size datebook/organizer in my handbag. This organizer also has compartments for birthday, special occasions, grocery lists and bill payments so with just a glance I can tell what is going on that day or week.
I am a big fan of making lists, so that nothing important gets forgotten
I envy people who are organized (or seem to be)! I work full time and have a 10-year-old daughter who is busier than I am. When I get up in the morning, I almost never get done what I set out to do that day, and often times forget something I was supposed to do, until it is too late to do it until another day. I am bombarded with new tasks every day, which seem to postpone the tasks at hand continuously. Does everybody have this problem???
I write EVERY appointment, sports game and committment on our wall calendar so that it is all organized in one spot and nothing is missed.
Lists, lists and more lists. I love checking off things that are completed. The key is to keep them all in the same place such as a little planner so you are always able to quickly have a look at the things you still have to do when you have a minute.
Hi Christine!
I try to stay organized by writing everything I need to get done that day on a piece of paper and I keep referring back to it all day and check off the tasks as I go!
The important stuff I write on post-it notes and place on a memo board, or use scraps of paper that are held down by magnets on the magnetic board that I have as well. Sometimes I just memorize stuff (kinda scary….) I’d definitely have a more stress-free life by having a smartphone!
I am so unorganized it isn’t even funny….somehow with two boys in soccer, running a daycare, and going to all my nieces and nephews events I somehow remember to go most of the time.
I really need to be taught to organize. If someone moves my piles of papers from my kitchen cabinet or on top of the microwave I can’t remember a thing. Forget remembering PTO stuff at my son’s school.
I bought myself a file cabinet and file folders to keep myself organized. Had a terrific time with the label maker !!! *grin*
I do something immediately, rather than letting stuff pile up to do. As soon as I get a bill, I pay it – or it could get sucked into the abyss!
I stay organized by using the calendar on my computer. Unfortunately, in order for that to work, I have to be organized enough to put the things I need to do ON the calendar π When I am able to do that, things are great, but lately I have not been organized enough to do it and thus missed a meeting and a chiropractic appointment on the same day π
I have 3 teens ..the rule is if you want or need something email me..I do well if its infront of me and in writing !!!
Calendars and my smart fone!
Family Calendar is our “bible”
Christine, Reading your post made me feel normal in my chaos. Right down to the missed dentist appointments. Finding organization within the cyclone is near to impossible. I use my calendars, sticky notes and emails but like you, with a son who is in rep hockey and rep baseball, you pretty much need to schedule going to the bathroom! Throw a little bit of normal life in there and it’s like picking the winning lottery numbers…you’ve got a shot and you just might win!
I leave notes to myself everywhere including my cell phone calendar (it has alarms set to go off 90 minutes to an hour before appointments), sticky notes, dry erase style calendars, computer calendar, computer screen sticky notes and e-mails between hubby and myself. For major appointments hubby has shown me how to have a pop-up message to myself when I log onto my computer.
The Palmpre smartphone would be a perfect way to keep everything organized instead of these small purse calendars and the big calendar that you put on your fridge so you make sure that you read what event you have to go to or do today. I work full time and volunteer for sports (manager, treasurer) for my sons teams. This would definately help to get me where I have to be on time.
My 5 year old and I depend on each other to get all the “to-do’s” done. We keep organize by using her monthly school calendar (which is prominently posted onto the fridge) and constantly add and/or refer to it in order to keep on top. Juggling her schoolwork, piano lessons, birthday parties and extra curricular activities makes organization top of our priorities. My 5 year old has a fantastic memory and together, we always complete our tasks!
I use 3 different calendars, all 3 in the Kitchen one for my daughter who does all kinds of sports and has school things going on and one for my husbandand who has so many doctors appoitments every month and then one calendar for everything and then I also use the one on my computer. Even with all this we’ve still miss some appointments.
It would really be helpful to get this new and cool smartphone!
I would love to have a smartphone to keep me organized. In the meantime, I will stick to scheduling important dates, appointments, ideas, reminders, time commitments, grocery lists and things to do lists with paper and pen. I keep three calendars and three lists going each week, and continue to update them daily.
I have 2 mom calendars, one on the fridge for the kids & one on the wall for me, plus I make lists for everything, groceries, cleaning, packing & who needs to do what:):):)
I sit down with my husband on sunday nights and plan out the week ahead from meals to events to time together just the two of us.
I like to start my day with a walk nice and early. When I get home I pour a coffee and head to the computer. I check email and facebook and jot down anything I need to add for that day into a medium sized daytimer book. I also have lots of blank sticky notes on every pages in the book to be able to jot down extra notes and numbers. The book has to fit into my purse to go with me during the day.
From my job at home to crafting with the seniors, running a 16 year old to one school, a 7 year old to another, parenta to their appointments….it can get very hectic! We have also been building on to our house for the last year so it is full of folded design ideas, suppliers list and so on. I take that book everywhere and am not embarassed to pull it out at lunch to quickly jot down something else that I remembered that needs to be done, picked up, ordered or hopefully make the next lunch date!
I like to write in my weekly calendar 3 x 4 inches. Small enough to fit in my purse without getting lost in the bottom!
I stay organized with a monthly calendar. It has all of our commitments on it that are colour coded by person.
I use the old calendar on the wall and little past it notes all over the house to remind me of things. I guess its time to get with technology and advance forward….
I stay organized by my day timer, fridge calanderand constant remminders from the family.
Wow! How do I stay organized? I try to schedule everything and stick to that schedule like crazy! If I know exactly when my free time is each day, I know when I can schedule in the extra things that might pop up! Of course, my oldest is only four, so as of right now I still have a fair bit of free time. Give me a couple years, and we’ll see how well I do! π
I stay organized by keeping calendars up in several places in the home plus I use the one on my cell phone as well. There is a cork board by our door and this is where we keep all to-do lists, notes, invitations, etc beside the calendar which I update daily. This way we all know what’s going on and when!
That PalmPre Smart Phone looks like a dream come true!! I sufffer from full blown fibromyalgia, and degenerative joint condition. To top it off, I was in a car accident, and further injured my already bad neck. To put it simply, I have so many appointments that my calendar looks more like a journal than a calendar!! I try to keep 2 going, one with everything on it (Bdays, Appts., special days, etc), and another with just appointments so that my family can see which days I will need extra help. It doesn’t work. I have missed appointments, been late for special things, just generally not getting things done that have to be done. With the fibro, I get what they call “fibro fog” which just kinda means that I forget things, like finding corrrect words, or forgetting what I am supposed to be doing. If I had this particular Smartphone, my life would be simplified so much!! I worry at night when I go to bed that I have forgotten something, – so I would even sleep better! I can’t buy one, because I can’t work, live alone, and my income just does not have room for such a purchase. To win one would be just amazing, and I would be truly thankful!!
I rely on my calendar and lists.
Staying organized for appointments for us is we have a calendar on the fridge that we write stuff down on so we see it as it is in a place for us where we will not miss it.
We do grocery lists which is a way of organizing of what we need in the house.
We usually have some lists that we keep info on that we need to keep track of what is coming up.
I use the old fashioned daytimer calendar, toss it in my purse and away I go…I keep post its on hand in a variety of bright colours to remind myself and other family members of things going on that day or week…as they seem to forget everything…and we have a master family calendar on the fridge where all the info goes….ah if things were more simple….lol
I stay organized by using a calendar and writing everything that I have to do on it.
I am an organization nut!
Hmmm … my organization consists of one pocket calendar with post it stuck all over it. This little calendar is with me at all times and carries my life. I would definitely benefit from the palm pre since i do shift work and my schedule is forever changing not to mention the busyness of everyday life and appointments. I’m a first time mom to a super busy toddler.
Organization? Ummm… I’m still working on it. My family sprouted 4 years ago, when I married my husband, adopted my daughter (now 11), and then had 2 babies the old fashion way. Honestly, my two year old daughter has reminded me what we needed at the grocery store more than once.
I was carrying a pocket calender in the baby bag, which was working out well until I started forgetting the bag in the car/house/mother in laws. Since my 3 month old has been bored, I have been texting myself notes.
So far so good. And there are always the kids to keep me on top of things!
I stay organized as much as possible by making myself as many lists as i can,…but remember this,if you do have a list for say grocery shopping,dont do what ive done a ton of times,i go shopping and get more than i had on my list and forgot things too,as i kept the list in my pocket and didnt even take it out.
I could REALLY use a Palm Pre I tell ya! I try VERY hard to be organized — fridge calendar, post-its, calendar on my computer, reminders that pop up… plus the very unreliable “tell my husband and hope he reminds me” method. But through it all, I still find that I need to be MORE organized. Life is so busy — it’s easy for “to-dos” to slip through the cracks!
I stay organized because I have a mild case of OCD LOL. Mind you sometimes it goes the other way to the extreme.
Love to stay organized and every bit of updated techology can help me with that.
Lists and a main family calendar are keys for my family staying organized. When I need a family member to do something I find repeated reminders are the best way to go.
Help! I need to get organized to get organized.
For me…it was all about routine and compromise. A mom to a 4 year old boy (with energy like the energizer bunny), a wife, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, a friend, and holding down full time job downtown Toronto as well as an independent consultant life can be a little busy….and this is only with one child. I give props to all of you who have more than one child. Sharing the responsibilities was key for me. So between my husband and I, three days a week he drops our son to school and I pick him up. The other two days, I drop him off to school and he picks him up. At home, bedtime routine with our son – my husband and I alternate with bathtime and bedtime. This has helped greatly in the day to day responsibilities as well as time well spent with our son. He anticipates the next move so (after bath, its bedtime snack, then brush teeth, story time, goodnights and bed).
I use a calendar near the kitchen for all the events and activities (and we even schedule a monthly massage appt…it is needed and well worth it. If it’s on the calendar…it happens)
Since I live in Pickering and work downtown Toronto, I utilize the Go Train (40 minutes each way) to write my TO DO list for work; for home; and my side consulting business. This way when I arrive at work or back at home…I hit the ground running (figuratively of course).
My husband is a Mayor and trying to keep track of his schedule and my work schedule is never ending battle, this little toy would go a long to helping with
my trying to organize and keep on track of two lives.
We have a family board in our kitchen, for organizing. It holds everything that we have planned for the next few months, recylcing schedules, birthdays, shopping lists, etc. Since we implemented this, we haven’t missed a single event!
How do I stay organized? That’s easy. I have turned my fridge into the community board. We have the calender marked with birthday’s, anniversary’s and appointments.
Then we pin up important school information, Trip’s, events and assignments. I also have a date book to remind me all of the above and when my husband’s kids will visit. Finally I use the planner on my cell. It reminds me when bills are due, when my hair appointment is and any lunch plans I may have made.
I would have to admit that even with all of my methods I still end up missing two to three important things a month. I just hate getting those phone calls…….you have missed your last dental check up or the kids have missed a sporting event. I am forever asking what day is it today? do we have swimming or palates? Did I miss that appointment with the specialist? There is also the double booking I do that a lot.
I do need and all in one organizer, something to poke me and say HEY! you have something you need to do.
Hi Christine….on a similar journey to yours….can totally relate. Sorry, your daughter’s surgery was rescheduled. Stressful enough without that. You sound more organized than me wheh! Thanks for chance at the Palm Pre Smart phone.
I love(d) my little Smartphone before it started breaking down on me π but I loved it. mostly for all the great applications for shopping lists, calendars, note taking and just general organizing. Plus since I put a children’s application on it, I can let my toddler play with it too and not have to worry about him making any crazy phone calls… but Smartphones are great!
I have one large calendar on the wall with big day squares. I write activities in as i find them out and highlight mine in yellow, my daughters in pink and hubbys in blue.
As long as i write them down immediately it works for me.
I love(d) my smart phone until it decided to start breaking down on me. It can be a handy little organizer.
I use my daytimer, and a calendar for home events. Once a week, on Sunday evening, I sit down with both the daytimer and calendar and make sure all upcoming activities are scheduled in both places.
I always have to make a list or I forget.
I have an Old School daytimer and it is the butt of jokes at our executive meetings for the choir…but they are all always asking to look at my calendar to check on dates that they, younger set, have posted in their minds!
As I run a home daycare staying organized is crucial! I keep a giant calendar on my fridge (it covers the entire front top portion!) with the school schedules for the 4 children that go to school, as well as appointments, play dates, lessons and work schedules for my husband and 2 boys! I also keep a 4 week menu, planned in advance so I always know what I need for the next meal and/or shopping trip. If there is anything out of the ordinary that I have to do or take when we leave the house I rely on the old stand-by…POST-IT notes- I stick them at eye level on my front door so I won’t miss it on the way out- and yet today I still had to make a second trip to the school to drop off the library book I forgot to send with my 5 year old!! π
The thing that keeps me most organized is a weekly menu! If I check the schedule and plan meals around what we are doing and keep to them, then I am less stressed at the dinner hour!
I always have to make a list or I forget.
I just use my daytimer! It works for me and the activities my family of four is involved in – if my two kids and husband tell me what they have to do! Sometimes I have to find forms in their backpacks of fieldtrips or activities that they “forgot” to tell me about and for which I have another activity scheduled for. A smartphone would absolutely let me keep on top of things better as I would have it with me everywhere, instead of toting my daytimer with me. It would also allow me to update instantly and see any conflicts with a push of a button!
I make lists and try to keep everything on a routine. I also have assigned days that I do chores,i.e. laundry on the weekend, groceries on Mondays and Thursdays, etc. I also have a huge fridge calendar with everything written on it and a computer in the kitchen so that as I think of things, I can e-mail my hubby or myself or friends to confirm play dates. Among other things, my brain which surprisingly is rather reliable.
When it comes to organizing my chaotic life, I’m afraid I’m still a slave to the most low-tech of all devices: POST-IT NOTES. Yes, 3M, I love you!!! I make lists and more lists and more lists and stack them according to date/priority/type of task. I carry them in my purse when I’m out, stick them on the refrigerator when I’m at home, and place them beside my computer if some of the tasks involve contacting people. My greatest joy (yes, I need to GET A LIFE) is crossing off each item as it gets done. I do it with a vengeance — a red marker is the best thing for the job, as it seems to empower me to get even more done. (Kind of like waving a red cape in front of a bull, lol.)
Synchronizing our calendars has really helped us stay organized. We’re working on having one central on-line calendar that will keep track of everything … now we just need to remember to update it!
LOL! Strategies? I wish! Which is why I really need something like this Pre. I still use a hard copy daytimer (a cute one called MomAgenda by MomEssentials) because I’m still clinging to the tactile nature of handwriting in my appointments and whatnot. But I also have a calendar through Outlook (well, Entourage on my Mac) that I use with the husband. THen there’s the wall calendar with kid stuff written all over it… as you can see, I’m all over the map. It would be sweet to have everything working together, in an organizing/scheduling synergy kind of way.
I definitely need help with organizing my days. I think I’m one of the few people who doesn’t have a blackberry. I have a work phone but that’s it. I rely so much on my daytimer but unfortunately if I don’t check it daily I forget appointments and when my daughter has early pick up. It’s not a good scene when we’re late!! A smart phone would certainly make my life easier……..
I have too many calendars. One at work, one in the car, one at home. My problem is transferring all the info between the calendars. It would be nice to put them all into one
I make a list weekly and add to it. The one thing that helps is that I cook my next day dinner the previous night (once the kids are down) which means healthy nutritious food is ready for the whole family as soon as they get home. It is a little more work for me in the evening but I get to spend all that time with the kids when we all get home….priceless!
All about the calendars (have a number of them scattered in strategic places) and lists!
During the weekdays, I send emails to myself, from my work email to my personal email! All day long things pop into my head that I know I won’t remember by the time I get home, so I email myself. I could really use a Palm instead!
At home, I have a completely filled kitchen calendar for my boys’ schedules. It’s not big enough. Sometimes I think I need to convert one of the kitchen walls to a giant blackboard!
Lists, lists and more lists, I started typing them so i knwo where i can find them!
I keep organized by having a whiteboard in the kitchen which is basically outlined like the calendar you use. There’s a box for each day of the week for the month plus an extra area for miscellaneous items like a running list of groceries we ran out of and reminder notices. I write down our meals for the week, appointments, events, milestones etc. And I even write down who is responsible for the chores of the week so no one can say they “forgot”.
Since I had my daughter 3 years ago my organization has gone nowhere but down hill……lol Help I have baby brain! Now with my 10 month old son added to the picture my baby brain has gotten worse and I often forget about important parts of my schedule! My phone is something I never leave home without so having the features this phone has to offer would definitely be an asset to me and would quite possibly cure my baby brain!!! lol
I stay organized by writing everything down and making lists. I have a calendar in the kitchen and it is easy for everyone to check. I keep a little notebook in my handbag that I use for errands and shopping lists.
I use a large calendar at home, one at work and LOTS of notes……it’s not perfect but it works most of the time……..
I stay organised by having a note in each of my 3 kids room,each with appointmens,dates and schdules.That way they also know and remember to do what on what day.
In my room I have my note paper on my mirror-so I also know dates and schedules and appointments.of my husband and myself and also a copy of the kids scheludes as well.
Unfortunately, I am not very organized at all. I try to keep organized, but no matter what, I am always forgetting appointments, I think it may have something to do with all of those pretty coloured post it notes I write everything on. They are stuck all over the fridge, my computer, the kid’s backpacks, etc.
I desperately need a Palm Pre!
To do lists on my cell phone
I use a wall calender and a day planner, otherwise I would never remember any appointments. I would love to win this phone and then I could get rid of my day planner.
I like to prep things the night before – take out the clothes, make lunches and put them in the fridge then start to prep the next nights dinner. I’m home a few minutes before my husband and the kids so I have the chance to start prepping dinner and making lunches. When they get in all I have to do is repack the lunches and put the bags in the fridge.
I also set dates for things:
Laundry is ALWAYS done on Friday nights (no matter how late) and all the folding is done Saturday morning -then everyone has to put their own clothes away Sat morning before breakfast. Grocery Shopping is always done on the way home on Wednesday – I usually plan an easy dinner that my husband can help prepare, etc.
I also keep a note pad handy so that I can make lists – there are 3 different lists always on the go: 1) Grocery list, 2) To Do (the extra tasks i.e. pickup gift for mother’s day, pick up dry cleaning, etc..) 3) Appointments (this includes everything from dinner dates to dentist appointments).
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great prize.
I like to prep things the night before – take out the clothes, make lunches and put them in the fridge then start to prep the next nights dinner. I’m home a few minutes before my husband and the kids so I have the chance to start prepping dinner and making lunches. When they get in all I have to do is repack the lunches and put the bags in the fridge.
I also set dates for things:
Laundry is ALWAYS done on Friday nights (no matter how late) and all the folding is done Saturday morning -then everyone has to put their own clothes away Sat morning before breakfast. Grocery Shopping is always done on the way home on Wednesday – I usually plan an easy dinner that my husband can help prepare, etc.
I also keep a note pad handy so that I can make lists – there are 3 different lists always on the go: 1) Grocery list, 2) To Do (the extra tasks i.e. pickup gift for mother’s day, pick up dry cleaning, etc..) 3) Appointments (this includes everything from dinner dates to dentist appointments).
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great prize.
I am a busy mom of whree and I also care for children in my home so be organized is a number one priority for me.I plan and write down EVERYTHINg.I am the queen of of list making ..everything from goceries and meals.whwre i have to take the kids and thing i want to accomplish around the house.then i check them off one by one!
I need a new strategy, my old ones are failing! I’ve been losing my lists, my husband isn’t putting his stuff on my colour-coded computer calendar, Google calendar has its limitations, I’m buried in email …. HELP! I’d love to give this Palm Pre a spin and let y’all know how it rolls.
I am not organized at all and would love to be!
I try to keep myself (and my husband) organized with a combination of a wall calendar and my very old palm. Some days I’m very successful and others not so much. I dream of owing a palm pre!!!!!
I do my best to stay organized by writing everything done, we have a calendar in the office at home with all the activities and the hubby and I always make sure it in the calendar. My number 1 trick is starting each day with a list and then checking it off! Phew!
I am not organized at all and would love to be!
I love my BlackBerry, but on the weekend my sister came over and showed off er her new Palm Pre. She had ditched her Berry in favour of the Pre. As she showed off her new toy, all its bells, whistles and features (it is very very cool!) I could feel the littlfe green eyed moster creeping out. I think, I too ditch my Berry if I won the Palm Pre. Currently I keep this family organized on my BlackBerry with everything from appointments to reminders, I even use it as my morning alarm, but now that I see how organized my sister is, I am feeling, well, a bit chaotic.
We have a really big white board on one wall in the kitchen. Each person has their own color and 1 for ‘everyone’.
It’s got two sections, 1 day by day and one with upcoming events. I’ve found it really easy to work with and everyone can see at a glance what’s up for the next week or so.
I currently rely on my brain (not ususally very reliable!) and my outlook at work. But, sometimes I need informtion and don’t have time to turn on my work computer to find it out, so need some help in getting organized. I try to do everything I need for the next day at night after my son goes to sleep and I crash for the evening. Makes for a busy day, but at least I can sleep well knowing everything is good to go for the next morning!
The only way I can stay organized is to get up a couple hours before my son and plan my day. I return emails then, make lists of things to do and get the food for the day organized.
I have a large calendar on the fridge with everybodys schedule on it (mom/dad and two kids). Everyone has a different colour so you know who’s activity/appointment list it is. I have to do lists all over the place to track the little things and post it notes stuck to days I need to send the kids with something.
I have a large calendar on the fridge with everybodys schedule on it (mom/dad and two kids). Everyone has a different colour so you know who’s activity/appointment list it is. I have to do lists all over the place to track the little things and post it notes stuck to days I need to send the kids with something.
I try to plans my weekly meals ahead of time on sunday and shop for everything at the same time. This way I never have to wonder “what’s for dinner?”
I also put out the next days outfits and make the next day’s lunches the night before when I have more time rather than first thing in the morning when everyone is rushing around.
I need to get better oganized. Lists are not working for me anymore and my memory is slowing getting shorter, LOL! I usually make lists for major events, trips, parties, etc. but for day to day tasks I just try to go with the flow and hopefully I’ll remember to do everything!!!!
Their is comfort in repetition. I try to keep our lives as simple as possible. Each child has one evening activity, I have one evening yoga class, and my husband goes fishing on Saturday before we wake up. This way everyone has something of their own and only 2-3 out of 7 evenings are scheduled. I run errands on my lunch hour so I’m not scrambling after work. We use automatic banking – everything automatically goes in and everything automatically comes out. My husband makes dinner, and we both put the kids to bed.
It’s all about keeping it simple.
i up get early and multitask, trying to finish related tasks together
I live and die by my MS OUTLOOK Calendar and Tasks! If it’s not in there – then it’s not happening. I use the CALENDAR to add events, great thing about this is that i can schedule the events to re-occur; for birthday/anniversary dates. AND…most importantly, i set a REMINDER…so when i open Outlook, I get a reminder. I use the TASKS to enter all my to-do’s. Again, you can setup re-occuring tasks and reminders. It’s beautiful!
I try my best to keep everything organized around the house. I’ve become a really big fan of those small storage totes and boxes from the dollar store! They are a cheap and handy solution to keeping things tidy!
A good old calendar and planner are what always helps me to remember dates and to keep appointments.. Making a ‘things to do list’ helps me get more done.
I need my calendar on the wall!
I use calendars, I have a calendar in the office which I write down on the date when bills are due or payments come out. My calendar in the kitchen has appointments, birthdays, school days off etc. For outside the house, I take a list.
I’m a list person. Lots of lists. Doesn’t completely work though.
lots of paper and pens and try and write everything down, I also have a calender I may or may not remember to check, chaos reigns!
I use calender and lists to keep myself organized.
I write everything down. I buy calendars with pockets for notes…appts and birthday cards.
I couldn’t survive without my handheld device – everything goes into it! I even send my husband calendar invitations so he adds it to his schedule at the same time.
I use a big calender as well- as soon as my kids school newsletter comes home, I transfer all important dates to the calender. For a very brief period of time I had smartphone and LOVED IT- I could keep all of my personal & work stuff, kids activities, birthdays etc all in one place and always have it with me. Unfortunately the phone got wet and now I am reluctantly back to the calendar system.
I use my Hotmail account, and use the Calander to email me reminders.
I defnitely use my cell phone calendar and reminder features to keep me on track. It’s nice that I can add something new at any time. In other words I can still update my calendar when I’m not even at home.
See that big-ole calendar up there that is exactly what we do! the house rule is if it is not on the calendar it is not going to happen. The kids have known this for years so when hubby forgets it is a riot to hear the kids tell him to check the calendar. But this would be nice so I could move into the techno age along with everyone else! :o)
Organized is my middle name! Okay I don’t have a middle name but if I DID..that would be it. I use Google Calendar to keep my Husband and I on the same page for appointments, events & to-do’s around the house. I use Microsoft Office products (LOVE Excel & Word) for managing finances and documents.
Everything is online based! But…it’s not portable. That’s why I *need* this Palm Pre. My husband uses an Iphone to keep connected to our organizational processes but if I’m not home, I’m out of touch! And I’m usually not home! I’m either at work full time, running here and there or running a money group for 12 women (Voluntarily!)
Oh Smartphone, help me stay on track!
I write a weekly list off of my calendar with the important things from each day on it. That way it narrows down my “Must dos” to each day. I would be in big trouble if I ever lost my calendar. Thanks
I try to stay organized by writing stuff on my calendar in the kitchen
I have 2 boys in hockey so believe me, I can relate!! I keep organized with my big calander on the fridge!! I have stickers that mark the sports, appointments, school activites… and so on!! I also transfer the big calander to a smaller one in my purse, just incase I don’t forget anything… sometimes it works, sometimes I’m rescheduling as well!! The life of a mom is a busy one!! My husband has a blackberry, something tell’s me I need it more than he does….
I consider myself a very organized person. Lists work well for me, and when they are not complete those tasks go at the top of the list for my next day!
It is also important to make your time frames realistic.
I stay organized by a calender on the wall. Write in under each day of the week the events that need to be done.
My husband is working out of town and i’m the only parent alot of the time. I have sooooooo much respect for single moms. I think they rock because i often feel like a single mom.
Sometimes i’m not organized enough and i miss things….OOOOOPPPPPPPS. Sorry kids…..
Love my life… Just laugh about it sometimes and enjoy the ride..
always take a deep breath and enjoy these busy days!
Like most moms i have a big calendar in my office and on the fridge. I have 2 kids, 5 and 7 who go to 2 different schools. One gets the bus, while i drive the other after he gets picked up.
I also own a photography business. During the winter my calendar looks pretty tame. However when April hits, look out highlighters!!! Saturdays are off the chart and appointments throughout the week make for a brightly lit show on the wall!
My poor husband tries to make sense of all my scribbles to see where i’ll be and if he’ll see me that week.
My best friend is my day timer and i bought a purse that was big enough to hold it so i can take it everywhere. If i don’t write in an appointment right away, it’ll get forgotten.
My white board holds all the photo orders that need to be finished and delivered.
The rest of my life just kind of fills in the unorganized cracks π
But do you do them????
Life is so hectic. It’s difficult to stay organized. I always do the things I like doing the least first as the things I like doing will get done. Also I set my clocks 5 minutes ahead and go by that time to avoid being late.
making lists and checking them twice!
I do my best to have everything ready the night before….clothes, food, diapers…and then lists of where I need to go and what I need to get. Plus I have a white board calendar that I use to record important appointments or events.
I use my laptop to organize all my tasks and then I use written lists for those quick visual reminders.
List’s List’s List’s
However a new palm would eliminate a lot
of those lists
I use a organizer to keep myself organized.
I had 3 boys in hockey – and my husband coached – so I can relate! I would colour code my calender too – by child – so that we had a clear view to who had to be where & when
I have one of those huge MOM calenders on the fridge that comes with stickers for the kids to put on for all those exciting events. We also have a job responsiblity chart in the kitchen for the kids to know what their chores are for the week. Since I work full time I make sure I have a routine in the evening after supper, first I clean up supper then I make the lunches for the next day while my husband pitches in and takes the kids upstairs to give them a bath or shower or take them to the park. After that we (kids and I) pick out clothes for the morning and put anything in our backpacks that needs to go to school the next day. Once the kids have read, brushed teeth and gone to bed my husband and I have our own time to communicate how the next day is going to run in terms of events, appointments or activities. It seems to be working for now, when life gets busy it doesn’t always runs as smooth but we try our best!!!
My plan for organization is to make note of everything in my dayplanner and carry it with me at all times. A Palm Pre Smartphone would do that and provide me with a phone!
I like Christine use a big desk calendar then every morning plan out my day ; if there are appointments shopping visits it seems to work but this palmpre smartphone would make life a whole lot easier
I have to have a calendar and lists or I’d be totally lost. Problem is – I keep loosing the lists!!
I am a list maker and I love calendars with large numbered spaces so I can write appointments etc.
The calendar, post-it notes and having the hubby in on when appointments are booked for reminders.
I use a calendar software for reminders and appointments, and a paper wall calendar for all the hard copies of invitations, appointment cards, event flyers, trip details, etc.
I make a list of the 10 most important things to do!!!!!!!1
I keep all our activities in a day book and an over sized calendar. I also use post it notes as reminders.
I am forever making lists! They are all over my house! As soon as I make my shopping list it goes into my purse so I don’t forget it. When I make appointments I write them on my calendar immediately and I check it daily.
I used to keep a big calendar like yours, but I found I needed to add stuff while I was somewhere else and needed to know if it would conflict, or I needed to know where I needed to be when I left work. So I now use my e-mail calendar that I can access from anywhere.
Every activity is placed on this calendar. Every different type of activity has its own colour (dance=purple, hockey=blue, figure skating=pink, soccer=green, my own stuff=red, work=grey, etc). My spouse can access the same calendar so he can also see who needs to be where.
The kids are responsible for their own lunches/snacks and looking after their containers after school – they’ve done this since kindergarten so they’re used to it. They are also responsible for their own laundry – washing/drying/folding/taking care of it.
I’m a list maker and I usually follow a tight calendar (however, this year I’m a little behind and don’t have my 2010 calendar yet!). I also write a zillion notes and post them on my office closet doors to remind what I need to do, where to go etc. The mental checklist is always my back up plan:)
i make a list
I make a point of writing down appointments as soon as they are made. I carry an appointment book and write the infomation on a wipe off slate in the kitchen. However, if I had a Palm Pre, I would put my appointments write on the Palm calender as I made them.
I also try to do one major job, such as reorganizing a closet each week. I try to do one special organizational type job each day, such as sitting down and paying bills.
I use lists, LOTS of lists! it seems to work for me π
I must say I am a list maker as well as a calendar keeper. A phone that does all that seems like an excellent idea.
I use a day timer and leave it on my home office desk. Since I work from home almost all of the family’s appointments are recorded there. Every morning, after the coffee is ready, I check my day timer to see what is supposed to happen that day. This has worked for me so far! Lists are big with me for housework scheduling and grocery shopping but post its seem to get lost on me π One other thing, children are to stay out of the office unless I am in there working and they come in to see me. That keeps the office organized chaos but it is my creation and I know where everything is.
My organization skills are limited. I try to use the calendar on the wall but often forget to write things in. Last Thursday I left a message on an answering machine to invite my sons friend over for a playdate… the mother called me back and reminded me that my son had swimming lessons that day, so maybe they should play another time! When the other mothers know your schedule better than you do, it means your kinda pathetic doesn’t it?
Two words: STICKY NOTES!! I live by them! I would forget my own name without sticky notes… SERIOUSLY. you could ask anybody who knows me LOL
With 2 little kids and working part-time, I TRY to keep organized with a purse calendar. I also write stuff down on my in-house calendar and hope that between the two, I’ll do what I need to do!
I use the calendar function in my computer to keep myself organized.
Post-its are my best friend when it comes to staying organized and I am always kidded by my kids that I am old due to my many notes on my bag and purse. As I leave work or home, I always leave a trail of notes behind as they fly off in my rush to go to my next destination.
I use my old fashioned daytimer…I carry it everywhere it has lists, stickers, post its and different colors for everyone in the family…
I use a wall calendar but it’s not very effective when I’m out of the house! Therefore, I’m not very organized and need all the help I can get.
Not open to family members – I checked!
Hmm, how to stay organized. I don’t do anything π
I still like the old tactile daybook system. The primary teacher in me
loves colour coating my stuff (lesson, events, meetings).
I don’t have a fancy phone so for me its calendars. I have a big one on my fridge that has stickers and hi-lighted dates. I also leave post it notes everywhere. EVERYWHERE. The fibro has given me what I can only describe as ‘pregnancy brain’ (that way I figure all moms know what I’m talking about) and I find myself forgetting the silliest thing – whether it be cookie day for the kids at school or calling to pre-admit myself for surgery.
So, I’ve taken to making a list, and checking it twice, and then posting stickers all over the house. A smart girl would get something with alarms and bells to remind her what and when, but I’m not a smart girl π
As for the kids, I try to keep the rule of:
backpacks empty – lunchbags on the counter*
homework put away
agendas left out to read
*absolutely nothing worse than finding three day old chicken and rice in one of your children’s lunchbags! That tupperware straight into the trash π
I bought a file organizer (three drawers) and each child has their own drawer for their things, so nothing gets lost. Homework is always at six (so we have time for iCarly) and at that time I check (again) their agendas and get together anything they need for the next day. If library books, swimsuits, or permission slips aren’t put away then I most likely won’t remember (unless I see one of the many notes I’ve stuck to a cupboard).
I also use facebook as a reminder. My status has been known to read “…needs to be reminded to call the dentist tomorrow after 2.” or “…can’t forget her prescription refills.” That’s usually a last ditch effort to remember.
Simply put:
Post its
Routine (ie, every morning I check the calendar to make sure I’m covered)
When all else fails – I facebook
I currently use an iPhone to do my organizing but it has it’s limitations… My husband and I control the kitchen chaos by running the dishwasher every night… i know it seems a bit wasteful, but it sure helps to start the day with everything clean! All the kids plastics from lunches (we have litterless lunches) go in the dishwasher and I just have to refill them each morning! Of course the breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes also get clean! We also have the kids do an after-school put-away every day as soon as they get home. They put their agendas and homework on the island and their lunch bags on the stove so that they always get emptied!
Christine I am a calander girl! I don’t go anywhere without it! I have one I carry and one on the fridge I transfer too! I don’t think there is a way to be a completly organzied mom! Repeat after me! : I AM A MOM, I AM A MESS, GOD LOVES ME JUST THE WAY I AM!!!!
Love ya!
I stay organized by keeping a booklet of 7 pages. Each page has a heading with the day of the week and under it is a list of things to be done that day. This booklet is kept in the kitchen on my island,near at hand so I can check it quickly. At the end of 7 days I start a new booklet.
I get up extremely early to get everything done !
I stay organized by making lists.