I don’t wash my face. Rather, up until about three days ago I didn’t wash my face. (So gross, I know.) I would shower daily, and rinse my face off under the stream of hot water, but that was the extent of my skin care regime. Between late nights with babies, five years of fatigue, and a healthy dose of The Lazy, I just didn’t make caring for my face a priority.

Then, this last birthday crept up and I noticed some changes in my face: the crow’s feet were getting deeper, the smile lines at the corners of my mouth were becoming more defined. Not that I was about to rush out and get Botox, but it got me thinking that perhaps the time had come for me to stop taking my skin for granted and baby it a little since I was going to have this face for a while.
It just so happened that I was invited my first Mary Kay skin care evening last week (a friend of mine is just starting to sell the line) and I’ll admit to thinking that Mary Kay was just for old ladies who wore too much gold jewellery and smelled like grandmas. I was pleasantly surprised by the presentation, however, and found their products to be very modern and exciting. So, I purchased their 3-in-1 anti-aging facial wash and moisturizer and have been implementing a new routine each evening where I pull my hair back, wash off the remains of the day and take a few minutes to pamper my skin. (Well, to wash my skin, which feels like pampering after a lifetime of neglect.) It is such a nice way to end the day, doing something just for me.

I’m curious: am I the only one who never bothered to wash her face for the first 29 year of her life? Do you have a skin care regime that you stick to religiously? Any products you can’t live without?
I’ve had problem skin since puberty, and it got worse after my son was born. Not washing my face (as often) was actually the solution. The cleansers I was using twice a day were stressing my skin, and so my skin responded with gobs of gross oil and breakouts. So, now I wash my face with a clean facecloth in the shower every morning, moisturize with Rocky Mountain Soap’s essential day creme, and then wash my face with John Master’s Organics sensitive skin cleanser at night, followed by a DIY green-tea-cider-vinegar toner, and the same moisturizer. Done! No zits, no dryness, and (hopefully) fewer creases.
4 years ago, a colleague pointed out that I was aging (so nice of her). She was a newly minted Arbonne sales girl. Yeesh… she poured it on thick and I felt hideous. So, I bought her really expensive product and guess what – I still aged. I wash my face, I moisturize (not Arbonne but some nice Vitamin E cream from Superstore) and I try to remember to put on the sunscreen. My freckles are developing wrinkles and my smile lines are getting more pronounced. I’m in my 30s – I’m a busy Momma. By the next time I really look in the mirror, I’m sure I’ll be in my 40s and I’ll have aged some more. Sigh… this aging business is inevitable. 🙂
Soap and water here. And then a good, non-greasy moisturizer and sun screen.
I WISH I could have gotten through my 28 years with only rinsing my face!
I have awful awful skin and without care it is even more awful. Proactive is my friend, y’all.
With A kid I sometimes struggle to do the nightime face routine, but the consequences of not totally aren’t worth it!
Here’s my dirty little secret. For the longest time I just used diaper wipes to wash my face at the end of the day. For me, the moisturizer is much more important than the cleanser, so I spend some $$ on that part of the routine.
Oh dude, I know. Only in the past few years have I started using wipes to take the makeup off, and I don’t even do it every day. SHAMEFUL!! I’ve used Dove soap on face and body since I was born… I don’t usually do a lot with the skincare thing though. It’s scandalous. And I need to take care now! Forty fast approaches!! Egad.
Amazing that your skin always looked so nice anyway.
I was my face daily, moisturize and do the occasional special scrub/mask/deep pore cleansing gel/etc. I have since I was a teenager.
I have used Mary Kay for the last 10yrs at least. Not regularly, but i have found as I have aged it really does help to do it everyday,(my mom has been telling me for years!). Now I am doing it to try and minimize wrinkles, a great motivator!!
I was a sporadic face washer for years. Even stage 4 acne didn’t motivate me to wash more than 3 times a week, I too assumed my shower was enough. Now, age, mixed with dry skin and the fact that should I sleep with mascara on I wake up with my eyes crusted shut, has prompted me to wash nightly. And to apply a moisturizer to avoid flaking all over my husband in our sleep.
I can’t afford to keep up with buying those pricey products. Although I love them. It’s Dove bar soap and Aveeno baby lotion for me. Classy.
I’m guilty for this too. Don’t wash my face. For the first 27 years of my life I didn’t cause I was lazy. For the last 5 years it’s because my skin is VERY temperamental with product, including cetaphil. It all makes me break out, so I just don’t bother.
Unfortunately this meant that I have not been able to use moisturizer either, which sucks cause the skin on my face can be quite dry…….but I have finally found a moisturizer that works for me. It is AMAZING, but the price is ridiculous. I have just started using it, and already notice a difference. For me it is either this lotion or none, so that is why I have bought it, but there are many products out there that don’t cost too much that work great…….including Mary Kay.
i hardly ever wash my face. every once in a while i remember that i should and do so with st ives apricot scrub or a neutrogena scrub. i do put on lotion everyday but its everyday vaseline intensive care. i’m 29 as well, feel like i should do more but really don’t care to do it. 😉