We just went through another rite of passage in childhood: the making of the animal habitat diorama.
I must admit that I was really excited when the instructions came home. I love creating things like that. Then I had to tell myself to back off. Let him do this himself. I wanted to see what he could accomplish on his own. Totally on his own. He did not disappoint.
Not surprising – Cuyler felt the need to make one as well. So he did. He did not disappoint either.
I sat back and watched as they sat side by side working on their projects.

I sat back and watched as they sat side by side working on their projects.

It warmed my heart to see them doing something together. It so rarely happens. It was amazing to see Cuyler so focussed on one thing – especially something that required creativity. I was impressed that he made something completely different from what Cam was doing – normally he’s a giant copycat.
Cam made a polar bear habitat while Cuyler made a beach scene in…..you guessed it – Portugal!
I am so impressed and proud of their work because I did NOT help them at all (except cutting the flaps off the boxes).
They each did everything on their own, including the writing/typing and printing of the write up.
I am so impressed and proud of their work because I did NOT help them at all (except cutting the flaps off the boxes).
They each did everything on their own, including the writing/typing and printing of the write up.

I love how they used materials from around the house to create their dioramas. Cam used playfoam for the snow and Cuyler used a tab from a pack of wipes for the surfboard, although I’m not sure how the snowflake fits in his…
Not bad, eh?
I’m happy to see Cam had his bears living peaceful somewhere up in the tundra. Our school art studio had one turned in with a “frank portrayal” of the arctic food chain. Gutted baby seal and red food colouring. Glad you didn’t have a baby seal to spare in the toy box.
Did we ever do one? I don’t remember ever having the assignment. Not that I did my assignments back then…anyway, great to see. I love when the kitchen table is a place of creativity and productivity, way to go guys!
Dioramas were my most favourite school project ever when I was a kid! Your boys’ turned our wonderfully. 🙂
That’s terrific!! Oh gosh.. you must have been beaming, Christine!! Wonderful boys. Wonderful mama.
These are AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooo proud of you for not helping. It’s a huge thing to hold back and just let your children go. 🙂
I love dioramas! These are just wonderful.
Reminds me of a Garrison Keeler article about his daughter doing her own diorama and taking it to school and putting it beside all the others that all the parents did. You were smart to let him do it all on his own!