Do you know where you can find me today, and every day for the next two weeks? The McDonald’s drive thru, that’s where! They are in the midst of their coffee promotion so that means they are giving away FREE coffee all day, every day until November 28th. There truly are no strings attached here: no other purchase is necessary.

To help celebrate the coffee promotion, Urban Moms is giving away a $50 gift card to McDonald’s! Do you know how much coffee you could buy with that (once the promo is over, of course)?! Or how many Happy Meals for your kids to scarf down while they run wild at the McD’s Play Place and you get to enjoy a visit with a girlfriend?
For your chance to win the $50 gift card, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post telling me what kind of coffee drinker you are: are you unabashedly addicted, or do you just enjoy the occasional cup?
For an extra entry, you can post a picture of yourself enjoying a McDonald’s coffee between now and Tuesday, November 23rd and leave another comment here with a link to the picture.
For a third entry, you can tweet about the contest using both @UrbanMomsCa and the hashtag #McDsCoffee in your tweet.
Only members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in. Not a member yet? Click here to join!
Contest only open in Canada. Winner will be chosen at random.
Click here for contest Rules and Regulations.
2 cups of coffee a day! Have to stay perky most of the time π
I drink one in the morning and one at night when the kids are in bed. I prefer instant but do enjoy an occasional perk while in town. Medium two cream two sugar.
Just one cup in the morning for me!
Just milk in my coffee.
I only drink coffee occasionally, but if it’s free I’ll drink it every day!
I absolutely MUST have at least 2 cups of coffee every morning. I also like to have coffee in the afternoon and winter evenings.
Totally addicted. I’m drinking it nearly all day every day….hot, cold…it doesn’t even matter.
I am an addict in the morning when I *need* my jolt of hot courage to face the day. Then, I become rehabilitated as the hours tick on and, by about 3, I’ve kicked the habit. I was surprised at how good McDonald’s coffee was when I tried it recently. Well done.
I’m a social coffee drinker. Good coffee and conversation go well together. My mom loved McDonald’s coffee. She would look forward to our yearly road trips. When she booked motels along the way, she would ask if they had McDonald’s near by so she could get her coffee first thing in the morning.
I am an occasional coffee drinker. My favourite treat is a Mocha.
I do look for the coffee first thing in the morning. Timmys coffee is my most favored coffee. I have a timmys coffee maker at home so I can brew my own timmys.
I am unabashedly addicted, look forward to my first two cups as soon as I wake up. I have a few more during the day and evening. Sometimes, if I can’t sleep, I’ll get out of bed, have a cup of coffee and then go off to sleep.
Mmmm…free coffee!
I only started drinking coffee when I was pregnant with my first child… yeah, I know it’s weird! Who starts drinking coffee in their 30’s when pregnant!
I’ve cut back to one coffee a week!
I am an avid coffee drinker. I’ll have 20+ cups a day.
i have done the Timmy’s, Starbarfs and all the rest. To me, Mc Ds is the one I like best. And as a bonus, there is a McDs on my route every morning.
I love coffee !! I always have at least one coffee in the morning to get my day started and then another in the afternoon !!
I am a very very occasional drinker of coffee. I love the smell of it brewing, but rarely do i enjoy a cup. Once in awhile, the smell will lure me in for a mug, which i will enjoy with a spoonful of sugar.
I tweeted about the contest:!/Alliegal101/status/7592637242548224
I am a celebration drinker- I drink a cup of coffee when I’m in the mood to celebrate.
I used to just start my day off with one coffee and that would be it for the day. Two preschoolers later, I can barely crawl to the kitchen to prep dinner without an afternoon java break.
I do enjoy my morning coffee but later in the day I drink tea
Coffee is the only thing that gets me going in the mornings. I LOVE my coffee!
I am addicted to coffee because I love it!
I love one cup of coffee first thing in the morning.
In the morning I am a hard-core coffee addict. If I haven’t gotten much sleep, it’s not a matter of wanting. I NEED that great smell and taste to get going! π But during the day and in the evenings I’m dedicated to tea. Classic black tea is my favorite, but I also love specialty herbal teas, especially spearmint, pomegranate and chamomile.
My fiancΓ©e is allergic to caffeine…so no more coffee at home. I usually have a cup or two at my dad’s. But this is a great deal. I can have my coffee and relax…and he doesn’t have to go to the hospital!!! π
I’m an occasional drinker, but I do love McD’s coffee! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I am a hardcore coffee addict. I drink it all day long and switch to decaf after dinner………..
I am a huge coffee connoisseur! If I could get an IV Drip to get coffee into me I would. It really is the only beverage other than water I drink.
I make a 12 cup pot every morning plus have a couple of cups at my neighbour’s house in the afternoon. Am I addicted? You betcha! chuckles Can’t start my day without it. Coffee is the ‘nectar of the Gods’ !
so what do you have to do to earn a ballot for the second gift card?
I am so addicted and the stronger the better,…if there’s no coffee in the morning, just don’t come near me!!
I like coffee very much especially when it’s free.
i’m a coffee-o-lic !. I love to drink coffee. Each day, I have one. I prefer the natural one, but i,m open to try another kind of coffee!
I love a mocha every once in a while. My hubby is the real coffee drinker so that would be a nice gift for him.
I am not a huge coffee drinker, I prefer cappuccino. I may have a cup of coffee once a week or so.
I am defiantely not a coffee addict,just 1 cup a day is enough for me! I ususally have one in the afternoon,or after supper..and somedays I dont even have a cup of coffee at all!
I worship coffee, so comforting for me. I drink it decaf with xtra cream and 3 splendas!! Prefer cafe con leche but can’t get it out here :(.. I drink it every other day if not every day.. love love love MCD”s coffee – on my top rated list of coffee…
I always start my day with a large regular flavored coffee but for coffee breaks during the day I enjoy flavored coffee, especially hazelnut.
I worship coffee!! I drink it decaf with xtra cream and 3 splendas!! Prefer Cafe con Leche but I can’t get it anywhere, I drink it about every other day.. if not every day π
I am the Java Queen.. the more coffee the better! YUMMY!
love coffee – milky
I can’t start my day without it!
Occassional drinker here. Lots of cream and sugar…
I love my coffee! Try to limit it to 3 cups a day. McDonald’s makes great coffee! Hope to get there for a free cup or two, good deal!
I usually have one large cup that lasts me through the morning. Occassionally, I’ll make a 2nd cup in the late afternoon -a Pumpkin Spice, or Mocha most likely for a treat.
I enjoy McDonald’s coffee, great taste and great price, even better this week as it’s free! Hubby and I do a regular Sunday morning breakfast at McD with coffee of course.
I drink two coffees a day ALWAYS, and if I go out a nice decaff Latte in the evening with a girlfriend is nice π I love my morning coffee it gets me going, and my 2 pm one keeps me going π
I enjoy coffee every morning! I love so much coffee.
enjoy the occasional cup
My husband takes his 95 year old mother to McDonald’s every Sunday morning for coffee and a muffin. I think they are both coffee-a-holics.
Not a coffee drinker (even the smell grosses me out!) but the gc would be very handy for my family of 5 when we are having a busy day out and about. Even McD’s gets expensive when you are feeding 5!
I need coffee everyday.
I absolutely love to have a cup of coffee each morning when I wake up. My DH makes it for me.. I love the smell of coffee and though I am tempted I usually just have the one cup a day.. π
I drink 2 cups of coffee every morning. Thanks – Merci !!!
I like 1-2 cups in the morning, and for a special occassion I’ll get my hubby to take me out for a mocha…mmmmm
Die hard coffee person. But I like a lot of cream and a touch of sugar! Pretty sure i would put this GC to good use!
I don’t drink coffee but my husband is a total addict!
Every mo0rning, I like my 1 -2 cups of coffee with double cream. Once a week, I like to treat myself to a store bought one.
I simply LOVE coffee and enjoy it anytime of the day!!!
I love my coffee and drink a few cups a day, but now I’m cutting back a little bit for the baby :).
Good Morning to all
I am a once a day coffee drinker in which I enjoy that fresh smell and tasty aroma first thing in the morning to start kick my day
I love coffee so much that I brought my Tassimo machine to work with a selection to try and hook my collegues. MacDonalds is too far away to make coffee runs through the day!!!
I have two cups of black coffee every morning at home, but I love to treat myself to a Starbucks or Second Cup Specielty coffee every once and a while.
I must admit I like the smell of coffee, yet it is a cup of tea that I crave.
I’m a enjoy the smell of coffee, but mostly a tea drinker
I’m a one cup of coffee a day and the rest is tea unless I am with a grouop of my favourite girls and there is a pot of coffee, then I can drink as fast as I can talk!!
But it has to be as milky and sweet as me!
I am a coffee fiend and I would crawl on broken glass to get that cup of coffee. In fact I went out shopping three times this week just so I could get the free cup of coffee The free coffee taste great, nice and hot with a robust flavour. Gee I think I will go right now.
I drink 2 to 3 cups of coffee every day.
I love coffee especially first thing in the morning, before getting my kids up for school! Nice dark coffee made in the French press, in a large mug with lots of milk.
when i am working, its a couple of HUGE cups a day. At home, if I need a pick me up I’ll make a half a pot, but often I drink tea.
I like coffee with milk, but I prefer a cup of milk with coffee and a lot of sugar π
I do not drink coffee and I am not a fan of hot drinks! My morning coffee is a large coke from McDonald’s.
My husband is the coffee drinker in our family – however when I need that extra kick, I’ll have a cup – much to his chagrin – he doesn’t like sharing π
I drink coffee EVERY single day…without fail. I guess you could say that I’m addicted LOL.
Having three young children (only 21 months apart!) I have my daily gallon to get me through the day. Yummmm!
Sugar only please!! π
I love coffee! Anytime, anywhere a good cup of coffee always makes me feel rejuvenated.
I like my coffee with milk and a teaspoon of sugar.
Need coffee every morning. Sugar and creamer are a must. I love Mc Donalds coffee and the way they out the cream in for you.
I like it black and full bodied .
I drink coffee every morning. It has to have milk and lots of it!
It has to be 2 cream !!
black. and, have to have it everyday.
I am a coffee addict…how did I not hear about this?! Thanks for the info…and here’s hoping I win the gift card. That could buy a lot of Mighty Kids Meals for my growing boys π
Ohh.. I NEED that first cup in the morning and maybe an occasional few throughout the day! :))
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the mocha’s at mcd’s. LOVE. And I don’t normally drink coffee either. My husband and I are addicted.
addicted to coffee AND McDonalds so this is a contest for me!
p.s. but i don’t go for drip coffee…i LOVE espresso based drinks…lattes, cappuccinos, americanos…
I don’t drink it. I don’t like the tastes and don’t want to be addicted to do it. I rather be addicted to the caffeine in chocolate… lol
I take mine black.
Also, because I love extra entries, and I just happen to be drinking a McD’s coffee, here’s a photo:
I’m more of an occasional drinker, but I’ve been to McD’s EVERY DAY since this promotion thing started. I like my coffee. My kids like their happy meals.
I am not a coffee drinker….makes me crazy. I do love a cheese burger now and then;)
I have a latte every few days– hot milk and a huge amount of sugary syrup with just enough caffeine to make BabySister do backflips in my belly.
coffee during the week is regular, special coffee on weekends is Kaulua and coffee,,hmmm good
I’m more of occasional coffee drinker, and prefer it in the form of cappuccino or mocha. I drink tea more often than coffee.
I love coffee. Love the taste, love the smell, love it all.
I like to think I’m not addicted to coffee…but that’s it’s subtle charm.
Medium coffee, one cream please!
Occasional cup!!!
the mcdonald’s here in the states never gives stuff away or does free promotions. π
Coffee? Addicted & in love! No plans to quit anytime soon π
i enjoy coffee alot – but dont need it to survive.
straight-up addicted.
I was an addicted coffee drinker but pregnancy has made coffee sound awful. I’m hoping/guessing the addiction will return come March π
I dont drink any coffee, tea or just plain water for me! π
I am a full fledged no holds barred coffee drinker. It is never to early or late for a good cup of coffee. Did I mention I have an espresso machine at home?!?!?!
I am a straight up type of gal.
LOVE coffee. But I try to only drink it in the mornings….then I switch to my other vice, Pepsi. Man, I love me some caffeine!
I start thinking about my morning coffee the night before!
Seriously the best coffee!
Mmmm…coffee….sweet nectar of the gods.
Mmmm….coffee….sweet nectar of the gods.
Two cups everyday.
I’m kind of a sporadic coffee drinker. I will have two cups per day for two weeks and then not drink any at all for a while.
On the days when I am swamped at work, it is a must! It makes me so much more productive. π
I’m just an occasional coffee drinking. In the winter, I usually drink at least one cup of something warm a day. But I switch between tea and coffee. And I love them both with cream and sugar. Sacrilege, I know!
Ok, so I totally wouldn’t use the g/c for coffee – hello Big Extra Mmmmm. Ahem, I mean yogurt and fruit.
Alright, here is my entry. I read your blog on kickyboots and get so excited when you update. Sorry if that sounds like a lame compliment, but I really mean it.
I have a story…since I”m not a coffee drinker, but rather a McDonalds lover.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 and a half years. The first year of it, we were in a long distance relationship since I was living back home (we’re both from Newfoundland) and he moved to Ontario.
I visited him OFTEN, flew up, spent time with him. On our very first Valentines Day, I was flying home that evening – we were rushed (as he always is now – Oh have I ever learned how to be patient…) and I needed to grab food on the go. We decided to stop by McDonalds, and now that’s our tradition. It’s cute, and certainly don’t need a reservation on Valentines Day. Plus, it makes our bellies full of salt, and happy none the less.
There we go. My McDonalds story.
Start up the java i.v., I’m an addict!
Coffee…..extra large with double cream please. For a treat a latte or cappucino. I don’t leave the house with out morning cup of java.
Addicted. Hard to cut down these days.
I like flavoured coffee, for example french vanilla.
I am a rich but not too bitter or dark roast kinda girl!
I am a two cup a day drinker and it is MANDATORY. LOL I don’t know if it is in my mind or what but If I don’t have my coffee I go nutso. and my husband and kids will confirm this. LOL I am usually the first to try out new coffees or coffee houses and I love specialty flavored coffees. During the work week I go to this wonderful coffee house that serves Jamaican Rum flavored coffee…. Yum Yum. If I go to Timmies I get 1 1/2 sugar and 1 milk with one flavor shot (If they have it). Now if I get it at a specialty coffee house it is, Vanilla Latte with half the sweet (containing one shot Vanilla and one shot hazelnut), Lactose milk, 2 long shots (expresso), no froth and a tiny bit of whip cream with vanilla and chocolate shavings. LOL. It is so funny to see the faces of the new people serving when I give them my order so I try to go to the same place and deal with the same people every time. BTW, my husband HATES picking up coffee for me….. LOL
I drink a variety of teas in the night and I love to go to places like David’s tea and create my own mixture.
Bottoms up everyone.
Totally am addicted:) Timmy’s, Starbucks, my own – always have to have my morning cup!
I need at least one cup a day – especially after work.
I only occasionally drink coffee. But if it’s free, I’ll drink it every day! π
I’m addicted for sure ! I just love coffee everyday, I cannot go throught my day without it. Soooo good !
Oh my lord, I’m such an addict. Lately I’ve been drinking about 4 cups in the morning… with a bit of sugar and milk. And out of an Hermes cup, because it tastes more delicious that way. Hee!!
Coffee only occasionally … always with cream and sugar. I’m more of a tea drinker, too!
I do not drink coffee at all, I am a tea drinker!
I like one large cup in the morning, and rarely do I drink any more than that. It just starts the day out right. Yummy.