Today I am grateful for…
I was feeling quite zen in my movement class last night and filling my body with joyful movement and my mind with gratitude for the random delights of the day.
These are a few of the random thoughts that popped in. I thought I’d make a wordle to express it.
What words would you include in your cluster? Go ahead make one for yourself. It’s easy, it’s fun and almost guaranteed to might make you say “Gee Universe, thanks for the kale.”
I included kale because I am so freakin impressed with myself for actually purchasing, prepping and cooking with a superfood that’s been on my “to do’s” forever. I feel like it evens out the bottles of wine, junk food and far too much coffee indulgences… so Yes my friend– Praise be to KALE 🙂
KALE??????? Thankful for KALE!!!!!!! I like this thing….but not the kale