“We need to practice her dancing.”
This is what my wife said to me this morning after Pea finished her dance class. She goes once a week to prance, gallop, macarena and chicken her way around the dance floor and we haven’t been doing all that great a job in helping her learn her steps.
Well, here’s the truth. I want to help, but I fear my help will set her back light years and have other the other kids laughing at her.
Here’s what I bring to the table:
- I do my best dancing when drunk, and yet, there isn’t enough alcohol in the world to prevent me from making an ass of myself once the bass starts thumping.
- I can do a really good “Rave Glow Stick” routine, but I have never been to a rave so I have no idea if my prowess is accurate.
- My ancestors learned to dance while a bearded logger played the spoons in a sugar bush… these conditions rarely present themselves in present-day Canada.
- I had to dance to The Chicken Dance in elementary school… to us frenchies, it was called La Danse des Canards and when I hear that accordion start playing a little part of my psyche curls up and crawls into the fetal position in the deep, dark recesses of my mind.
- My best moves are inspired by Molly Ringwald’s moves in The Breakfast Club; that said, there has been no song written since that movie was released in 1985 that actually calls for these moves.
- The Macarena actually makes me throw-up a little in my mouth.
So yeah, I’ll leave the instruction to The Wiggles, and my wife’s Latin American heritage.
I’m the drunk dancer too….
and I have a rule at weddings…if the macarena or the chicken dance come on, it’s time to leave!
Oh, Alice, it’s about so much more than white men simply not being able to dance…
They do say white men can’t dance…
When I dance, my wee Bun laughs his chubby little butt off. I’m sure it’s in delight, right?
your little Pea is too precious in that outfit! my kids now ask me not to dance because it’s too “embarassing”.
How come the in the english version the lyrics are as follows:
Nana Nana Nana Na
Nana Nana Nana Na
Nana Nana Nana Na (clap clap clap clap)
Dude – you had words to sing!!
We had the Macarena on the very top of our Do Not Play list at our wedding.
Pea will be just fine – just get her mama to dance with her!