I love my children. All eight of the beautiful, wild, crazy monkeys that they are. I do have to admit though – they are weird at times.
A few months ago I was getting something from the garage (I can’t remember what it was but it must have been important for me to be in there because I think the garage is creepy), when I found this little doll sitting on top of a bunch of tools.
I didn’t recognize the doll but I figured she must belong to Arielle. Her grandfather is always bringing her home little dolls, blankets,trinkets (okay junk really), so I brought her back into the house and placed her on the kitchen counter.
About half an hour later I was in the TV room changing the twins when I heard Ryley start to scream and cry.
I ran into the kitchen to find him trembling as he stood frozen looking at the doll I had found.
“Get her out! She is creepy! She is going to kill me with a knife!” He screamed.
WTH? Seriously, as mean as this sounds, I had a really hard time holding in the laughter that was attempting to escape my mouth in a big way. I have to say she wasn’t the prettiest or cutest of dolls, but a psycho doll who liked to kill little boys? OMG this was hilarious.
I attempted to tell Ryley he was completely safe and it was just a doll but he would have nothing to do with it. He continued to tremble, cry, and scream until I took the doll out of the house and back to the creepy garage.
When I came back his tears had dried but he asked if I got rid of the doll. I told him she was in the back of the garage and so he was safe.
Apparently this wasn’t good enough. He then wanted me to go back to the garage and break the doll. I told him that wasn’t necessary it wasn’t going to harm him. He still didn’t believe me so I went back to the garage pretended to break it and came back with a smile on my face assuring him she was broken.
This isn’t the first of fears in our house – we have had fears of fire, tornadoes, hurricanes, planes, terrorists, stuffed animals, barbies, a big Gymboree doll, certain porcelin dolls, decorative asian statues, books, movies, vacuums, loud tools, monsters, aliens, Doctors, Dentists, water, snow, the list is endless – but really this had to be the most dramatic of them all.
A few days later Ryley came up to me and then asked sweetly if I could please unbrake the doll because he know thought she was cute and wanted her back in the house. I may have had a fleeting thought of breaking him, but instead I went back to the creepy garage and took her out. He thought I was magic because she looked perfect. Yep, thats me the magic mommy.
And just in case you are wondering – I still don’t know what the hell I was getting in the creepy garage that started this whole crazy killer doll thing!
What types of things have your children been afraid of? Anything really crazy? Do you deal with fears in any special way?
Until next time,
Chantel, momof8crazymonkeys
awe poor lill guy my son is 2 and he got a singing bunny for Easter when he was just a baby he liked it until he was 1 and i turned it on he lost it now it lives in his closet and he wants nothing to do with it. I guess to some kids stuffed animals should not sing or move on their own. ever have a toy that goes off on it’s own no one in the house and you’ll hear it playing because my son’s toys like to do that including a ride on toy he got for his 1st birthday.
When my son was 2 years old he was afraid of Shadow from Bear in the Big Blue House to the point of hysterics! We tried to show him his shadow and our shadows….EVERYONE has a shadow….but to no avail. Eventually, he outgrew it, but not until he was about 5. We eventually just gave up on the show which was too bad because it was such a good one.
When my older son was about 4 my husband made the mistake of watching a Halloween episode of The Simpsons around our son- the one where Homer is force fed donuts in hell….and he freaked out! We don’t know why…it wasn’t even scary, but he sure thought it was and that was the end of that. For years afterward during Halloween he got nervous and asked his father if he was going to watch The Simpsons. We decided shortly afterward that our kids would not be allowed to watch The Simpsons until they were older!
We, too, have had to deal with lots of irrational fears over the years too. We just try to love and support our kids throughout them.
I don’t blame your poor baby… that doll totally looks like a murderer, yo!! I’d have run for the hills AGES ago.
burn it with fire….
lol Julie! I actually found this doll again peeping out from underneath Arielle’s bed just this morning….perhaps she really is some type of stalking psycho doll – I have to admit when I found her I did look at her a bit differently – gotta a catch of the creepies….. crap maybe I should break her?
i’m with him on this one…if i found that in my garage it would have been immediately goodwill-ed. but i’m glad to hear you’re a magical mom!