I have a solution for your troubled sleepers. Troubled sleepers being those who are sleep walkers that may or MAY or may not be a decendent of Linda Blair. You know the chick who spews pea soup all over god’s creation due to being possessed or maybe, just maybe…..is just a tad overtired?
Be it they are seven point two-five or fourteen-years-old, let them drag their most comfy and girly bean bag into their closet with all the blankets they can muster and BAM-O!!!
You, my dears! Have a sleeping child. Admist the carnage of shoes, clothes and umbrellas.
I didn’t say I could sleep in such conditions during the highlight of my college life but at seven, when you are thinking you are all that AND MORE!?!?!? really AND MORE!
Let the creatures drop where they fall. An exorcism of sorts…. has happened.
SO! Who is giving “Mother of the Year awards…?”
to me?
I GLADLY accept.
Peace be with you.
We had troubles with our four year old who constantly slept in our until we finally put his bed in the closet which has no doors on it. Half in half out for some reason he slept like a rock. I think it was the feeling of being enclosed and safe. Whatever, I’ll take it!
Hey, whatever works, right???