While out shopping some weeks ago, I asked Ava Scarlett what she wanted to be for Halloween. Naturally, she said, “A princess.”
Le sigh.
I understand this. Oftentimes, little girls want to wear dresses and stuff. They want to look beautiful. It’s fine, but…
“You know, Ava Scarlett, Halloween is usually about spooky, scary things… can you think of something scary you’d like to be? Like, maybe a witch?!”
I watched her quietly considering. I thought she might moan from disappointment, but she looked up and said, “You mean… like… a wicked witch?” Oh, joy!
We were in the Halloween aisle of the pharmacy at the time, and I spied a pointy, satin hat. I remembered it from last year, and had meant to buy one on sale the day after Halloween. That’s a smart way to pick up costume and decorating staples, like awesome capes or masks. Or hats for witches.
This one was very glossy, and it had a veil with tiny plastic spiders dotting it here and there, and it also had some long, sweeping greenish-black feathers on it. It’s kind of gorgeous, and I was pretty sure I could entice her with it. I could have bought something similar from a dollar store, but I knew this one at $12.99 was really good-looking, and would likely last for years at our house. I might even wear it myself sometime.
It came in black, and also in purple – which was the one that made her jump up and down, clapping her hands. Purple. “I want to be a purple wicked witch…”
Purple it is then… Check!
She had black boots already, and we had lots of black tops and leggings to choose from, but we lacked a black skirt. I opted to find a black skirt she could wear again in her regular life.
I went to Old Navy first, and found this skirt, but at $26.94 (regular price) it wasn’t exactly inexpensive, especially since I wasn’t in love with the skirt itself. Nope.
That’s when I moved over to her sister store, and got my Gap on. There were some super-crazy sales in the store that day, and squealed when I found a black tutu with a gold satin lining on the sale rack. It used to be $34.95, but after all the mark-downs and the almost everything percent off sale, it cost me $11.99. And I probably would have bought it anyway. Done!
The rest was about makeup. She’s fairly minimal – when I showed her the green face paint, she calmly said, “No, thank you.” Small kids rarely want to hold still for very long (at any given time in their lives) so after filling in the eyebrows, I felt her patience already wearing thin. Some green eye shadow was about as much as she’d stand for before yesterday’s Halloween birthday party we were invited to. She did, however, insist on some lip-gloss, please.
And so…
I have a little broom that is all twiggy and wonky… but it’s cumbersome for a small child to carry props around, so I think we’ll skip it. Anyway, she’s thrilled just as she is, which is the goal, right? She’s only three, after all.
Happy Halloween, people!!
Be safe . . . enjoy it all!
My daughter was a bee princess – replete with antennae, wand and layers of chiffon (she is TERRIFIED of movie witches, so I didn’t even broach the “something scary” thing with her). My wee man was Lightning McQueen (of course), and also totally fed up with the business that is Halloween when you’re three. I’ve got photos of their cuteness on my blog today 😀
Heh- I think the spiders were Madame’s favourite part!! Have an awesome, scary time, Julie!!
Happy Halloween to you, Desi! What are your kids up to this year?
Thanks so much, Nancy! If I need to get her a cab, I’ll know who to call… 😉
i got that same hat for my oldest witch! unfortunately when i put it on her i forgot to tell her about the plastic spiders on the tulle which caused mucho freaking out. all is well now! happy hallowe’en!
So awesome. I love everything about her sweet – and so scary! – costume 😉 Happy Halloween!
love your little perfect witch xoxoxo happy hallowe’en xoxoxo