I was randomly “Stumbling” when I came across a list of the top 100 movies. As I scrolled through thinking “What, that one made it”, or, “that one should we higher up on the list, I came across this quote from The Matrix:
“…you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.” Morpheus
This made me think of the quote:
“Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” Rousseau
That got me to thinking about being aware of what’s going on around us. Of trying to change the world in a positive way. Of not letting the status quo continue when there are people suffering. Whether it’s from hunger across the world or in your own neighbourhood. It made me think of the “Occupy” movement, of the sixties, of Feminism, of the Civil Right movement, of global warming.
My mind makes all sorts of connections and sometimes I can’t keep up with them. I thought of Nancy’s post on Happiness, of my post on Growth and the Crazy Ones, of Jen’s post on Bullying, and Sara’s post on, and Tracey’s post on her crying neighbour.
I thought of my friend’s son who donates all his money to the Sea Shepherd Society and makes duct tape wallets as a fundraiser for it. Of how his teacher told him his Science Fair project wasn’t appropriate (because it questioned education) and he persevered and went on to the provincials.
I thought of the Philosophy courses I took in university and how they helped me boraden my perspectives and also led to my crisis of faith – in human nature.
I thought of my Dad and his life. I thought about systems and my dislike of them. And how much they control us (I think – which is why I love that movie so much). Of how it’s these systems we’ve created that lead to so much inequity – our economic system for one.
I wondered if you can be happy and be an activist. Because to be an activist you have to see what is wrong in the world. Does the act of helping make one happy? Was Mother Teresa happy? It must be possible since so many people do it, they wouldn’t continue if it made them miserable would they?
Maybe people can be happy activists if instead of seeing and judging what is “wrong” they see what is possible. A minor change in words but a total shift in perspective. Moving towards something positive. Plus, accepting little things as victories. I think it is all about expectations and perspective.