Right after I got pregnant, I went away on a girls weekend with 5 of my friends, 4 of whom had kids. While I sat soberly at the dinner table, the girls drank bottle after bottle of wine and told me one horror story after another about pregnancy and delivery. It was …unnerving at best…bad enough that they all apologized the next day for freaking me out. I have to admit, even the prospect of ummmm … pooping during delivery (SORRY!) didn’t freak me out as much as the tales of what could happen to your boobs during pregnancy and nursing.
I’ll admit, I haven’t always had the greatest body image BUT I have always had a special love affair with my boobs. I really liked them and I didn’t want them to change! I would get up every morning and look in the mirror and go ‘oooh thank you thank you’. No colour change, no gigantic aereola growth. whew.
You see, my fear is not unfounded. My sister (and she gave me permission for this divulgence) grew extra NIPPLES. Yes, much like a mother pooch. And oh yeah, her son was born with an extra one. So they have seven nipples between the two of them. No, I cannot make this stuff up.
SO – get to the damn contest Sara. No matter how your boobs or multiple nipples wind up while you’re pregnant or nursing, you still want to dress the girls in something beautiful AND comfortable right? Well, what if what you put them in was also good for the environment. And added bonus right?
This is exactly what Boob Design strives to do. Company founder Mia Seipel saw her sister nursing in the cold Swedish wind and decided all women should be able to nurse in comfort and style. The trick is in the overlap. And speaking from experience, the nursing tops are awesome. Boob also has a fantastic maternity line and is expanding to include a home leisure and baby line. I had a Boob maternity tunic that I still wear now. The material is THAT good and it’s still stylish. They are also an eco-conscious company and all but 10 of their current pieces are made from organic cotton.
So ladies. For you, just in time for spring, I have a beautiful Boob coral wrap nursing dress up for grabs! It’s gorgeous, comfortable AND you can whip your boob out anywhere to feed your baby and still feel stylish. Thank you Boob for that!!
How do you win? Either log in to your urbanmoms account or join here now. Leave me a comment and tell me your craziest pregnancy/nursing boob story. My sister is ineligible so don’t worry the nipple lady won’t be winning!!!
Good luck ladies and I look forward to sharing some laughs with you in the entries!
(**approximate value is $140**)
Click here for
contest Rules and Regulations.
THANKS URBANMOMS! I received the dress last week.
I was super excited to put it on, however it is a sz SMALL, lol I didn’t even attempt to try getting it over my a** lmao! It looks and feels comfy though. The material is stretchy and soft and the colour is better in person. Just wish it fit! 😀
My partner and I both saw this and would like to compliment you on a fantastic job well done. Many thanks.
When I was pregnant and they were growing I hadn’t purchased larger bras yet. I was running low on laundry and had to use one of my push up bras and we were heading out for dinner with friends (which I forgot about).
We arrived after our friends who were already seated. As I went to sit down and was leaning in one of my boobs popped out of my bra (and my dress). Our company just laughed and said “hey you don’t need to pop those our for us…save them for your little one”. ~embarrased~
I have been nursing my daughter since birth, she is now 2and a half and still very much enjoys nursing but she now has cows milk in a cup as well. One night she asked if she could have some cow’s milk in a boob.
No multiple nipple story here, but getting pregnant certainly was the more “naturopath” way to winning a few races with a body part other than one’s nose.
In told my husband “the titty fairy will be coming with pregnancy”.
His reply: I’m confused…do I expect money under my pillow or should I be leaving it?
WhoooWEEEE – you’re going to venture into the letters that I didn’t know existed in bras before I was pregnant!! (I was a d before…and I think it was an F or G I ended up in…) A huge congrats to you!!!!!!
OMG I’m 17 weeks pregnant with our 1st child (we’ve been trying for years) and I was a double D before I started. People comment at work each week at how they’ve grown bigger. A nursing dress would be fantastic!
I was nursing my newborn first baby over at my sister in law’s house. I heard my 12 year old nephew come in from school so I grabbed a small blanket and covered myself. He came around the corner all excited to see the new baby and grabbed the blanket so fast I didn’t have time to stop him. He turned a bright red as he ran out of the room apologizing and telling me he just thought the baby was covered up to keep warm.
The first time I experienced ‘the big spray’, I was about 8 1/2 months pregnant and had just gotten out of the shower.
I was getting dressed in our room when I called hubby from the kitchen and told him the roof was leaking. I had been reaching forward to grab a shirt and my arms were wet.
He started to laugh and pointed out the odds of a leaking roof were pretty slim considering we lived on the 3rd floor of a 5 story apartment building and the water was white.
We sure got a good laugh out of my duh moment.
After my son’s birth my mother was watching me use the breast pump. I had gone from 36 B to 44DDD. She remarked that I milked better than a Jersy cow.
My story is on a 24 drive to Florida. We were travelling with our 5 month old son and my sister, her husband and their 1 year old son.
It was about 3am, it was my turn to drive and i had been driving in some crazy foggy mountain with no spot to pull over for miles and miles. This was the point where i could no longer take the pressure. I had to pump. so in the midst of a mountain somewhere in the USA, my hubby held the pump, i drove the van, my sister and her husband laughed in the back seat and my son woke up just in time to have a full bottle.
During this same trip, my husband was sitting in the front seat of the van while we were at a rest stop. My sister was sitting behind him, nursing her little boy. He was a curious nurser, had to watch what was going on. Midway through eating, spun his head around off the boob and my husband got a nice steady stream of milk hitting him in the back of the head. How’s that for conditioner 😉
I just remembered another boob related story I have to share.
Shortly after I had Isaac, Lukas, who had just turned 2 had his first injury that required a trip to emerg. He had been gleefully dancing around the kitchen, slipped and on the way down smacked his head off his elephant chair resulting in a nasty gash.
We arrived at emerg with our screaming toddler, all of us covered in blood and hubby and I slightly panicked. After being triaged we took a seat in the waiting room and tried to compose ourselves. Lukas was still crying and people were sending sympathetic glances our way as they sized up our situation. The TV in the corner of the room had an entertainment show on showing a busty blonde in a bikini jumping up and down. Lukas suddenly stopped crying, pointed to the screen and yelled, “Look Mommy, BOOBIES!!!”.
The entire waiting room started to laugh. A kind gentlemen got up and said to us, “I think he’s going to be just fine” as he changed to channel to Treehouse.
looooove love love that story! How CUTE!
My story isn’t about my nursing exactly…but my daughter’s. I hope this is ok! It’s just too cute not to share. A couple of months back, I was taking a stoller fitness class at a local shopping mall two mornings a week with my 3 year old and 10 month old. My 3 year old daughter LOVED the classes, and had a great time “doing her exercises” with all the other moms. (It definitely taught me to look at exercising in a whole new light!)
Well, being a mom herself, she asked to take her baby (i.e her doll) to the mall for stroller class too. So the next morning I got her brother ready, my diaper bag packed and stroller in the trunk and she got her baby ready, her diaper bag packed, and her stroller in the trunk. We got to the mall and I got my son and my diaper bag onto my stroller and my daughter got her baby out of its car seat and into the stroller and hung her diaper bag over the handles. We were ready to go!
So there was my daughter pushing her stoller right next to mine the whole class. Doing all the exercises and checking on her baby. Near the end of class while we were doing some stationary exercises she informed me that her baby was hungry. With hesitating, she proceeded to get her baby out of the stroller, get her baby’s blanket, sit down on a bench, and then nonchallantly lifted each breast (I do this because I can never remember which side I last fed on), looked at me and said “this side has more milk” and with a nod lifted her shirt, latched her baby on, and wrapped her baby with the blanket. The entire time I was trying not to laugh because she was so serious about her baby being hungry and I was touched with the amount of care and gentleness she was showing. I didn’t want to diminish or make light of what she was doing, or make her feel self conscious about it at all.
As she sat there, I (nor the other mom’s around me) couldn’t help but smile to see this tiny mama nursing her baby in the middle of a mall, without hesitation or embarrassment. To her breastfeeding, including in public, is a natural thing and she didn’t think twice as to what she should do. Her baby was hungry! And being just like the other moms in the class who’s babies got hungry, she had to stop and feed her baby. I will admit that I was a little surprised since she had never done this in public before. But considering my daughter’s baby also nurses at home and even sometimes lies down with my daughter at nap time so she can nurse her to sleep, I really shouldn’t have been. I always tell her she is an awesome mom!
We’re still TTC our first, so I don’t have a great story. I have been pregnant twice, so I can vouch for the soreness and swelling of pregnancy at least. I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to wear nursing clothes (and funny boob stories!) – I have some boob maternity wear and I agree, the quality and style is amazing. I too wear a couple of pieces now even though I’m not pregnant again yet!
Everything went pretty smoothly with my boobs, they got bigger, then went back to their normal (which is a bit small) size. Right before I had my son, my mother in law told me my son would starve after looking at my boobs (which he didn’t!) and my drycleaners (whom I had met for the first time that day) pulled out her boobs when dropping off some clothes to show me how hers had changed and were saggy!!!! At least she always remembers your name…….
The only way I have boobs is when I’m pregnant and nursing! *L*
With my first son, Lukas, breastfeeding was such a challenge at first so we celebrated the small successes as in, “Yay, they didn’t bleed this time!” It’s all about the small things, you know. I can remember the first big spray: I was cheering and yelling for my husband to come see and he’s laughing his a$$ off because I was soaking the cat. I’m happy to report that despite the rocky start, I was able to happily breastfeed until Lukas self-weaned at 18 months.
The first time around I was self-conscious to nurse in public but now with my second son, all shyness is out the window and I’m quite skilled at whipping it out anywhere. Just recently I was sitting on a bench in the mall nursing Isaac. The mall was quite busy so I used my nursing cover to be a bit more covert. A very nice little old man came over and could see Isaac’s feet peeking out from under the cover. He approached me, smiling and saying, “Oh, is there a cute little baby under there? Why is he hiding? Is he sleeping? I’ll just take a peek, I love babies!” Before I could warn him, he lifted up the cover….as his wife comes hobbling out of a store as fast as she can on her cane yelling, “Nooooo Henry!!! It’s her breasts!! Breasts!!” People stopped to see what was going on, the poor little old man was mortified, his wife seemed slightly mad (and I’m not sure if it was at him or me) and I just laughed!
I’m currently 26 weeks along on my first pregnancy so the stories will be coming I’m sure! But the dress is gorgeous!
I am a mom to 3 boys and nursed them all. Technically I have been breastfeeding since Feb of 2007 until present with only a 6 month break. It is crazy. Now for my horror story….I loved my girls. My girls were a beautiful DD and now I’m having a difficult time even locating the girls. I think I need to buy a GPS device!!! Not only have they gone slightly southward, but they changed size too….I’m now only a B cup. If that’s not a crazy story for ya, I don’t know what is!!
No stories from me — other than my one daughter refused to be covered when I would nurse her in public. She always ripped the blanket I had over her to cover up. She loved to see what was going on and would often nurse for a bit then look around for awhile and then repeat:( My other kids I nursed until they were over a year but this one I only breast fed her until about 6 months (however, I nursed her in the morning and before bed until about a year). The bottle was much easier for her to view the world and eat!!!
Side of the highway story. I’m sure we all have those. The trip was under an hour but my husband could not concentrate on the road for all the wailing going on. He pulled over, I wrestled a t-shirt off and latched the babe on. In a weird way, that was probably my most maternal time ever.
I was feeding my baby in the mall in the food court, not showing a thing might I add. And a guy, yes a guy had the gall to say this, said “that’s disgusting, why don’t you go into the bathroom?” Referring to me feeding my baby.
I turned to him eating his hamburger and said, “I find you eating disgusting too so can you please eat in the bathroom too?” His eyes bugged out, he humphed and walked away.
I’m sorry but my baby has every right to eat in a “clean” environmental just as anyone. Now if I had my boob displayed for all too see, I can see some rude comments or looks but my boob was hidden more then the girls walking around with tube tops on.
My story seems a bit tame in comparison…it took a while for my milk to come in but after drinking many chinese soups, eating lots of protein, and drinking lots of water, I was finally able to feed my little one – and how! (he is about 18lbs already and only 14 weeks old!) I was sitting on our new cream coloured couch and noticed that there was a wet spot on the right cushion beside me… didn’t know where it came from and started to wipe at it with a tissue… my left nipple came out of my son’s mouth and I went to put it back in… and I noticed his face was wet — finally realized I was spraying him in the face and luckily I didn’t shoot him in the eyes (he closed them in time)…this was cuz in my haste to feed my son, I had lifted my shirt on both sides and was starting to spray from both boobs…luckily I got spraying/leaking to stop but I now know that I need to keep towels or tissues handy at all times… : )
My horror story was just days after my daughter was born and my milk was squirting across the shower because I was so engorged. Thankfully that didn’t last too long!! I loved every minute of the breastfeeding process and look forward to being able to do it again soon (trying to get preggo!)
No real horror stories for me, thankfully. They get larger, then they get saggier (sigh). My husband does not seem to complain though…wise choice really 🙂
All I can say is they have gotten larger and I now talk to them, trying to coax a little more milk out of left one. I know, crazy, but hey that is life!
I spit coffee out my nose reading this Anne…
I’m afraid if I win the nursing dress I might end up needing it!
You all enjoy that… I’m done! LOL
Mine were fantastic before, during, and even at this very moment…someone took they’re self-esteem pill this morning and it’s only 8 AM!!! LOL ;D…I thought I was logged in when I posted above, but wasn’t…
Having SUCH a visual…classic!
Well, I have had problems with spraying too, because I make milk like crazy! But my aim is actually pretty good, so I sometimes squirt my husband just for fun! What can I say, I don’t have many boob self-conciousness issues!
Mine were fantastic before, during, and even at this very moment…someone took they’re self-esteem pill this morning and it’s only 8 AM!!! LOL ;D
I breastfeed twins, tandem (YES! both at the same time!!), so those days are a blur to me. If something funny happened, while I was feeding them, I totally missed it in my comatose state. I had tried pumping milk, but it was quite laborious and I didn’t end up with much to fill the bottle. Then I realized that with newborn twins, and a two-year-old, there was no chance I was ever going to have a free pass out of the house. No point to pumping milk. I wasn’t going anywhere!
I’m laughing at the memory of spraying! The first time this happened to me I thought I had put my son’s eye out!
I love the wrap, so I’ll chime in after anonymously lurking on your blog for a long time Sara.
I used to be somewhat shy about my boobs – the type who turns away from you in the locker room to put on her shirt. Well, that all changed in the 3 days I spent in the hospital after giving birth to my son. After the first sleepless first night and unsuccessful latch, a nurse offered to give me some tips. We were both slow learners, and it ended in me getting frustrated and her shutting my son up by grabbing my boob and shoving it in his mouth. By the third day I was ringing the call bell regularly, already with shirt open and boob in hand, to get anyone to come help me get started.
When we finally went home from the hospital, my milk still hadn’t come in, and I was starting to mistrust my mothering abilities. That’s why I so clearly remember the moment it all changed and I watched in awe as a wet spot showed up on my pyjamas when I heard my baby cry. I yelled downstairs and my husband and my mother ran up and crowded around my bed, and we all watched in awe as the drops of milk beaded up slowly and fell one after another. “Wow, that’s how it works” (in retrospect, I guess my mom already knew how it worked, but she was still excited). I’d certainly come a long way in my modesty at that point.
As a footnote – despite initial lack of confidence and a rough start, my son and I did learn to get our act together and enjoyed a year of breastfeeding until I reluctantly gave it up. I’m glad we stuck it out!
After breast feeding 2 kids – I can tell you I no longer have boobs – flat as a board now!
My craziest nursing story occurred 4 days after my little boy was born.
A day after baby and I came home from the hospital we made our first trip to visit our family doctor. The visit occurred after what might have been one of the most trying nights of our family’s life when I think the three of us (baby, husband & me) only got about a combined total of 2 hours sleep thanks to it being baby boy’s first night at home.
We got to the doctor’s office and after checking in sat in the waiting area. There was a woman there who immediately cooed, “Oooohhh a baby.” I was exhausted and honestly still coping with the effects of the baby blues. I was basically still in a state of shock so I’m sure I appeared pretty inept as a mother. The woman kept talking to me, saying how much she loves babies. She was giving me advice I don’t remember, again saying over and over how much she loves babies. At one point my son started to cry and my husband suggested I nurse the baby. I was getting ready to nurse when the baby lovin’ lady sat down next to me, grabbed my boob and stuck it in my boy’s mouth. Almost immediately after doing this her name was called and she hopped up and out of the waiting room to see her doctor. As I said, I wasn’t quite myself at that time so I think I appeared unfazed, that is until my husband turned to me with eyes wide open and asked, “Did that stranger just grab your boob???”
Great idea….
Nursed four kids for two years each so you can imagine what my girls look like! Sad little empty ziploc bags. Thank God for good bras. Stories– same deal with first born–after my first post birth shower I kept wiping the bathroom mirror and it kept getting messed up…didn’t realize I was spraying it as I cleaned it! Nice. My first visit to Victoria’s Secret with a 14 month in tow…he was in the stroller….perfect height for the hanging bra displays and began to pretend to nurse on a very sexy bra. Also nice.
ummm ‘rovered it up’ – Je-sus…..visual….
okay – this is HILARIOUS!!!!
Ummmm…. these are all a little lame compared to multiple nipple story. I’m putting myself back in the running and giving the prize (when I win) to a pregnant/nursing friend. Kick it up a notch there ladies. Who else ‘rovered’ it up with a couple extra?
I am only just now hitting my 12 week point. SO I don’t really have any great BOOB stories. But I can say they have grown 2 cup sizes. And I was an HH to begin with.
Needles to say my DH is loving it. And I don’t mind the added……groping AKA massaging of the BOOBS……they are so hot and sore all the time. And if It all leads to a little romp in the sack….it’s an added bonus.
My son is only 3 weeks old so my crazy story is still to come. Thus far I’m pretty happy that I finally have more than a hand full; however they are totally off limits. So my husband can have his cake…. to look at!
LMAO! What happened to my boobs?? Well they got a whole lot saggier! And I have stretch marks underneath!! I’m not too proud of my “girls” these days, that’s for sure!
I remember the first time my “boobs” started spraying by themselves, I mean really SPRAYING, not just leaking! I was feeding my daughter off my right one when I heard my husband ask “what is THAT??” I had no idea what he was talking about so I started looking around to try to see what he saw, and then I saw it! I solid stream of milk was spraying across the room from my left breast!! OMG it was huge! I was drowning the coffee table in from of me! I quickly took my daughter off my right breast but didn’t know it too would still be spraying, I started almost drowning my lil girl with the stream of milk flying out, it was going up her nose and in her eyes. I had milk coming from both breasts, spraying in every which way!! It was sooo embarrassing! Nobody told me THAT could happen. Needless to say, after that, I always attached a pump to the breast I wasn’t using, to catch the overflow!
my boobs were fantastic back in the day! (that’s when they were full of milk 🙂
on a car trip out east one year there was so much going on that my now oldest didn’t drink much much to my chagrin and, of course, my breast pump was 2 hours away. i had to milk myself in a moving car into a tim horton’s coffee cup. then after a family dinner and we all had to part ways my b.i.l. gave me a really big hug which resulted in me screaming in pain and a large explosion of milk over both of us!