Consumer Generated Media (CGM) is created by consumers. It is often inspired by relevant experiences or common interests. There are many different ways we generate media as consumers – through word of mouth, passing on emails, chat rooms, blogs, etc.
If the message, product, or service resonates strongly with a certain group, these communications can be extremely powerful and viral. Companies are finding it more and more difficult to control the message communicated about their products through advertising because consumers are making their opinions known. Today, consumers are very savvy and know what they want.
Companies can participate in CGM but only in a passive way. They can provide content or information but they can not dictate the message. With Consumer Generated Media, once the message is no longer in the hands of the consumer, its integrity is compromised and trust in the source is lost. stands by this philosophy 100%. Our mission is to provide other urban moms with information about products, services, and issues that we, as urban moms, value. There are endorsements on our site but only if we truly believe in the product or service. If information or content is provided by a company as an expert source, we will let you know. You can be assured that what you are reading is not an ad but simply the opinion of one of the team or one of our members.
Take the message into your own hands and empower yourself as a consumer. Email us ideas or information that you think would be interesting or useful to other urban moms and start generating some media!
The Team
Hi…I’m a journalist. I’d like to do an interview on the weekend of Auguust 13th about kids with cell phones. In particular, I’m looking for a mom who has given one to her child/ren because she thinks they’re a good idea.
Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you,