Oh, toddlers. Stubborn, curious, crazy-making, and completely adorable, they live in a world all their own. These books celebrate them as they are, and make for fun reading for your own little guys. All By Myself!
by Geraldine Collet
ISBN: 978 1 92697 312 8
When mommy hens leave their five little chicks in the nest while they go out to find some grain to feed them, the little chicks get a little upset. Their responses are different, according to their personalities, but everyone is relieved when the moms show up. The littlest one is determined to be just like the slightly older chicks and eat all by himself.
This simple little book is a nice level for toddlers and preschoolers, who may also identify with one of the brood. The mixed media art is interesting and suite this well, being cute, but ore quirky than soft. It is even the sort of thing an older child could even try their own hand at. My Alfie Collection
by Shirley Hughes
Bodley Head
ISBN: 978 0 370 33209 3
Shirley Hughes’ Alfie stories are wonderfully classic fare for little kids, and this is a repackage of four Alfie stories in a nice little bundle that would make a great intro the the characters or a really nice little gift. Alfie, a young boy with a little sister, is very much your average little boy, and these stories celebrate the everyday little adventures that make up childhood – getting new rainboots, going to birthday parties, a leaky roof, or getting locked out of the house.
The real treat with these books is the illustrations – Shirley Hughes has been beloved for her realistic and warm images of middle-class British life, and her children are always wonderfully expressive. Alfie is quite the little charmer – and looks just like every little boy you know.