Halloween is over.
The decorations are taken down. The pumpkins are in the trash. The costumes are put away for dress-up days.
And all that’s left is a whole lot of pesky, pesky candy. Now you are left with one very important question…What to do with all the candy so that it doesn’t end up on your hips or thighs or behind??
Did you know what you can FREEZE it? oh yes, you can! You can eat your Halloween candy all year long!
Or take it to work. Or send it to work with your husband. or better yet, share it with everyone…including mail carriers, housekeepers, dog walkers, etc.
You can save it for the December holidays. You can use Halloween candy to stuff Christmas stockings or as prizes for Hanukah dreidel games. You can save it and use it to make an elaborate gingerbread house.
You can take it to a local food bank or donate it to a senior citizen’s home.
You need a lot of will power! We get rid of it by having the Halloween Fairy come and take the candy (daddy takes it to work) and leave a small present in exchange. Then mommy can’t eat it because it is out of the house!