Winter sucks the joy from my soul, the marrow from my bones, the glimmer from my eyes.
Now that we’ve been graced with a glimpse of spring, a quiet promise of melting snow and gleaming sunshine, I find myself breathing in a bit of hope I didn’t even realize I had lost. It happens every year: spring re-emerges and I come back to life a little.
I live in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, where we are lucky enough to experience some of Canada’s mildest winter blasts, but I am still such a pansy about the cold. I hate the grey skies, the low valley cloud, the dozens of sopping boots and lost mittens and sniffly noses.
Once our kids are a bit older, I really do hope to do a better job of enjoying winter by hitting the local ski hills or going sledding, but Brinley is just too little for those things just yet, and so we have spent another season festering indoors, cursing the cold.
I am ready for more daylight, cute spring dresses, pedicures for a reason, and warm weather!
And, you know, casual walks through sunflower fields. The usual.
Are you sad to see winter go? Did you make the most of it, or did you count down the cold, cold minutes until it had passed?
i am not a winter person at all. i spend a lot of the winter just wishing it would be over. i wish i could ski or snowshoe , but it’s just not who i am. can’t wait for spring! dresses, sandals, sun, long walks!
Still kinda waiting for winter to fully arrive.
The post I wrote about our winter walk was the most snow we’ve had and we only had it for a few days. It’s all gone now.
It’s pretty bizarre. It was 10c here earlier in the week.
I am SO with you. WE’re having a little warm spell here and the first thing I did was grab a dress and a pair of tights and only-somewhat-sensible shoes. Thank goodness for the break in boring winter clothes! Hate the way winter saps energy, moisture, and will to live. UGH.
Montreal is kind of brutal. I do not enjoy the winter, even a little bit. Save for a sprinkling of snow on Christmas Eve, I’m pretty much ready for summer by January 1st. Ack. Boo! Grumble…
You know that winter has nearly KILLED ME DEAD.
We will survive. And then we will park our butts on beach chairs and bask in the sun.