My workouts for the past 13 years have been quite similar: 40-60 minutes of cardio followed by some sit-ups. Of course, there have been long hiatuses where there has been no exercise – having two kids within 18 months and then the aftermath of that took a toll on my fitness.
This past year, I’ve really tried to start fixing some of the damage to my body that took place over the past five years. Not only for superficial reasons but for my own sense of well-being too. I realise the need to feel stronger, more centered and healthier. I began my new pursuit with my same old workout from years ago, but quickly found that this was getting me nowhere. Realising the need for some help in this area, I signed up for a few sessions with a personal trainer to educate myself and learn some new strategies.
Exercising with my trainer has been very illuminating: she’s taught me the importance of strength training, and the importance of interval training in achieving my specific goals. I learned a lot from our sessions and have now moved on to doing weights and resistance training on my own, along with cardio – making sure that I achieve the right heart rate.
I’ve always been hesitant to do the exercise classes at my gym, because I’m nervous that I won’t be able to keep up, or worse – I’ll fall over and completely humiliate myself. Last week, a friend encouraged me to go to a boxing class with her. I agreed reluctantly and it was great! Wearing boxing gloves and pounding that punching bag was incredibly therapeutic and stress-relieving. Intermittently, the instructor (an incredibly cheerful and hyper-motivating personality whose energy I covet) threw in rounds of lunges, squats, sit-ups and jumping jacks. It was 90 minutes of major total-body workout and to my surprise, I kept up! It felt good to feel stronger and more fit. I’m still a long way from where I used to be but I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Fitness classes are the best! It’s all I do. I cannot sit on a machine. And, I love the energy of all the peeps, the music, etc.. And, you know, I fell on my butt once, and I lived to tell about it! 😉 I don’t get embarrassed easily, though…. 🙂