Reading has always been an important part of my life, giving me sustenance and an escape from reality. I studied literature as my undergraduate major, and intellectually, I consider that time in my life to be the most personally fulfilling. Reading books from many different eras, contextualizing them against different areas of study, and dissecting them myself – it was fascinating and I loved every minute of it.
For practical reasons, I went to law school after my BA, and I don’t regret it. I met my husband there, and acquired a solid education that has opened many doors. However, my heart lies in literature, and no other study could rival its power in invoking my complete passion and dedication.
baby was a few days old!), The Meaning of Wife, The Trouble with Islam, Life Isn’t All Ha Ha Hee Hee and many more.
A couple of years ago, it happened at a few successive meetings that people had not read the book or were not showing up. It was the time of marriages, new babies, and life transitions. We made the decision to put our club on hiatus. Recently, we reunited with the decision to meet 4 times a year instead of on monthly basis. Our meeting was last
Wednesday and what a blast! It was just the five of us, and the book of choice was Ian McKewan’s Atonement. I had found it to be a difficult read emotionally, but the imminent gathering of our club pushed me forward to finish the book. Completing the novel was so rewarding as the ending of the book was magical and tied everything together that had left me so heartbroken. I can’t describe to you how much the meeting of our club impacted me: As I expect my third child and juggle numerous responsibilities, it was such a gift to carve out that space for myself and intellectual banter with a precious group of like-minded people. On Wednesday, I think my feelings were shared, as everyone had not only read the book, but arrived with enthusiasm to discuss and dissect. The conversation addressed some of the more controversial topics in the novel and then veered to other topics of current events that were equally riveting and relevant.
Our next choice for the club is Love in the Time of Cholera, which you may recall from a recent post, is one of my all-time faves. I can’t wait to delve back into this past love and experience it all over again.
sounds like fun.and i think i’ll check out atonement too. i have almost finished reading love in the time of cholera.what a great book.
Thanks for sharing about your book club Amreen. My book club jsut celebrated its 10th anniversary and we meet once a month. I don’t always have all the books read and can’t always make each meeting but I have learned so much about literature and life from these women that I some weeks I can’t wait to hang out with them!