I took Cuyler to Zellers on the weekend and asked him to go pick out a card that said Thank You on it.
He came back with a simple card that read on the front “Angels aren’t just in Heaven anymore“
The inside read “Thank you for being so wonderful“
I couldn’t think of a more appropriate card for his EA.
She is an amazing lady who possesses the patience of Jobe. She is the very balance that a kid like Cuyler needs. A calming soft voice, but the firm hand he needs when testing her patience.
She is an amazing lady who possesses the patience of Jobe. She is the very balance that a kid like Cuyler needs. A calming soft voice, but the firm hand he needs when testing her patience.
Pair this with his amazing teacher – he had the Dream Team for grade 1. He really did. The whole year was just full of growth and progress for him and grade one proved to be a great success.
I found out a few weeks ago that his EA will be moving out of town and will not be at our school next year. I was devastated when she told me. She was to be with him again next year.
My only comfort is that he will be with the same teacher next year for grade 2.
Yesterday was an emotionally difficult day for me. For all of the school. Not only am I losing Cuyler’s EA, but our principal retired. I only have experience with her as a principal as she was there when Cam started school 5 years ago. She made Cuyler’s transition into school smooth, was always able to calm my Irish temper me down and always had the right words anytime I found myself crying in her office.
There was an emotion filled assembly with singing and gifts and laughing and alot of tears.
But we all made it through. Just barely…saying goodbye sucks.
I can only hope that grade two will be the same fantastic experience as grade one was, even though she won’t be with him.

I should also acknowledge how proud I am of both boys’ report cards. Blown away. They worked very hard and it paid off in the form of good grades and more importantly – a feeling of competence and accomplishment.
Also – opening their backpacks and finding the contents of their desks inside – not fun. My recycling is full. I did keep some things.
Like Cuyler’s portrait book, where they drew a picture each month. In April, the theme was earth week. This is what Cuyler drew/wrote:

Like Cuyler’s portrait book, where they drew a picture each month. In April, the theme was earth week. This is what Cuyler drew/wrote:

Umm…ya. Remember what I said about us being a big TV family…? Mmm hmm.
That reminds me to remind YOU to enter my Playhouse Disney DVD contest if you haven’t already!
That reminds me to remind YOU to enter my Playhouse Disney DVD contest if you haven’t already!
Happy Summer!
Hi Christine,
Your Principal (me) was very emotional too. I am leaving so many good friends behind in the staff and parents and how could you not miss that wonderful group of children singing “Goodbye Precious Friend”. I could barely hold it together. Here’s hoping we can stay in contact through your blog and I can hear about and see the growth of your children, particularly Cuyler. Hugs!
What a touching post! Coming from the side of your EA…I worked with kids with Autism for close to 10 years I can tell you for a fact that your thoughts and emotion towards her mean the world. If she was fantastic that is because she truly cares and believe me when i say that it was probably just as bittersweet for her. When I worked with kids with Autism there was no greater reward (aside from the kids) than true recognition from the parents. Which to be honest did not happen as often as it perhaps should. Hats off to you for being one of the remarkable ones who take the time to say “thank you”
Enjoy summer!
This is just the sort of info I was looking for! Thanks 🙂
You *have* had a wonderful principal, but I know she’ll enjoy her retirement.
From someone whose kids are moving on to their FOURTH principal in 5 years at one school, my experience may be a comfort. All of our principals have been wonderful in their own ways: each different, each excellent. I’m sure it’ll be the same at your school.
Have a great summer!
Sniff…i’ll be a mess when Will starts ‘school’ – he’s graduating the senior toddler room today and I’m sad! WTF?
That earth day picture is fantastic!