Over the past fourteen years I have hosted so many birthday parties that I have lost count. Each year it became more and more of chore and expensive. Having them at the home was an option on some occassions but when you have as many children as I do it gets harder to focus on the birthday child because usually I was having to deal with siblings who wanted in on all the action, babies who needed atttention etc..
On May 10 my son Sebastian turned 10 and I took a hard decision – no more birthday parties. I was not a popular person let me tell you. My children wanted a party with their friends and I understood – but I stood firm on my decision. My son Zachary turned 7 yesterday and I still stood firm. Birthday parties have just taken way too much of a toll on me, because it is usually only me here to do all the planning, preparation, and then dealing with the actual party itself. So I began a new tradition and a slight twist to the birthday party.
The birthday child wakes up and opens the presents that are all nicely wrapped on the dining room table.
Birthday child checks out new presents (maybe even shares with siblings) and then breakfast is served.
Usual routine in the morning
Lunch then cake! Yummy!
Pinata time and if it’s nice – outside play time!
Birthday child gets to choose where they want to eat dinner with the family. Can you guess where this is?
So far the past two birthdays have been just as exciting celebrating with the family, but of course there are still six more parties to go!
And wouldn’t you know it! I managed to even get a picture of all 8 together!!:) My crazy monkeys are back row – Left to Right – Zachary, Arielle, Ryley, Front row Left to Right – Marie holding Thatcher (who really wanted to run away) Joshua with Tanner and Sebastian.
What about you? How do you celebrate your child’s birthday?
Until next time,
Chantel, momof8crazy-but beautiful-monkeys;)
I absolutely love a good party! I take after my Opa in that. That being said I come from a small family (2 kids, little extended family) and myself have only two kids (no cousins). My daughter turns five this week and I am throwing her a small party with three friends and then we’re having a family party. I am not one for extravagant all-out parties, just something fun to make the birthday person feel special. If I had more kids I probably would keep the celebrations to family only too!
i’m a traditionalist so i was having home parties for a while until the screaming in the house put me over the edge. sometimes getting out and finding something OUTSIDE my four walls is good. a little extra expense is worth it for someone else cleaning up for you 🙂