One of the greatest things about being yourself is that it is always right. It is always comfortable and so darn easy to remember. It comes without rehearsal or reservation.
When I was a teenager there was the ME I was to parents and the ME I was everywhere else. The babysitter ME. The somewhat crazy about boys ME.The student ME. The dating ME. The volunteer ME. The Party ME.
In my twenties there was the working ME and the weekend Me. Thankfully, my boss never saw us out on Saturday night getting into no good.
Then there was the pre -mom- ME and there was the ME as mom of small people. I needed to share but not swear. I needed to be patient and not impulsive. I needed to make “smart choices”. BOO. I needed a sensible and safe car with no sex appeal, I needed jeans with stretch. I needed to sneak junk food when the littles were not looking. I tried not to say “stupid” or “$%^&” or eat white flour.
Then there was the later – married ME and the real ME. The ME
that was quietly and privately very unhappy but outwardly fine thanks because after all look at everything I had.
Now there is the ME ME. I feel completely transparent. I have no sides to me. I am not a box. My family, children, friends and students know the ME ME. I am the realest of real MES. I write my story, I tell it as I see it, I am the total ME in my work, my home and out in the world. It isn’t always pretty but its ME.
So this is the beauty of age that everyone always told me about.
It is simply the best time in the world to be me.
No one is supposed to say this out loud but really isn’t it a great thing to feel and say? I know you feel the same way- tell us about it…………
yes, I love that expression “bien dans sa peau”
Good in one’s skin!
I’m getting better at liking myself the way I am… and I worry less and less about what other people think, slowly but surely. My skin is changing in the way that it looks, but it feels better than it did before. More comfortable. Maybe even more beautiful… 😉
Nice post, Village!
sorry I have to disagree
you are perfect.
and I love you!
I think you nailed this one. The greatest gift of getting older is being comfortable in your own skin. It isn’t that you think you are perfect. It is quite different from that actually. It is knowing that you are not perfect, not wanting to be perfect and being quite happy with who you are. You have consciously made the decision to be the way you are. Sure we could all do with some tweaking but for the most part this is me and I like me.