One of the most difficult challenges in the weight loss/wellness world is continual progress. So often I see women and men who lose the weight and then as soon as they leave the nest, they regain it all back again. People who start exercise programs only to stop when they have made great progress.
There are a number of reasons why this may happen but one reason that stands to me is because we rarely take the time to reflect on our progress and to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. We do it for our kids. We do it for our friends. Why wouldn’t you do it for yourself?
If you are working towards a health goal, take time to keep track of your accomplishments. Reflect on your progress. One day you will look back and say, “I could not do that last month.” Good job me.
This is really an important thing to remember. I started keeping a journal with measurements, weight as well as numbers of reps etc. Once a month I reflect on this (usually when I am feeling discouraged) and I think wow I have come really far. This is the pat on my own back that keeps me motivated for the next month.
I SO need to start doing this. It is amazing how easily I get down on myself but when I deserve a bit of praise it doesn’t seem nearly as easy!